P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Monday 4 SepteMber 2017
              Fonda and Redford wow Venice; she says sex improves with age

            By JILL LAWLESS              played that young love just  doesn’t make enough films
             Associated Press            getting  married  and  now  for older audiences.
            VENICE,  Italy  (AP)  —  The  we’ve played old people’s  Fonda  said  she  thought
            older  stars  are  shining  the  love  —  and  old  people’s  the  representation  of  old-
            brightest  at  the  Venice  sex.”                         er  people  was  improving,
            Film Festival — and having  “Although  in  my  opinion  pointing to the Netflix show
            much of the fun.             Ritesh  cut  the  sex  scene  “Grace  and  Frankie,”  in
            A  playful  Robert  Redford  too  soon,”  Fonda  added,  which  she  plays  a  newly
            and  Jane  Fonda  brought  referring  to  director  Ritesh  single woman.
            undimmed  glitter  to  the  Batra.                        “I’ve  had  three  lovers  al-
            festival on Friday along with  Of Redford, she said: “I live  ready  in  that  series,”  she
            their late-life romance “Our  for sex scenes with him.”   said.  “I’m  just  so  happy
            Souls at Night.”             The  81-year-old  Redford  we’re giving a cultural face
            More  than  five  decades  and      79-year-old   Fonda  to older women. “
            after  they  first  shared  the  each  are  receiving  a  life-  And she said love and sex
            screen,  they  star  in  the  time  achievement  award  got  better  with  age,  “be-
            Netflix-produced drama as  from the festival Friday.      cause,  first  of  all,  we’re
            widowed  neighbors  who  They are among a plethora  braver — what the heck to
            forge a relationship.        of older stars at the Venice  we have to lose? So my skin
            Judging  by  the  star-struck  fest,  which  runs  to  Sept.  9.  sags — so does his.”
            reaction from Venice audi-   Judi  Dench,  Helen  Mirren,  The  two  screen  icons  say
            ences, the chemistry that lit  Donald  Sutherland  and  they  were  thrilled  to  work
            up the 1967 romantic com-    Michael Caine are all due  together  again,  and  it
            edy  film  “Barefoot  in  the  to make appearances on-    shows in the warmth of their
            Park”  —  one  of  their  most  screen and on the red car-  on-screen relationship.    Actor Robert Redford, left, and Jane Fonda pose during the pho-
            memorable  pairings  —  re-  pet.                         “I  wanted  to  do  another   to call for the film “Our Souls At NIght” at the 74th Venice Film
            mains strong.                Redford  produced  “Our  film with her before I died,”    Festival in Venice, Italy, Friday, Sept. 1, 2017.
            Fonda  said  she  loves  the  Souls  at  Night,”  which  is  Redford said.                                                      Associated Press
            fact “that these films book-  based on a novel by Kent  Fonda  said  her  charac-
            end our careers.”            Haruf.  He  said  he  did  it  in  ters were often in love with   in love with him again.”  again  in  my  almost-80s,”
            In  “Barefoot  in  the  Park,”  part  because  the  youth-  Redford’s,  and  “I  wanted   “It was fun to kiss him in my  she said.q
            she  told  reporters,  “we  obsessed  movie  business  to see what it was like to fall   20s  and  then  to  kiss  him
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