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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 17 November 2017
             Big House victory for GOP tax plan, but Senate fate unclear

            By ALAN FRAM                                                                                                        to the point we can’t pass
            Associated Press                                                                                                    it.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Re-                                                                                            ”The  House  plan  and  a
            publicans  rammed  a  $1.5                                                                                          comparable        proposal
            trillion  overhaul  of  Ameri-                                                                                      Republicans    hoped    to
            cans’ business and person-                                                                                          push  through  the  Senate
            al  income  taxes  through                                                                                          Finance  Committee  by
            the  U.S.  House  Thursday,                                                                                         week’s  end  would  deliver
            edging  the  nation  toward                                                                                         the  bulk  of  tax  reductions
            its  biggest  rewrite  in  three                                                                                    to businesses.
            decades  and  President                                                                                             Each version would cut the
            Donald  Trump  and  the                                                                                             35  percent  corporate  tax
            GOP toward their first ma-                                                                                          rate  to  20  percent,  while
            jor legislative triumph after                                                                                       reducing  personal  rates
            10  bumpy  months  of  con-                                                                                         for  many  taxpayers  and
            trolling government.                                                                                                erasing  but  also  shrinking
            However, the mostly party-                                                                                          deductions. Projected fed-
            line  227-205  vote  masked                                                                                         eral deficits would grow by
            more ominous problems in                                                                                            $1.5 trillion over 10 years.
            the Senate.                                                                                                         As  decades  of  Republi-
            There,  a  similar  package                                                                                         cans  have  done  before
            received a politically awk-                                                                                         them,   GOP     lawmakers
            ward  verdict  from  non-    House Ways and Means Chair Rep. Kevin Brady, R-Texas, center, is welcomed by House Repub-  touted  their  tax  cuts  as  a
            partisan     congressional   licans including from left, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of Calif., House Speaker Paul   boon  to  families  across  all
            analysts  showing  it  would   Ryan of Wis., Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., and Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., as they ar-  income  lines  and  a  boost
            eventually produce higher    rive to speak to the media following a vote on the GOP tax bill, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017, on Capitol   for businesses and the en-
                                         Hill in Washington.

                                                                                                      (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

            taxes for low- and middle-                                                                                          tire economy.q
            income  earners  but  deep   include the AARP lobby for
            reductions for those better   older people, major medi-
            off.Those projections came   cal  organizations,  Realtors
            a day after Wisconsin Sen.   — and, in all likelihood, all
            Ron  Johnson  became  the    Senate Democrats.
            first  GOP  senator  to  state   With this summer’s crash of
            opposition to the measure,   the GOP effort to dismantle
            saying  it  didn’t  cut  levies   President Barack Obama’s
            enough for millions of part-  health  care  law,  Republi-
            nerships and corporations.   cans  see  a  successful  tax
            With at least five other Re-  effort  as  the  best  way  to
            publican  senators  yet  to   avert  major  losses  in  next
            declare  support,  the  bill’s   year’s  congressional  elec-
            fate is far from certain in a   tions.  House  Republicans
            chamber the GOP controls     conceded they are watch-
            by just 52-48.               ing the Senate warily.
            “Now  is  the  time  to  deliv-  “Political  survival  depends
            er,”  the  White  House  said   on us doing this,” said Rep.
            in a written statement that   Kevin Cramer, R-N.D. “One
            underscored the party’s ef-  of  the  things  that  scares
            fort to maintain momentum    me a little bit is that they’re
            and  outrace  critics.  Those   going  to  screw  up  the  bill
            Senate Judiciary Committee

            presses Kushner over Russia

            WASHINGTON (AP)  The top  tion  of  documents  he  has
            Republican and Democrat  provided the committee is
            on  the  Senate  Judiciary  “incomplete.” The commit-
            Committee     are   saying  tee  gave  Kushner  a  Nov.
            President  Donald  Trump’s  27  deadline  to  provide
            son-in-law   hasn’t   been  the additional documents,
            fully  forthcoming  with  the  including  the  forwarded
            panel’s  probe  into  Russian  emails  and  Kushner’s  se-
            election  interference,  ask-  curity clearance form that
            ing  him  to  provide  emails  originally  omitted  certain
            sent to him involving WikiLe-  contacts  with  Russian  offi-
            aks  and  a  “Russian  back-  cials.Grassley and Feinstein
            door  overture  and  dinner  are also asking Kushner for
            invite.”Senate    Judiciary  correspondence  with  for-
            Chairman  Chuck  Grassley  mer national security advis-
            and  Democratic  Sen.  Di-   er  Michael  Flynn,  who  is  a
            anne Feinstein sent a letter  subject of an investigation
            to  Jared  Kushner’s  lawyer  by  special  counsel  Robert
            Thursday saying the collec-  Mueller. q
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