P. 6
Friday 17 November 2017
Man posed for photo with dead wife before dismembering her
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — tion.After Rey was arrested
A homeless man posed for and put in a police vehicle,
photos with his dead wife, he was asked about his
along with their newborn wife’s whereabouts.
and toddler, before dis- He responded that she had
membering her body in a died several days earlier
Kansas City hotel room, ac- and was in the cooler and
cording to court records. one of the totes, which he
Justin Rey, 35, who was ar- had been trying to remove
rested last month after be- from the storage unit, ac-
ing found with the remains cording to Kansas court re-
at a Kansas storage unit, cords.The probable cause
was charged Wednesday statement for the Missouri
with abandonment of a charges says the hotel
corpse and child endan- room’s bathtub train was
germent in Jackson Coun- removed and apparent
ty, Missouri. He’s jailed on human tissue was found.
$1 million bond in Johnson Traces of blood also were
County, Kansas, on child detected throughout the
endangerment charges. room.Missouri and Kansas
Rey told police that his court records don’t say
wife, Jessica Monteiro Rey, In this Nov. 2, 2017 photo, Justin Rey appears in Johnson County District Court in Olathe, Kan. Justin how she died, and Rey
died after giving birth Oct. Rey, 35, who was arrested last month after being found with the remains at a Kansas storage unit, provided conflicting infor-
20 and that he dismem- was charged Wednesday with abandonment of a corpse and child endangerment in Jackson mation.
bered her body in a bath- County, Missouri. Rey had a series of run-ins
tub two days later with the (Tammy Ljungblad/The Kansas City Star/AP) with the law in the north-
children present. Rey put Hotel management said while pushing a stroller with sponders checked on the western Arizona commu-
some of her body parts in a Rey tried to disguise his a toddler walking beside children, who were later nities of Lake Havasu City,
large cooler, a Kansas City voice as a woman’s when him. taken to a hospital. The affi- Kingman, Williams and
police detective wrote in he called the front desk to Police found the remains davit says the baby wasn’t Flagstaff between 2012
the probable cause state- check out on Oct. 23, the on Oct. 24 inside a cooler wearing adequate cloth- and last December for rel-
ment. He used a stove to statement says. and tote at a U-Haul Mov- ing and had an eye infec- atively minor offenses. q
boil parts that wouldn’t fit Surveillance video footage ing and Storage facility in
in the cooler and flushed shows him pulling a red nearby Lenexa, Kansas, af- Ex-con, wife charged over carjack
some of remains down the cooler with a black bag ter Rey slept there with the
toilet, the statement says. on top through the hotel, children. Emergency re- killing of Chinese college student
By L. WHITEHURST After she left, he attacked
Associated Press 23-year-old student Chen-
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — An wei Guo and tried to drag
ex-convict accused of gun- Guo’s female friend up
ning down a University of a nearby canyon, police
Utah student with a weap- said. She ran away, narrow-
on stolen from a slain Col- ly escaping shots he fired
orado man was charged at her, and called police.
with aggravated murder, No attorneys were listed for
robbery and a dozen other the Boutains on Thursday.
counts on Thursday. The couple were drifters
Austin Boutain, 24, hatched who fled to Utah after cut-
the deadly carjacking plot ting the throat of Mitchell
with his wife, who is also ac- Ingle, 63, and stealing his
cused in the Colorado mur- guns in Golden, Colorado,
der case, prosecutors said authorities have said. They
in court documents. met Ingle a couple times
They watched cars for before they started drink-
hours as Kathleen Boutain ing and smoking marijuana
pointed out potential vic- at his trailer home Oct. 27,
tims at a canyon near cam- police said. Austin Boutain
pus on Oct. 30. She eventu- got angry when Ingle
ally became frustrated at made sexual comments
his reluctance to attack and the pair decided he
someone during daylight, would kill the older man so
called him a coward and they could take his trailer,
the couple fought. according to Colorado
He pistol-whipped her and court documents.
she walked down to the Austin Boutain cut his host’s
university to report him, throat before the couple
authorities said. Kathleen grabbed three guns and
Boutain was charged with drove off in his pickup truck,
six counts, including crimi- headed for Utah, Colorado
nal solicitation and theft. police said. q