P. 22

A22     sports
               Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

            Lynx secure top seed as WNBA playoffs set

            By DOUG FEINBERG                                                                       been the surprise team this  who it would face until the
             AP Basketball Writer                                                                  season,  lost  two  of  three  late afternoon.
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  The                                                                heading  into  the  postsea-  The  Storm  will  visit  the
            WNBA  playoffs  are  set  —                                                            son.  “To  our  players’  cred-  Mercury  in  the  first  round
            finally.  Minnesota  secured                                                           it,  there  was  a  real  belief  Wednesday while the Wings
            the  top  spot  in  the  post-                                                         in  the  locker  room  that  play  at  Washington  in  the
            season  and  Los  Angeles                                                              we  could  overachieve,”  other  playoff  game  that
            will be seeded No. 2. Those                                                            Connecticut  coach  Curt  night. The WNBA changed
            two teams, who met for the                                                             Miller  said.  “We  had  some  its  format  last  season  tak-
            WNBA  Finals  last  season,                                                            special  chemistry  that  we  ing the top eight teams to
            have  byes  again  until  the                                                          could be better than what  the  postseason  instead  of
            semifinals.                                                                            many  predicted  us  finish-  going  with  four  from  each
            The Lynx had to beat Wash-                                                             ing.  They  never  wavered  conference.  The  league
            ington on the last day of the                                                          after the start and the close  also  changed  the  format
            regular  season  to  secure                                                            losses that accumulated at  so that the first two rounds
            the top spot, as the Sparks                                                            the beginning of the year.  are  one  game  each.  The
            were a game behind them                                                                I  can’t  be  more  pleased.  semifinals  and  champion-
            and  held  the  tiebreaker.                                                            It’s  disappointing  that  we  ship round are best of five.
            Minnesota finished with the   Minnesota Lynx’s Sylvia Fowles is fouled by Indiana Fever’s Nat-  didn’t  come  up  with  an  The  semifinals  will  begin
                                         alie Achonwa as she goes up for a shot during the first half of
            league’s  best  record  for   a WNBA basketball game Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2017, in India-  Eastern Conference cham-  Sept.  12  in  Minnesota  and
            the fifth time in seven years.  napolis.                                               pionship,  but  hats  off  to  Los Angeles with the WNBA
            “That  was  crucial  getting                                          Associated Press  New  York  with  10  straight  Finals starting Sept. 24.
            the top seed,” Lynx center  had already clinched byes  winners  of  Wednesday’s  wins  at  the  finish  to  catch  “It’s  going  to  be  good  to
            Sylvia  Fowles  told  The  As-  to the second round before  first-round  games  on  Sun-  us.”Seattle clinched a post-  have  some  rest,”  Fowles
            sociated  Press  in  a  phone  Sunday’s  play.  The  Liberty  day, Sept. 10.           season  berth  on  Friday,  fi-  said.  “We  had  two  of  our
            interview  Sunday.  “We  un-  earned  the  No.  3  seed  by  “You control what you can  nalizing  the  eight  teams  in  starters that have been out.
            derstood we made it hard  beating  Dallas  on  Sunday  control,”  Liberty  coach  Bill  the playoffs. The Storm and  Lindsay Whalen’s still trying
            for ourselves, but we came  and  matched  a  franchise  Laimbeer  said.  “We’re  just  seventh-seed  Dallas  were  to get her way back. That
            in and got those last three  record  with  a  10th  straight  trying  to  peak  at  the  right  the  only  teams  who  knew  will be big to get her back
            games.”                      win.  Both  New  York  and  time heading into the play-   their playoff position going  and  (having  the  time  off)
            New York and Connecticut  Connecticut  will  host  the  offs.”  The  Sun,  who  have  into  Sunday.  Neither  knew  will help with that.”q

            Miguel Angel Lopez wins 15th Vuelta stage, Froome keeps lead

            ALTO  HOYA  DE  LA  MORA,  bali, increasing it to 1 min-  onds.  He  also  moved  up  southern  Sierra  Nevada  thing at this Vuelta. crashes,
            Spain  (AP)  —  Colombian  ute, 1 second.                 to  sixth  overall  at  2:51  off  mountains  ended  with  al-  attacks.  I  can  expect  ev-
            rider  Miguel  Angel  Lopez  The  result  allowed  Froome  Froome’s pace.              most  28  kilometers  (17.3  erything  (over  the  remain-
            won the mountainous 15th  to  turn  around  the  previ-   Lopez,  a  23-year-old  rider  miles) of continuous ascent.  ing week).”
            stage of the Spanish Vuelta  ous  days’  trend  of  Nibali  for Astana, claimed his first  Nibali also launched a late  Froome,  a  four-time  Tour
            on  Sunday,  while  Tour  de  pecking away at the British  grand tour win on Wednes-   attack  to  test  Froome.  But  champion,   has   finished
            France winner Chris Froome  rider’s comfortable advan-    day,  when  he  won  a  simi-  it didn’t pay off as Froome  the Vuelta runner-up three
            tacked a few seconds onto  tage.                          larly tough mountain stage  got  help  from  Sky  team-   times.
            his overall lead.            Lopez attacked with Alber-   finishing  at  the  Calar  Alto  mates  Mikel  Nieve  and  Ilnur  Zakarin  moved  into
            A  late  surge  by  Froome  to Contador near the start  summit.                        Wout Poels to keep Nibali in  third overall at 2:08 behind
            over the final meters of the  of the stage’s last climb. Lo-  “We  decided  to  ride  with  sight — and then reeled the  Froome.
            punishing  ride  over  two  pez then set off on his own  Contador when he made a  Italian back before beating  Monday is the second rest
            category  one  and  a  final  to  pass  breakaway  rider  great attack, and I thought  him to the finish line.      day  for  the  three-week
            special-category    ascent  Adam Yates and power his  I  had  good  legs  and  it  all  “I  just  have  a  huge,  huge  race, which heads north on
            allowed  him  to  grow  the  way to the summit finish at  went  off  well,”  Lopez  said.  thank  you  for  my  team-  Tuesday  with  an  individual
            gap over Vincenzo Nibali.    Alto Hoya de la Mora.        “There  are  many  hard  mates. There were a lot of  time trial.
            “It’s  all  small  steps  at  this  Lopez finished the 129.4-ki-  stages to go. The Vuelta is  big attacks today, but they  The final week of the race
            stage,” Froome said about  lometer  (80.4-mile)  stage  not over and we will go for-   stayed  with  me  and  con-  will stay in the north before
            the  six  seconds  he  added  starting in Alcala la Real in  ward step by step.”       trolled the speed,” Froome  its finish in Madrid on Sept.
            to  his  advantage  over  Ni-  3 hours, 34 minutes, 51 sec-  The  route  drawn  in  the  said. “We have seen every-  10.q
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