P. 2
Friday 17 November 2017
China renews calls UN envoy: Libyan rivals ‘close to a consensus’
for North Korea, US
freeze-for-freeze By EDITH M. LEDERER sessions of the rival bodies the western and eastern rival bodies have made
Associated Press to try to agree on amend- regions, each backed by “much progress,”
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — ments to a 2015 peace different militias and tribes. though “a few remain-
BEIJING (AP) — China on
Thursday reiterated its call The U.N. envoy for Libya agreement, which both A U.N.-brokered deal in ing points are still to be
said Thursday he is confi-
sides agree is the only way December 2015 to create agreed.” “I am quite confi-
for an agreement be-
tween North Korea and the dent that competing par- to end the stalemate. a unity government failed, dent we are close to a con-
liaments in the North Afri-
Libya fell into chaos after though talks have been sensus,” he said. Salame
U.S. under which the North
would gain concessions if can country “are close to the ouster and killing of taking place to form an stressed that any method
longtime leader Moammar administration to lead the to select a new Presidency
a consensus” on a frame-
it freezes its nuclear weap-
ons program, apparently work to end their political Gadhafi in 2011. country ahead of elections. Council and government
Since 2014, the oil-rich Salame, who proposed “must be transparent and
contradicting remarks a
day earlier by President Ghassan Salame told the country has been split be- the amendments, said that fair” and that there must be
Security Council that the tween rival governments since the two meetings an “open and competitive
Donald Trump. Foreign
ministry spokesman Geng U.N. has convened two and parliaments based in convened by the U.N., the process.”q
Shuang Geng said China’s
position has not changed Envoy:
and the “freeze-for-freeze”
initiative, under which US to keep fighting greenhouse gas emissions
the U.S. and South Ko-
rea would suspend large-
scale military exercises in U.S. delegation that pro-
return, remained a “first moted the idea that fossil
step.” “We believe that the fuels such as coal could be
freeze-for-freeze initiative made ‘clean’ drew vocal
is the most viable and rea- protests from environmen-
sonable plan against the tal activists.
current backdrop, which While coal-fueled power
cannot only alleviate the stations are considered
tensions, but also address- one of the biggest sources
es the most urgent secu- of carbon dioxide that’s
rity concerns of all sides,” heating up the Earth’s at-
Geng told reporters at a mosphere, countries such
regular briefing. Such an as Indonesia, Vietnam
agreement would “create and the United States are
opportunities and condi- planning to expand their
tions for the resumption use of coal in the coming
of peace talks, and find years. Even Germany and
breakthroughs to get out Poland, hosts of climate
of this stalemate,” Geng talks this year and next, are
said.The U.S. has long dis- holding onto coal for the
missed the proposal, say- foreseeable future.
ing North Korea must uni- Garber did not mention
laterally cease its program the use of coal, but said as
before negotiations can countries strive to reduce
begin. On Wednesday, Participants sit on the floor in front of a poster during a break at the UN Climate Conference COP23 greenhouse gas emissions,
Trump told reporters that in Bonn, Germany, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017. (Oliver Berg/dpa via AP) each “will need to de-
China had agreed with termine the appropriate
the U.S. on that point dur- By FRANK JORDANS inces. of state for oceans and in- energy mix based on its
ing his 12-day trip through Associated Press In closing remarks to the ternational environmental particular circumstances,
Asia that included a state BONN, Germany (AP) — conference working out and scientific affairs. taking into account the
visit to China, where he The United States is com- the technical details of “We remain collectively need for energy security,
was hosted by President mitted to reducing green- the Paris climate accord, committed to mitigating promotion of economic
Xi Jinping.“President Xi house gas even though the which aims to keep global greenhouse gas emissions growth and environmental
recognizes that a nuclear Trump administration still warming significantly be- through, among other protection.” “In that con-
North Korea is a threat to plans to pull out of the Paris low 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 things, increased innova- text, we want to support
China, and we agreed that accord on fighting global F), the U.S. State Depart- tion on sustainable energy the cleanest, most efficient
we would not accept a warming, the top U.S. rep- ment’s Judith Garber said and energy efficiency, and power generation, regard-
so-called freeze for freeze resentative at international “we remain open to the working toward low green- less of source,” she added.
agreement, like those that climate talks told other del- possibility of rejoining (the house gas emissions energy In a private initiative an-
have failed in the past,” egates Thursday. Paris climate deal) at a lat- systems,” she said. nounced Thursday, Store-
Trump said. Asked Thurs- Britain and Canada, mean- er date under terms more Although Garber’s com- brand, a Norwegian invest-
day about the contra- while, announced a new favorable to the American ments weren’t unexpect- ment fund that manages
dicting statements, White alliance aimed at encour- people.” ed, her tone appeared assets worth over $80 bil-
House Press Secretary aging countries to phase Despite U.S. skepticism more conciliatory. lion, said it would pull invest-
Sarah Huckabee Sanders out the use of coal to curb over the Paris accord, “the The United States was ments from ten companies
told reporters: “Yeah, both climate change. United States will continue largely isolated in its rejec- over their involvement in
sides made their position Among others, the Glob- to be a leader in clean en- tion of the Paris accord at the coal sector. The com-
clear. They’re different, but al Alliance to Power Past ergy and innovation, and the talks in Bonn, Germany, panies affected include
we agree that they’re go- Coal also includes Finland, we understand the need which are expected to end German energy company
ing to be different positions France, Italy, Mexico, New for transforming energy Friday. RWE, Poland’s PGE and
and therefore it’s not going Zealand and several U.S. systems,” said Garber, the Earlier in the week, a panel Eskom Holdings of South
to move forward.”q states and Canadian prov- acting assistant secretary discussion hosted by the Africa.q