P. 32

               Monday 4 SepteMber 2017
            Record-breaking Astronaut Peggy Whitson returns to Earth

            By MARCIA DUNN                                                                                                      Whitson  was  supposed  to
            AP Aerospace Writer                                                                                                 fly back in June after a half-
            CAPE    CANAVERAL,     Fla.                                                                                         year in space.
            (AP)  —  Astronaut  Peggy                                                                                           But  when  an  extra  seat
            Whitson  returned  to  Earth                                                                                        opened  up  on  this  Soyuz,
            late  Saturday,  wrapping                                                                                           she jumped at the chance
            up a record-breaking flight                                                                                         to  stay  in  orbit  an  extra
            that catapulted her to first                                                                                        three months.
            place for U.S. space endur-                                                                                         Only  one  other  American
            ance.                                                                                                               —   yearlong    spaceman
            Whitson’s  665  days  off  the                                                                                      Scott Kelly — has spent lon-
            planet  —  288  days  on  this                                                                                      ger  in  space  on  a  single
            mission  alone  —  exceeds                                                                                          mission.
            that  of  any  other  Ameri-                                                                                        Except  for  the  past  week,
            can and any other woman                                                                                             Whitson  said  her  mission
            worldwide.                                                                                                          hurried by.
            She checked out of the In-                                                                                          She’s  hungry  for  pizza  and
            ternational  Space  Station                                                                                         can’t wait to use a regular
            just hours earlier, along with                                                                                      flush toilet again. She’s also
            another  American  and  a                                                                                           eager  to  reunite  with  her
            Russian.                                                                                                            husband, Clarence Sams, a
            Their Soyuz capsule landed                                                                                          biochemist who also works
            in  Kazakhstan  shortly  after   U.S. astronaut Peggy Annette Whitson smiles after landing in a remote area outside the town of   at  Johnson  Space  Center
            sunrise Sunday — Saturday    Dzhezkazgan, Kazakhstan, Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017.                                        in Houston.
            night back in the U.S.                                                                             Associated Press  Because  of  the  effects  of
                                                                      ing  1,474  days  of  space-  belongs  to  Russian  Gen-  Hurricane  Harvey,  NASA
                                                                      flight  experience  with  the  nady  Padalka,  with  879   could not get its plane from
                                                                                                                                Houston  to  Kazakhstan  in
                                                                      departure  of  Whitson,  Yur-  days  in  space  over  five
                                                                      chikhin  and  Fischer.  Four  flights.                    time  for  the  crew’s  land-
                                                                                                                                ing. Instead, the European
                                                                      years  and  two  weeks,  he  Whitson,  a  biochemist,  set
                                                                      pointed out.                 a  breakneck  pace  on  all   Space   Agency    offered
                                                                                                                                to  transport  Whitson  and
                                                                      “We  are  in  your  debt  for  three  of  her  space  station
                                                                      the  supreme  dedication  expeditions,       continually   Fischer  to  Cologne,  Ger-
                                                                                                                                many, where they will meet
                                                                      that  you  guys  have  to  the  asking for more — and still
                                                                      human  mission  of  explora-  more — scientific research   up with the NASA plane for
                                                                                                                                the final leg of their journey.
                                                                      tion,”  Bresnik  told  them  on  to do.
                                                                      the eve of their departure.  Scientists  on  the  ground   They  were  due  back  in
                                                                                                                                Houston on Sunday night.
                                                                      He offered up special praise  said  it  often  was  hard  to
                                                                      for  Whitson  —  “American  keep up with her. She even    Three  men  remain  at  the
                                                                                                                                space  station:  Bresnik,  a
                                                                      space ninja” — and wished  experimented  on  food  up
                                                                      them all Godspeed.           there,  trying  to  add  some   Russian and an Italian. They
                                                                                                                                will be joined by two Ameri-
             In  this  image  posted  to  her  Twitter  feed  on  May  30,  2017,   Yurchikhin  is  now  No.  7  on  pizazz  to  the  standard   cans and a Russian follow-
             astronaut Peggy Whitson holds up Chinese cabbage grown in
             the International Space Station.
                                                     Associated Press
                                         even  more  time  in  space:
            Whitson  was  the  last  one   673 days over five missions.
            carried from the Soyuz. She
            immediately  received  a     NASA astronaut Jack Fisch-
                                         er  returned  after  136  days
            pair of sunglasses to put on,
            as she rested in a chair on   aloft.  The  men  flew  up  in
            the barren, wind-swept Ka-
            zak steppes.                 All three briefly held hands
                                         for a photo op, before be-
            Medical  personnel  took
            her  pulse,  standard  prac-  ing  carried  one  by  one  in
                                         their chairs to the medical
            tice.  She  then  received  a
            bouquet of flowers with the   tent.
                                         It  was  an  emotional  fare-
            greeting, “Welcome back,
            Peggy.”                      well  to  the  space  station
                                         for Whitson, Yurchikhin and
            Besides  duration,  Whitson
            set  multiple  other  records   Fischer.
                                         Before  retreating  into  their
            while  in  orbit:  world’s  old-
            est  spacewoman,  at  age    Soyuz,   they   embraced
                                         the  three  colleagues  they
            57,  and  most  experienced
            female  spacewalker,  with   were leaving behind at the
                                         250-mile-high complex.
            10.  She  also  became  the
            first  woman  to  command    Yurchikhin  patted  the  in-  In this Jan. 6, 2017 made available by NASA, astronaut Peggy Whitson works during a spacewalk
                                         side  of  the  station  before
            the space station twice fol-                              outside the International Space Station.
            lowing  her  launch  last  No-  floating  into  his  Soyuz  for                                                                 Associated Press
                                         the final time.
            vember.                                                   the  world’s  all-time  endur-  freeze-dried meals. Tortillas
            Returning  cosmonaut  Fy-    The  station’s  newest  com-                              transformed into apple pies   ing  liftoff  from  Kazakhstan
                                         mander,  Randy  Bresnik,  ance list, followed by Whit-
            odor  Yurchikhin  logged                                                                                            on Sept. 12.q
                                         noted the outpost was los-   son  at  No.  8.  The  top  spot  on her watch.
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