P. 28

               Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

                Hunters, government, industry at odds over deer urine

            By MARY ESCH
             Associated Press
            ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Deer
            hunters  who  like  to  lure
            their quarry with a dab of
            eau de doe-in-rut will have
            to find another way to at-
            tract a trophy buck in New
            York  if  state  wildlife  biolo-
            gists have their way.
            Proposed        regulations
            would add New York to a
            growing  list  of  states  and
            Canadian  provinces  ban-
            ning  deer  urine  lures  in
            an  effort  to  prevent  the
            spread of chronic wasting
            disease,  a  deadly  brain
            infection  that’s  working  its
            way  through  North  Ameri-
            can  deer,  elk  and  moose
            The disease is similar to so-
            called  mad  cow  disease,
            which  affects  cattle.  Both
            diseases  are  caused  by
            infectious  proteins  called
            prions, which are believed
            to be shed in saliva, feces
            and  urine  and  can  con-
            taminate  forage  plants
            and build up in soil.         In this Dec. 3, 2008, file photo, a pair of hunters hunt for deer on Penn State University farm land in State College, Pa.
            “Not only does this horrible                                                                                                    Associated Press
            disease  kill  animals  slowly,
            but  wild  white-tailed  deer   concentrating deer in one  “When  you’re  bowhunt-     15  percent  collect  urine  in  disease prions.
            hunting  represents  a  $1.5   area, a prohibition on hunt-  ing, you have to draw the  barns with grated floors that  “We’re all for the health of
            billion industry in the state,”   ers bringing deer carcasses  deer  in  close,”  said  Dave  allow  urine  to  drain  into  a  the  herd,  which  is  why  we
            Department  of  Environ-     from  infected  states  into  Vanderzee,  president  of  collection  vat,  Vanderzee  partnered with the Archery
            mental Conservation Com-     New  York,  and  a  ban  on  the  New  York  Deer  Farm-  said.  A  state  ban  on  urine  Trade Association in devel-
            missioner Basil Seggos said   deer  farms  importing  live-  ers  Association  and  op-  scents  would  devastate  oping  stringent  guidelines
            in releasing a draft plan to   stock. It’s the only state to  erator of a private hunting  the  captive  deer  industry,  for  collection  facilities  to
            control it last month.       have  eliminated  the  dis-  preserve. “Attractant is the  which has already suffered  minimize  the  potential  for
            Since  the  disease  was  first   ease  after  it  was  found  in  only  way  to  do  it  in  New  under a host of ever-stricter  contamination,”  said  Chip
            recognized    in   captive   wild  populations,  Seggos  York because you’re not al-   state regulations, he said.  Hunnicutt,  spokesman  for
            mule  deer  in  Colorado     said.                        lowed to have a bait pile.”  Dr.  Nicholas  Haley,  a  vet-  the scent-maker Tink’s.
            about 50 years ago, it has   Now  the  state  is  taking  Ed Gorch, an upstate New  erinary  researcher  at  Mid-   Tink’s  also  makes  synthetic
            slowly  spread  to  24  states   public  comments  through  York hunter who has been  western University, said the  scent lures that are allowed
            and  two  Canadian  prov-    Sept. 15 on additional rules,  bowhunting  for  45  years,  captive  deer  producing  in  states  with  urine  bans.
            inces.  States  have  spent   the  most  controversial  be-  said he uses deer urine and  urine  used  by  hunters  are  Alaska,  Arizona,  Vermont,
            millions  of  dollars  trying   ing the ban on scent lures  other scents, even skunk, to  some of the healthiest ani-  Virginia, Ontario and Nova
            to  halt  it;  Wisconsin  even   using natural deer urine.  distract  deer  from  his  own  mals in the country. Disease  Scotia  have  banned  the
            hired  sharpshooters  to  kill   That  ban  doesn’t  sit  well  smell.  “As  for  switching  to  transmission, he said, is less  use  of  natural  deer  urine
            deer in an infected area.    with deer farmers who col-   synthetic  scents,  I  don’t  likely  from  urine  than  from  and  other  aromatic  deer
            Wasting  disease  was  dis-  lect  and  sell  urine,  manu-  think  it  would  make  much  deer  meat  brought  in  by  secretions.
            covered  in  a  handful  of   facturers  who  market  it  difference,”  Gorch  said.  “I  hunters  from  infected  ar-  Jeremy  Hurst,  a  New  York
            wild  and  captive  white-   under  names  like  “Code  think most sportsmen would  eas. New York allows hunt-      state  biologist,  said  “re-
            tailed deer in central New   Blue”  and  “Buck  Bomb,”  go  along  with  that  once  ers to bring in venison and  search     clearly   suggests
            York  in  2005,  prompting   and  hunters  who  dribble  they  realize  the  danger  of  hides  from  infected  states  there is some risk” of trans-
            the  state  to  enact  mea-  the foul-smelling fluid on fo-  chronic wasting disease.”  but  not  deer  bones  and  mitting  wasting  disease
            sures to halt it. They include   liage  or  cotton  balls  hung  Of  about  275  deer  farms  brains,  which  are  consid-  through  deer  urine  scents.
            a  feeding  ban  to  avoid   near their tree stands.      in New York, 10 percent to  ered  more  likely  to  carry  q
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