P. 10

                Friday 17 November 2017
            Iraqi Kurd lawmakers returning to Baghdad after boycott

            By  SINAN  SALAHEDDIN-       ter  a  military  and  political  attend  Thursday’s  session.  prime minister to the nego-  the constitution when they
            BAGHDAD  (AP)  —  Iraq’s  standoff  that  followed  the  The party’s members have  tiating  table.  “We  want  to  campaigned and voted in
            Kurdish  lawmakers  are  re-  divisive  Kurdish  indepen-  boycotted  the  parliament  start dialogue with the cen-  the  referendum.Earlier  this
            turning  to  Baghdad  this  dence vote in September.      since it declared the Kurd-  tral  government,”  he  said,  week,  the  self-ruled  Kurd-
            week  after  boycotting  the  Kurdish lawmakers had an-   ish  referendum  unconstitu-  adding that attempts to do  ish  regional  government
            national  parliament,  a  se-  nounced they would return  tional just before the Sept.  so from Irbil, the Kurdish re-  accepted  an  earlier  fed-
            nior  Kurdish  official  said  to parliament, but an Iraqi  25 independence vote.      gional capital, have failed.  eral  court  ruling  that  Iraq
            Thursday,   though    they  lawmaker,  Josef  Slewa,  Renas Jano, a lawmaker for  Iraqi lawmaker Razzaq Mo-        must remain unified. “It is a
            have yet to attend any leg-  told  The  Associated  Press  the party, said its legislators  heibis  said  that  the  return  catalyst  toward  removing
            islative session.            that Kurdish legislators from  are returning to Baghdad in  of  the  Kurdish  lawmakers  the  impact  of  the  uncon-
            The  move  is  an  apparent  Masoud  Barzani’s  Kurdish  hopes their presence in the  was  still  under  discussion  stitutional  referendum  the
            concession to Baghdad af-    Democratic  Party  did  not  Iraqi  capital  will  bring  the  and that they had violated  region held,” q
             Egypt tries to avoid a fight as allies escalate against Iran

