P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

            Thomas fires off a 63, shares lead with Leishman in Boston

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    Johnson, coming off a play-
             AP Golf Writer                                                                                                     off victory last week in New
            NORTON, Mass. (AP) — PGA                                                                                            York, sarcastically pumped
            champion  Justin  Thomas                                                                                            his  fist  when  he  made  a
            ran  off  eight  birdies  on  a                                                                                     birdie on No. 14, and then
            long, wet TPC Boston for a                                                                                          he kept right on going. The
            tournament-best 63, giving                                                                                          only  hole  he  didn’t  birdie
            him a share of the lead with                                                                                        coming  in  was  at  No.  17,
            Marc  Leishman  going  into                                                                                         where  he  missed  a  birdie
            a  Labor  Day  finish  in  the                                                                                      chance for 10 feet.
            Dell Technologies filled with                                                                                       “I just wanted to get myself
            the game’s best players.                                                                                            in position to be in range of
            The  FedEx  Cup  playoff                                                                                            the leaders,” Johnson said.
            event  in  Boston  has  a  his-                                                                                     He was three behind Spieth
            tory  of  delivering  big  mo-                                                                                      going into the final round of
            ments, and this was set up                                                                                          The Northern Trust and end-
            for another.                                                                                                        ed up winning in a sudden-
            Leishman, who won at Bay                                                                                            death playoff.
            Hill    this  year,  also  played                                                                                   PGA  Tour  rookie  Grayson
            bogey-free  for  a  65  on                                                                                          Murray  (67)  and  Adam
            Sunday  to  join  Thomas  at                                                                                        Hadwin (68) were at 10-un-
            12-under 201.                                                                                                       der  203  along  with  Spieth,
            Eight players were separat-                                                                                         who  has  made  only  two
            ed by three shots going into                                                                                        bogeys  over  his  last  45
            the final round, a listed that   Justin  Thomas  reacts  after  missing  a  putt  on  the  15th  hole  during  the  third  round  of  the  Dell   holes.  Spieth  shot  a  sec-
            included  Jordan  Spieth     Technologies  Championship  golf  tournament  at  TPC  Boston  in  Norton,  Mass.,  Sunday,  Sept.  3,   ond  straight  66  and  was
            and  Dustin  Johnson,  Paul   2017.                                                                                 surprised  that  left  him  two
            Casey  and  Jon  Rahm.  Still                                                                      Associated Press  shots  behind,  all  because
            very  much  in  the  mix  was  designed 12th hole for the  the  three  par  5s  without  a  as many chances as I can  of Thomas and Leishman.
            Phil  Mickelson,  only  four  third  time  this  week  and  birdie,  missing  a  12-footer  and  try  and  make  them,”  “I  couldn’t  have  shot  a
            shots behind.                holed a 50-foot birdie putt,  on the final hole that would  he said.                   whole  lot  better,”  Spieth
            “There  is  a  heightened  and then added a pair of  have given him a share of  Rahm had a two-shot lead  said.  “I  thought  four  back
            something  to  these  play-  25-foot birdie putts.        the lead.                    and  still  had  the  lead  until  starting  the  day,  if  I  could
            off  events  that  bring  out  And  he  didn’t  even  birdie  Then again, the TPC Boston  running into trouble on the  cut  that  in  half,  then  that
            certain  champions  for  the  any of the par 5s.          played  longer  than  ever  back  nine,  making  three  would  be  a  tremendous
            most part,” Spieth said Sun-  “I  just  felt  I  had  total  con-  with  heavy  air  and  a  light  bogeys  until  he  ended  his  goal.  So  goal  achieved,
            day after finishing with two  trol  of  my  game,”  Thomas  rain  that  never  left  Sun-  round with a birdie for a 71.  maybe.”
            straight  birdies  to  nudge  said. “But it’s crazy to think  day.  Thomas  was  stunned  . “I will be a little bit frustrat-  Mickelson  dropped  a  shot
            closer to the lead, just two  I did that and parred all the  when he smashed a driver  ed  for  a  while  because  it  on  the  par-5  seventh  with
            shots behind. “It’s going to  par  5s.  That’s  a  little  bit  of  on  the  18th  and  couldn’t  always is bad when you’re  a wild tee shot and missed
            be  a  throw-down  tomor-    a bummer, if I could some-   carry  a  bunker  complex  making  good  swings  and  a  4-foot  birdie  putt  on  the
            row.” Thomas had his third  how  have  a  downside  to  only 260 yards out. He nor-    things   don’t   happen,”  ninth  hole,  but  otherwise
            round  this  season  at  63  or  the day. But like I said, I’m  mally  flies  a  tee  shot  like  Rahm  said.  “I’ll  probably  kept  in  the  game.  This  is
            better — a list that includes  extremely pleased and put  that 300 yards. The forecast  get to the hotel, lay down  the first time Mickelson has
            his  59  at  the  Sony  Open  myself in a great position to  for Monday was mostly sun-  for a little bit and realize the  opened with three straight
            and a 63 at the U.S. Open  win the tournament.”           shine, and if the course re-  fact that I’m still three shots  rounds in the 60s since the
            — to turn a five-shot deficit  And he has plenty of com-  mains  softer  from  rain,  this  back.”                  St.  Jude  Classic  in  June,
            into a share of the lead and  pany.                       could  be  a  typical  shoot-  Most  frustrating  was  that  which also was his last top-
            a chance to win for the fifth  Casey  played  in  the  final  out.  Leishman  figured  the  everyone  around  him  was  10 finish.
            time this year.              group  at  the  TPC  Boston  winning  score  would  be  in  making a move.             Monday  could  go  a  long
            He birdied six of the first 10  last  year,  but  Rory  McIl-  the 15- or 16-under range.  It was especially critical for  way  in  persuading  U.S.
            holes, the longest at about  roy  ran  him  down  with  a  “That  would  be  my  plan,  Johnson,  who  played  the  captain  Steve  Stricker  to
            12  feet.  He  played  down  65  to  overcome  a  six-shot  to just try and do what I’ve  third  round  with  Thomas  pick  him  for  the  Presidents
            the 13th fairway on the re-  deficit.  Casey  also  played  been doing — give myself  and  couldn’t  buy  a  putt.  Cup. q
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