P. 4
Friday 17 November 2017
Moore defiant as GOP braces for extended clash in Alabama
By STEVE PEOPLES hopes for pushing a fel-
ZEKE MILLER low political rebel from the
Associated Press race. Trump counselor Kel-
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) lyanne Conway addressed
— With President Donald the situation briefly Thurs-
Trump standing on the day on “Fox and Friends.”
sidelines, Republican Sen- ‘’The president will make a
ate candidate Roy Moore statement when he wants
and his allies on the ground to make a statement,” she
in Alabama are bracing for said. Behind the scenes,
an extended conflict — not aides described Trump as
with Democrats, but with vexed by the Moore issue.
their own party in Wash- Even if he should speak
ington.The divide between out, he might make an un-
the state and national GOP comfortable critic:
reached new depths Thurs- The allegations against the
day after more allegations bombastic former judge
of sexual misconduct sur- echo Trump’s own politi-
faced against Moore, an cal problems when he was
outspoken Christian con- accused weeks before the
servative. 2016 election of more than
Already, the Republican a dozen instances of sexu-
National Committee, the al harassment. The Trump
Senate GOP campaign Former Alabama Chief Justice and U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore arrives for a news confer- aides would not be named
committee and the party’s ence, Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017, in Birmingham, Ala, with his wife Kayla Moore, right. discussing the matter be-
leading voices in Con- (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson) cause they were not au-
gress have called on the during a 1991 meeting in his mently denied the allega- nor’s office and entire state thorized to discuss private
70-year-old former judge law office. Two others told tions made against him. He Legislature will be in play. conversations.
to quit the race. The Washington Post they deserves to be presumed The tone was far less friend- To a great extent, the
Ever defiant, Moore and were young women when innocent of the accusa- ly in Washington. anti-establishment forces
his supporters lashed out at Moore courted them as a tions unless proven other- “There’s a special place in that propelled Trump to
his accusers in a Thursday district attorney in his 30s. wise. He will continue to hell for people who prey the White House are now
press conference in which Three other women told take his case straight to the on children,” Ivanka Trump strongly behind Moore,
he refused to answer any the newspaper last week people of Alabama,” state told the AP. “I’ve yet to see and Alabama Republican
questions. that they were teens when GOP Chair Terry Lathan a valid explanation and I leaders are reluctant to en-
He called the allegations Moore tried to initiate ro- said in a statement. have no reason to doubt rage his loyal conservative
“unsubstantiated,” ‘’un- mantic relationships. One The state GOP has the the victims’ accounts.” supporters.
proven” and “fake.” said she was 14 when power to revoke Moore’s Her father, President Don- Outside the state party
“They’re not only untrue, Moore touched her over GOP nomination and ask ald Trump, who withstood headquarters, Moore’s
but they have no evidence her bra and underwear. election officials to ignore allegations of sexual as- campaign chairman
to support them,” he de- The Alabama Republican ballots cast for him, but sault weeks before his own and personal attorney
clared. Party reiterated its support that would risk a lawsuit election, was uncharacter- addressed reporters on
At least three new allega- for Moore on Thursday, a and backlash from Moore istically silent when faced Wednesday, trying to un-
tions of misconduct sur- day after its 21-member supporters. with questions about the dercut the story of one of
faced the day before, steering committee pri- The party has little interest scandal. the women who has ac-
including one by Tina vately contemplated the in alienating Moore’s fol- Washington Republicans cused Moore of sexually
Johnson, who told situation. lowers a year before elec- had looked to Trump as accosting her when she
that Moore groped her “Judge Moore has vehe- tions in which the gover- one of the few remaining was in high school.q
Radio anchor says Franken groped, kissed her without consent
By MATTHEW DALY time comedian was elect- to inspire others to tell their
KYLE POTTER ed to the Senate. stories.
Associated Press Tweeden posted the alle- Senate Democratic Leader
WASHINGTON (AP) — Min- gations, including the pho- Chuck Schumer called the
nesota Sen. Al Franken to, on the website of KABC, allegations “troubling” and
apologized Thursday and where she works as a news said he hopes and expects
faced a likely Senate eth- anchor for a morning radio that the Senate Ethics
ics investigation after a Los show. Committee will investigate.
Angeles radio anchor ac- Tweeden said Thursday “Sexual harassment is nev-
cused him of forcibly kissing that Franken was persis- er acceptable and must
her during a 2006 USO tour. tent, and “every time I see not be tolerated,” Schumer
Fellow Democrats as well him now, my hands clench said.
as Republican colleagues into fists.” Franken’s fellow Minnesota
called for an investigation. Still, she said she has no Democrat, Amy Klobu-
Leeann Tweeden also ac- reason not to accept his char, said, “This should not
cused Franken of posing In this July 12, 2017 file photo, Senate Judiciary Committee apology, and is not calling have happened to Lee-
for a photo with his hands member Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn. arrives on Capitol Hill in Wash- for an ethics investigation ann Tweeden. I strongly
on her breasts as she slept, ington. Franken apologized Thursday after a Los Angeles radio or for Franken to resign. condemn this behavior,
anchor accused him of forcibly kissing her during a 2006 USO
while both were perform- tour and of posing for a photo with his hands on her breasts as She told a news confer- and the Senate Ethics
ing for military personnel she slept. ence in Los Angeles that Committee must open an
two years before the one- (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) she came forward hoping investigation.”q