P. 8
Friday 17 November 2017
Haggling on new German government enters critical phase
By GEIR MOULSON these negotiations knows
Associated Press that there certainly are
BERLIN (AP) — Chancellor differences — serious
Angela Merkel sought differences.”
Thursday to wrap up She called on negotiators
talks on whether formal to bear in mind what is
negotiations to form an important for the other
ideologically disparate parties involved.
new German government “If this succeeds — and
can begin, saying success I can say for myself that
would send an important the will is there, even if it
signal “at a time of great is hard work — something
polarization.” very important can come
Germany’s Sept. 24 election out of it for our country at a
left Merkel’s conservative time of great polarization,”
Union bloc seeking a Merkel added. “Namely,
previously untried coalition that (parties with) very,
with the pro-business very different positions are
Free Democrats and the able to act together for the
traditionally left-leaning people of our country.”
Greens. After four weeks One major sticking point
of exploratory talks which stems from the influx of more
have been rancorous at than a million migrants to
times, the parties aim to Germany in 2015 and 2016.
decide Thursday or early People granted a form of
Friday whether they have German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives for the coalition talks between her Christian Democrats, protection that falls short
enough common ground Greens and Free Democratic Party FDP in Berlin Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017. of asylum, something that
to move to the next phase. (Kay Nietfeld/dpa via AP) has increasingly applied
So far, the parties have several more weeks, after a disastrous result in longer distinguishable,” to Syrians, currently aren’t
struggled to overcome would require approval September. Merkel said as she entered allowed to bring their
longstanding differences, by a Greens congress. “It is often said in Germany Thursday’s talks. “Anyone closest relatives to join
particularly on immigration Failure could lead to new that the parties are no who has taken part in them in Germany.q
and climate change- elections as the center-left
related issues. Social Democrats, Merkel’s
A decision to open partners in the outgoing Spain:
coalition negotiations, government, are adamant
which would likely last they will go into opposition Jailed Catalan secessionist to run in election
By JOSEPH WILSON activists can run in the Dec. which deems the nation
Associated Press 21 election unless they are “indivisible.” Spain’s gov-
BARCELONA, Spain (AP) convicted. Puigdemont ernment hopes that parties
— The jailed leader of the plans to be his party’s top opposed to secession will
main grassroots group candidate while cam- take back control of the
pushing for Catalonia to se- paigning as a fugitive in chamber.
cede from Spain resigned Belgium. Polls indicate that Cata-
his post Thursday to run as Another eight former mem- lonia’s 7.5 million residents
a candidate in the election bers of Catalonia’s region- are evenly split over seces-
the Spanish government al government have been sion. Hours after Sanchez
called for next month to similarly jailed in another launched his political bid,
stop the region’s push to- case probing a rebellion a few thousand Catalans
ward independence. plot. in favor of breaking from
The Catalan National As- Sanchez, 53, has led the Spain gathered in a cen-
sembly said Jordi Sanchez Catalan National Assembly tral square in Barcelona
would be a candidate on since 2015. The group orga- to mark the one-month
the slate headed by Cata- nized rallies that attracted anniversary of his and the
lonia’s former president, hundreds of thousands of other separatist leader’s
Carles Puigdemont, who is supporters of having Cat- imprisonment. Many of the
in Belgium facing extradi- alonia break away from protestors held up signs
tion back to Spain along Spain. Sanchez also formed reading “Freedom for Po-
with four members of his part of an informal leader- litical Prisoners” and some
ousted cabinet. ship council that advised carried pro-independence
Sanchez and another sep- Puigdemont on achieving flags. The crowd formed
aratist activist were jailed the region’s secession. the shape of a ribbon that
on Oct. 16 while being Spain called the Decem- many secessionists wear as
investigated for sedition ber election after seizing a symbol of their solidarity
for their alleged roles in a control of Catalonia. The with the jailed leaders.
secession-related protest unprecedented action “Their imprisonment is a
that trashed police vehi- followed a vote in Catalo- punishment for the entire
cles in September. nia’s Parliament to declare country,” Agusti Alcoberro,
Under Spanish law, he and the region as a separate the new leader of the Na-
any other pro-indepen- republic on Oct. 27 in viola- tional Catalan Assembly,
dence Catalan officials or tion of Spain’s Constitution, told the crowd.q