P. 23

                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

                   So far, cellphone networks have weathered Harvey

            By ANICK JESDANUN            to the FCC. Some 911 cen-
            AP Technology Writer         ters had to transfer calls to
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Roads,  neighboring  centers,  while
            refineries  and  other  infra-  some television stations lost
            structure  have  taken  a  broadcast capabilities.
            beating  in  the  Texas  and  Here’s a look at communi-
            Louisiana regions hit by Har-  cations in the affected re-
            vey  —  but  cellphone  net-  gions.
            works so far remain largely  CELLPHONE SERVICES
            functional.                  All  told,  the  devastating
            One  reason:  Big  carriers  storm  knocked  out  fewer
            brought    in   supplemen-   than  400  of  the  7,804  cell
            tal  equipment  and  back-   towers  in  the  affected
            up  power  and  turned  to  counties;  just  296  were
            drones  to  diagnose  prob-  down  as  of  Thursday.  By
            lems.                        contrast, Hurricane Katrina
            Four  Gulf  Coast  counties  disabled  more  than  1,000
            northeast of Corpus Christi,  cell towers in 2005.
            Texas, had more than half  Cell  towers  typically  have
            of their cell towers knocked  backup batteries and gen-
            out earlier in the week, but  erators  so  they  can  keep
            crews  have  been  able  to  operating  in  a  power  out-   In this Monday, Aug. 28, 2017, file photo, Rhonda Worthington talks on her cellphone with a 911
                                                                      dispatcher as she gets out of her car after her vehicle become stalled in rising floodwaters from
            restore many of them. As of  age.  The  problem  comes    Harvey in Houston.
            Thursday,  one  of  the  most  when generators run out of                                                                      Associated Press
            heavily  hit  areas,  Aransas  fuel. Verizon spokeswoman
            County,  reported  32  per-  Karen  Schulz  said  crews   to temporarily bridge those  As of Thursday, only 7 of the  have since been restored.
            cent of its 28 towers out.   prepared by topping off all   gaps.                       region’s  911  centers  were  The  bigger  problem  is  call
            That’s  down  from  95  per-  generators  ahead  of  the   Verizon  and  AT&T  have  out  of  service,  all  in  Texas,  volume. Many callers in the
            cent  right  after  the  week-  storm.  The  company  also   both sent out drones to as-  although  all  were  able  to  Houston area were placed
            end’s  storm,  according  bought spare fuel and had       sess damage at cell towers.  reroute calls to neighboring  on  hold  until  a  dispatcher
            to  data  from  the  Federal  refueling trucks on standby   Crews  are  still  necessary  call centers.             was free, said Trey Forgety
            Communications  Commis-      at key locations.            for  repairs,  but  the  drone  That’s  down  from  11  on  of  the  nonprofit  National
            sion.  Throughout  the  af-  In a few cases, there’s been   inspections  allow  compa-  Wednesday.                  Emergency  Number  Asso-
            fected  region,  slightly  less  damage  to  the  fiber  lines   nies  to  determine  whether  Four  of  those  centers  still  ciation. In a few cases, call-
            than 4 percent of cell tow-  that connect cell towers to   a tower simply needs refu-  aren’t  able  to  get  callers’  ers got busy signals.
            ers were out.                communications  centers.     eling  or  requires  extensive  location  information  auto-  “We’re  part  of  the  tele-
            While  cellphone  services  In  such  cases,  it  might  be   repair.  Cellphone  compa-  matically, which can be a  phone  era,  so  if  you  want
            fared  well,  hundreds  of  possible to get a signal, but   nies  also  sent  truck-based  problem  if  the  caller  is  un-  to  move  calls  around  (to
            thousands  of  people  lost  the  data  isn’t  going  any-  mobile cell towers to areas  able to speak. Earlier in the  neighboring  centers),  you
            landline  or  other  wired  where.  Schulz  said  Verizon   needing greater capacity.  week,  two  centers  were  have  to  go  physically  re-
            phone services, according  has microwave technology       EMERGENCY SERVICES           down completely, but both  wire things,” he said.q

                                                                                Putin: Leader in artificial intelli-

                                                                                gence will rule world

                                                                               MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Russian  Presi-    opment of AI raises “colossal opportuni-
                                                                               dent Vladimir Putin says that who-  ties and threats that are difficult to pre-
                                                                               ever  reaches  a  breakthrough  in   dict now.”
                                                                               developing  artificial  intelligence   He warned that “the one who becomes
                                                                               will come to dominate the world.    the leader in this sphere will be the ruler
                                                                               Putin, speaking Friday at a meet-   of the world.”
                                                                               ing with students, said the devel-  Putin  warned  that  “it  would  be  strongly
                                                                                                                   undesirable if someone wins a monopo-
                                                                               Russian President Vladimir Putin    list  position”  and  promised  that  Russia
                                                                               speaks at a meeting with students   would be ready to share its know-how in
                                                                               in Yaroslavl, Russia, Friday, Sept.   artificial intelligence with other nations.q
                                                                               1, 2017.
                                                                                Associated Press
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