                                                                                                   sis  with  Iran  or  Hezbollah,  newspaper   Al-Shorouk,
                                                                                                   and he called for dialogue  Imad  Hussein,  wrote  this
                                                                                                   to resolve tensions.         week.
                                                                                                   Other  Egyptian  officials  Hussein, who is close to the
                                                                                                   sharpened  their  rhetoric  government, made sure to
                                                                                                   against  non-Arab,  Shiite  praise  Saudi  Arabia’s  re-
                                                                                                   Iran,  but  have  not  em-   gional role, its financial sup-
                                                                                                   braced  the  sectarian  or  port  for  Egypt  and  its  cus-
                                                                                                   ethnic  slant  used  by  their  todianship of Islam’s holiest
                                                                                                   Sunni-led Gulf friends.      shrines.
                                                                                                   In  the  past  month,  Saudi  He  also  avoided  naming
                                                                                                   Arabia has twice accused  Saudi  Crown  Prince  Mo-
                                                                                                   Iran  and  its  Lebanese  ally  hammed  bin  Salman,  the
                                                                                                   Hezbollah  of  acts  of  war  heir  to  the  throne  behind
                                                                                                   against it.                  the kingdom’s more hawk-
                                                                                                   A  direct  war  between  the  ish anti-Iran stance. He has
                                                                                                   two  regional  powerhouses  driven  aggressive  regional
                                                                                                   still  seems  unlikely;  but  the  policies,  including  military
                                                                                                   heightened  rhetoric  raised  intervention in Yemen and
                                                                                                   fears  that  it  wasn’t  out  of  the ostracizing of Qatar —
                                                                                                   the question or that a new  a  move  that  Egypt  fell  in
                                                                                                   proxy  fight  could  erupt  in  line with.
            In this Tuesday, Nov. 14, 2017 photo, released by the Saudi Press Agency, Saudi Crown Prince
            Mohammed bin Salman meets with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry in Riyadh, Saudi   Lebanon.                  Another  prominent  com-
            Arabia. Egypt faces high expectations from Saudi Arabia and its other Gulf Arab benefactors that   Egyptian   commenta-  mentator,  veteran  oppo-
            it will have their back as tensions rise with their rival Iran. But Egypt clearly has no desire to be   tors  have  bluntly  warned  sition  figure  Mohammed
            dragged into a military conflict and that reluctance could lead to frictions between Cairo and   against  getting  mired  into  Aboul-Ghar,   counselled
            Riyadh.                                                                                a  military  conflict  initiated  the  government  to  stay
                                                                        (Saudi Press Agency via AP)  by the Saudis.             out of any potential Saudi-
            By HAMZA HENDAWI             desire  to  be  dragged  into  to its Gulf allies while trying   “Egypt’s real national duty  Iran  conflict,  arguing  that
            Associated Press             a  military  conflict  or  to  to  defuse  their  escalations   is to tell our brothers ... that  Egypt’s  army  was  needed
            CAIRO (AP) — Egypt faces  see  the  tensions  spiral  into  against Iran.              we  are  with  them  to  de-  to fight an insurgency by Is-
            high   expectations   from  another  Saudi-Iran  proxy  Last week, President Abdel-    fend  the  security  of  Saudi  lamic militants and protect
            Saudi  Arabia  and  its  other  battle  like  the  many  that  Fattah  el-Sissi  proclaimed   Arabia,  the  Gulf  and  the  the porous borders.
            Gulf Arab benefactors that  are already tearing up the  that any threat to Gulf se-    entire  region  ...  But  that  “Coming  close  to  that
            it  will  have  their  back  as  Middle East.             curity  “is  a  threat  to  our   does  not  mean  that  we  dangerous  (Gulf)  region  is
            tensions  rise  with  their  rival  Its  reluctance  could  lead  own   national   security,”   get dragged by them into  a  horrifying  prospect.  It’s
            Iran, including throwing the  to  frictions  between  Cairo  warning  Iran  to  stop  med-  wars and conflicts that are  neither  wise  nor  sound  to
            weight of its military — the  and Riyadh.                 dling.  But  he  also  said  the   essentially  sectarian  and  even  talk  about  that,”  he
            largest standing Arab army  Egypt’s    leadership   has  region  “has  enough  insta-  benefit  no  one  except  wrote  in  Tuesday’s  edition
            — into the crisis if needed.  been  striking  a  balancing  bility  and  challenges  as  it   the  enemies  of  the  (Arab)  of the Cairo daily Al-Masry
            But  Egypt  clearly  has  no  act, giving nods of support  is” and doesn’t need a cri-  nation,”  the  editor  of  the  Al-Youm.q
             Syria activists: 22 civilians die in fighting near Damascus

            By PHILIP ISSA               The  fighting  in  the  opposi-   Syrian state media, mean-  Center.  Fighting  over  the  purporting to show several
            Associated Press             tion-held  Eastern  Ghouta  while,  said  rebel  shelling  faci  ity  was  still  underway  munitions caches it uncov-
            BEIRUT (AP) —                outside Damascus is the lat-  from the area killed six peo-  Thursday,   according   to  ered inside the compound.
            Syrian  government  shelling  est in now regular breaches  ple and wounded 45 in the  the  Observatory’s  director,  An  aid  warehouse  was
            and  airstrikes  have  killed  of  a  local  truce  brokered  government-held capital.  Rami   Abdurrahman.Pro-     damaged  by  the  fighting,
            nearly  two  dozen  civilians  by  Russia,  Turkey  and  Iran,  Fighters  from  the  rebel  government  forces  lost  37  spoiling  food  stocks,  the
            in  three  days  of  fighting  in  that came into force in Au-  Ahrar  al-Sham  faction  on  fighters, including nine offi-  World Food Program said in
            the  suburbs  of  the  capital  gust.The  Britain-based  Syr-  Wednesday  penetrated  a  cers, in the clashes; scores  a statement.
            where  rebels  are  trying  to  ian Observatory for Human  military compound outside  of rebels were also killed or   It said WFP “condemns the
            take  over  a  military  instal-  Rights said 22 civilians have  Harasta,  a  town  in  Eastern  wounded, the Observatory  destruction  of  humanitar-
            lation, activists and a moni-  been killed, and more than  Ghouta,  according  to  the  said.Ahrar  al-Sham’s  me-  ian food supplies in Eastern
            toring group said Thursday.  100 wounded.                 activist-run  Ghouta  Media  dia  arm  published  photos  Ghouta.”q
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