P. 18

               Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

                                                                      profile  players,  become    juries.  Keys  missed  the  first  off to dedicate oneself full-
                                                                      coaches.”                    two  months  of  the  season  time to the coaching.”
                                                                      Plenty of well-known male    because  of  left  wrist  sur-  Davenport  has  four  chil-
                                                                      players  have  transitioned   gery; she’s now returning to  dren and shares coaching
                                                                      to  part-time  coaching  —   form as a powerful baselin-  duties  with  Thomas  Hogst-
                                                                      Andre  Agassi  is  the  latest,   er, similar to her coach.  edt.
                                                                      spending    time   working   “Lindsay  has  been  amaz-   Currently,  the  men’s  tour
                                                                      with Novak Djokovic at the   ing.  She’s  always  helped  provides child care, but the
                                                                      French Open and Wimble-      me in the big moments, just  women’s tour does not.
                                                                      don.  Navratilova  has  as-  because  she’s  been  there  WTA spokeswoman Heath-
                                                                      sisted  various  players  in   and  understands,”  said  er  Bowler  said  in  an  email
                                                                      the  past.  Other  American   Keys of the 1998 U.S. Open  to The Associated Press that
                                                                      players-turned-coaches       winner. “So having her per-  “child care is not a require-
                                                                      include  Zina  Garrison  and   spective in what she did to  ment”  and  the  tour  “does
                                                                      Lori McNeil.                 handle those situations has  not  anticipate  that  this  re-
                                                                      Conchita  Martinez,  who     been  really  beneficial.”I  quirement will change.”
             In this Feb. 8, 2014, file photo, United States’ Christina McHale,
            right, talks with coach Mary Joe Fernandez during a break in a   coaches women and men   think it’s probably the clos-  Fernandez  said  in  the
            Fed Cup world group tennis match against Italy’s Karin Knapp   with  the  Spanish  Fed  Cup   est  I’ve  ever  been  with  a  past,  women  hired  male
            in Cleveland.                                             and  Davis  Cup  teams,      coach.  I  truly  love  just  be-  coaches because they got
                                                     Associated Press  beamed  from  the  box  at   ing around her.”            “two-in-one”  —  a  coach
               Continued from Page 17    TV, the better.”             Wimbledon  after  helping    Chris  Evert  has  an  acad-  and  hitting  partner  with  a
            ESPN’s  cameras  frequently  Mary Joe Fernandez, a for-   Garbine    Muguruza    win   emy  in  Boca  Raton,  Flori-  faster-paced  ball.  These
            showed  the  reactions  of  mer  player,  U.S.  Fed  Cup   that title in July.         da, that has trained many  days,  some  top  players
            Davenport and Clijsters.     coach  and  current  ESPN    A winner of 55 career titles   young  players,  including  have a team that includes
            “You’ve  got  to  see  it  to  commentator, agreed that   in  17  years  on  tour,  the   Keys  and  American  Jenni-  a  coach,  hitting  partner,
            be  it,”  former  player  Billie  more  exposure  helps,  “es-  41-year-old   Davenport   fer  Brady.  Both  advanced  fitness  trainer,  physiothera-
            Jean King said. “The more  pecially  when  a  Lindsay     knows the pressure players   to the second week of the  pist,  statistician  and  family
            coaches,  the  better.  And  or Martina (Navratilova) or   face on and off the court   U.S. Open.                   support.
            the more girls that see it on  (Amelie)  Mauresmo,  high-  and  how  to  deal  with  in-  Clijsters,  who  won  the  U.S.  Unlike the ATP, the WTA al-
                                                                                                   Open in 2005 and 2009-10,  lows  on-court  coaching
                                                                                                   has  assisted  Belgian  play-  between  sets  of  matches
                                                                                                   ers Mertens, Kirsten Flipkens  —  although  not  at  Grand
                                                                                                   and Yanina Wickmayer by  Slam  tournaments.  That
                                                                                                   letting  them  practice  at  allowed  viewers  to  listen
                                                                                                   her academy in Bree. They  in  while  current  U.S.  Fed
                                                                                                   all  have  their  own  male  Cup  coach  Kathy  Rinaldi
                                                                                                   coaches.  But  Clijsters  is  offered  strategy  and  en-
              Located in the Riu Antilles Resort (Formerly the Westin Resort)                      often  in  the  stands  of  ma-  couragement to American
               FREE TRANSPORTATION TO THE CASINO FROM ALL                                          jor  events  to  cheer  on  her  Christina  McHale  during  a
              HIGH RISE AND LOW RISE HOTELS AND TIMESHARES.                                        countrywomen.                recent  tournament  ahead
                 CALL 525-7777 FOR MORE INFORMATION                                                “She’s just really supportive  of the U.S Open.
                                                                                                   and a good friend,” Wick-    Fernandez  had  an  ear-
                                            LIVE POKER                                             mayer said.                  ly  mentor  in  King,  who
                                                                                                   Andy  Murray,  who  was  coached  Davenport  (sin-
                                                                                                   initially  coached  by  his  gles)  and  Fernandez  and
                              GAMES START 8 PM TO THE WEE HOURS                                    mother,  hired  2006  Austra-  Gigi  Fernandez  (doubles)
                                                                                                   lian Open and Wimbledon  to gold medals at the 1996
                                                                                                   champion  Mauresmo  for  Atlanta Olympics.
                               1-2.....2-5......5-5            1-3.....2-5......5-5                two  years.  She  stepped  “I  learned  a  lot  from  Billie
                                  $100 HIGH HAND BONUSES EVERY HOUR                                aside  in  2016  after  having  Jean.
                      OVER $20,000 PER WEEK GIVEN OUT IN HIGH HAND BONUSES                         a child.                     She  gave  me  great  ad-
                                                                                                   Fernandez  says  whether  vice  when  I  went  into  the
                                                   CRAPS                                           the  coach  is  male  or  fe-  coaching role,” Fernandez
                                                                                                   male, it’s more about “the  said.  “You  have  to  really
                              ONLY CASINO IN ARUBA TO OFFER 3, 4 & 5 TIME ODDS                     right fit.”                  learn  about  each  individ-
                                                                                                   “The  chemistry  has  to  be  ual, everybody is different,
                                                                                                   right,”  she  said.  “I  think  a  and  how  to  connect.  It’s
                                              SPORTSBOOK                                           woman can coach a man  important  for  players  to
                                                                                                   as easily as they can coach  play to their strengths.
                                        LIVE SIMULCAST OF ALL MAJOR TRACKS                         a  woman.  It’s  just  been  “Coaching  is  so  much
                                                                                                   harder  because  women  fun.  It’s  fun  when  you  see
                                           THROUGHOBRED AND HARNESS                                go on to have families and  the  players  develop  and
                                                                                                   it’s tougher to take the time  improve.”q
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