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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 17 November 2017

             New Jersey senator’s bribery trial ends in a hung jury

            By DAVID PORTER                                                                                                     U.S.  visas  for  the  63-year-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    old   doctor’s   girlfriends.
            NEWARK,  N.J.  (AP)  —  The                                                                                         According  to  prosecutors,
            federal bribery trial of Dem-                                                                                       Melgen    essentially   put
            ocratic  Sen.  Bob  Menen-                                                                                          Menendez  on  the  payroll
            dez  ended  Thursday  with                                                                                          and  made  the  politician
            the  jury  hopelessly  dead-                                                                                        his   “personal   senator,”
            locked  on  all  charges,  a                                                                                        available  as  needed.  The
            partial  victory  for  him  that                                                                                    defense  argued  that  the
            could  nevertheless  leave                                                                                          gifts were not bribes but to-
            the case hanging over his                                                                                           kens of friendship between
            head  as  he  gears  up  for                                                                                        two men who have known
            re-election  to  a  sharply                                                                                         each  other  for  more  than
            divided  Senate.  U.S.  Dis-                                                                                        20  years  and  were  “like
            trict  Judge  William  Walls                                                                                        brothers.”  The  jurors  were
            declared  a  mistrial  after                                                                                        instructed  that  they  could
            more  than  six  full  days  of                                                                                     find the men guilty even if
            deliberations failed to pro-                                                                                        they  felt  the  prosecution
            duce  a  verdict  on  any  of                                                                                       didn’t  match  specific  gifts
            the  18  counts  against  the                                                                                       to specific acts by Menen-
            New Jersey politician or his                                                                                        dez.  Jurors  needed  more,
            co-defendant,  a  wealthy    Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez becomes emotional as he speaks to reporters in front of the   according to Norris.
            Florida  eye  doctor  ac-    courthouse in Newark, N.J., Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017. The federal bribery trial of Menendez ended   “I just wish there was stron-
            cused  of  buying  Menen-    in a mistrial Thursday when the jury said it was hopelessly deadlocked on all charges against the   ger  evidence  right  out  of
            dez’s  influence  by  plying   New Jersey politician and a wealthy donor.                                           the  gate,”  the  juror  said.
            him  with  luxury  vacations                                                                  (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)  “It was a victimless crime, I
            and  campaign  contribu-     the case and thanked the  ban immigrants.                 Melgen’s jet and hundreds    think, and it was an email
            tions.  Prosecutors  would   jurors  in  the  2½-month  trial  Jury  member  Edward  Nor-  of  thousands  of  dollars  in   trial.  I  just  didn’t  see  a
            not say whether they plan    “who saw through the gov-    ris said 10 jurors wanted to  contributions to campaign   smoking gun.”
            to retry Menendez. But on    ernment’s false claims and  acquit  Menendez  on  all  organizations that support-     The  charges  against  the
            the  political  front,  forces   used  their  Jersey  common  charges, while two held out  ed  the  senator  directly  or   men   included   bribery,
            were  already  mobilizing    sense to reject it.”         for conviction.              indirectly.  In  return,  pros-  conspiracy  and  honest
            against him, with GOP Sen-   “Certain  elements  of  the  Norris  said  that  after  the  ecutors  said,  Menendez   services  fraud,  which  was
            ate  Majority  Leader  Mitch   FBI  and  of  our  state  can-  prosecution  rested,  “in  my  pressured  government  of-  the  most  serious  count  of
            McConnell     immediately    not  stand,  or  even  worse,  gut  I  was  like,  ‘That’s  it?  ficials  on  Melgen’s  behalf   all, punishable by up to 20
            calling for an ethics inves-  accept that the Latino kid  That’s all they had?’”       over  an  $8.9  million  Medi-  years  in  prison.  The  sena-
            tigation of him. Outside the   from  Union  City  and  Hud-  Menendez was accused of  care  billing  dispute  and  a   tor was also charged with
            courthouse,  a  choked-up    son County could grow up  selling his political influence  stalled contract to provide   making false statements in
            Menendez  fought  back       to be a United States sena-  to  Dr.  Salomon  Melgen  port  screening  equipment      failing  to  report  gifts  from
            tears  as  he  blasted  fed-  tor  and  be  honest,”  said  for  vacations  in  the  Carib-  in  the  Dominican  Repub-  Melgen on his financial dis-
            eral authorities for bringing   the  63-year-old  son  of  Cu-  bean  and  Paris,  flights  on  lic, and also helped obtain   closure form. q

             Drug firm founder pleads not guilty to opioid bribe scheme

            BOSTON (AP) — A pharma-      said Thursday.John Kapoor,  Kelly  said  Kapoor  isn’t  a  a highly addictive fentanyl  kickbacks  to  doctors  to
            ceutical company founder  of  Insys  Therapeutics  Inc.,  flight risk and wants to clear  spray that’s made by Insys  write large numbers of pre-
            accused of leading a con-    pleaded  not  guilty  in  Bos-  his  name  in  court.“He’s  Therapeutics,  a  specialty  scriptions for the potent opi-
            spiracy to bribe doctors to  ton’s  federal  courthouse,  not  going  to  desert  the  pharmaceutical  company  oid that’s meant for cancer
            prescribe  a  powerful  opi-  and  his  lawyer  urged  the  USA because of this case,”  whose  corporate  offices  patients  called  Subsys.For-
            oid  pain  medication  will  judge  to  allow  him  to  re-  Kelly  told  the  judge.  “He  are in Chandler, Arizona.  mer CEO Michael L. Babich
            fight  the  charges  against  move  an  electronic  moni-  doesn’t believe it’s a strong  Kapoor, 74, and other Insys  and others are set to go to
            him  and  believes  he  will  toring  bracelet  while  he  case. He wants to fight this  executives  and  managers  trial  next  year  and  have
            be vindicated, his attorney  awaits  trial.  Attorney  Brian  case.”The case centers on  are  charged  with  offering  pleaded not guilty. q
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