P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 17 November 2017

            Be Amused at Amuse Sunset Restaurant

            ORANJESTAD - The Holidays  is the perfect place for an
            are around the corner, time  unforgettable get together
            for family, friends and cozi-  with your loved ones.
            ness.                        The restaurant over the wa-
                                         ter on a pier has an amaz-
            Amuse  sunset  restaurant  ing  view  over  the  tranquil

                                                                      lagoon.  You  will  have  din-  These holidays Amuse sun-  Master Chef designed spe-
                                                                      ner  watching  the  most  set  restaurant  will  have  a  cial  Christmas  menu’s  for
                                                                      beautiful  sunset  on  Aruba  special Thanksgiving menu  groups  of  15  people  and
                                                                      while fishes swim by.        apart  from  our  a  la  carte  up.
                                                                      Our  Chef  will  prepare  you  menu.  If  you  are  craving  The  Amuse  staff  will  be
                                                                      a  delicious  dinner  with  an  for turkey Amuse sunset res-  there to welcome you and
                                                                      international  flair.  If  you  taurant  is  the  place  to  be  make  sure  that  your  night
                                                                      would like to have an extra  this Thanksgiving.           will be a memorable one.
                                                                      experience  these  holidays  Amuse  sunset  restaurant  is  For reservations please call:
                                                                      then  choose  our  Carte  also a great venue for big  +(297)  586-9949  or  email:
                                                                      blanche.  This  is  the  crème  party’s like weddings, birth-  reservation@amusearuba.
                                                                      de  la  crème  of  Amuse  days  ,  corporate  events  com
                                                                      sunset  restaurant.  Carte  etc. For smaller groups we  Amuse Sunset Restaurant is
                                                                      blanche is a surprise dinner  have  an  amazing  alfresco  located at Bucutiweg 50.
                                                                      full  of  extraordinary  flavors  balcony to have parties up  Kitchen is open from 5 pm
                                                                      custom made for you and  to 20 people.                    till  10.30pm  -  free  parking
                                                                      your guests.                 During  Christmas  time  our  available.q
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