P. 20

               Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

            Sharapova’s Slam return ends; Venus to U. S. Open QFs

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  2006  champion  in  Arthur
             AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                   Ashe  Stadium  every  time
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Maybe                                                                                           she  played  over  the  past
            this  was  just  one  three-                                                                                        week,  drawing  strong  sup-
            setter  too  many  for  Maria                                                                                       port from spectators — and
            Sharapova.                                                                                                          criticism  from  another  for-
            Sharapova tried a bit of ev-                                                                                        mer  No.  1-ranked  woman,
            erything,  even  resorting  to                                                                                      Caroline Wozniacki.
            switching  over  her  racket                                                                                        On  Day  1  of  the  tourna-
            to hit a few lefty shots. Still,                                                                                    ment,  Sharapova  won  a
            the  five-time  major  cham-                                                                                        three-set  thriller  under  the
            pion  could  not  quite  keep                                                                                       lights against No. 2 seed Si-
            her Grand Slam comeback                                                                                             mona Halep.
            from  a  doping  suspension                                                                                         “Just competing, you know,
            going,  losing  in  the  fourth                                                                                     being  in  that  competitive
            round  of  the  U.S.  Open  to                                                                                      environment — that’s what
            16th-seeded      Anastasija                                                                                         I  missed,”  Sharapova  said.
            Sevastova of Latvia 5-7, 6-4,                                                                                       “You  can’t  replicate  that
            6-2 on Sunday.                                                                                                      anywhere,  especially  at  a
            “Look,  three-set  matches                                                                                          Grand Slam.
            are challenging . I love be-                                                                                        So  ...  Monday  night  was  a
            ing  part  of  them.  There’s                                                                                       special  night  for  me.  I  will
            an  element  of  concentra-                                                                                         always remember it.”
            tion, focus, physicality that                                                                                       This time, Sevastova made
            goes into all of it. And you                                                                                        Sharapova  run  a  lot  by
            have to put it all together.                                                                                        pulling  her  forward  with
            Yeah, you just have to get                                                                                          drop  shots  or  tight  angles,
            through    it,”   Sharapova                                                                                         then  would  often  deposit
            said. “There’s no doubt that                                                                                        follow-up strokes into open
            not playing those matches                                                                                           spaces. On one point won
            certainly  cost  me  today.  I                                                                                      by  Sharapova  in  the  sec-
            did feel like I was thinking a                                                                                      ond set, she twice tracked
            little bit too much and not                                                                                         down  lobs  that  she  got
            playing by instinct.”                                                                                               back over the net by hitting
            This was the third time in her                                                                                      the ball left-handed.
            four matches that Sharapo-                                                                                          But  she  could  not  sustain
            va  went  the  distance                                                                                             enough  strong  play,  and
            and  she  faded  down  the                                                                                          Sevastova reached the U.S.
            stretch,  while  also  dealing                                                                                      Open  quarterfinals  for  the
            with  a  blister  on  her  right                                                                                    second consecutive year.
            hand that was treated and                                                                                           “I allowed the match to be-
            taped by a trainer in the fi-                                                                                       come  physical,”  Sharapo-
            nal set.                     Maria Sharapova, of Russia, serves to Anastasija Sevastova, of Latvia, during the fourth round of   va said about the late-go-
            Sharapova’s  miscues  kept   the U.S. Open tennis tournament, Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017, in New York.                   ing.  “I  don’t  think  I  played
            closing  exchanges,  and                                                                           Associated Press  as  aggressive  or  was  step-
            she dropped 13 of the first  very thankful for the oppor-  were  scheduled  to  face  tour this April with a ranking  ping in as much as I did in
            14 points in that set.       tunity.”                     each  other  Sunday  night.  too  low  to  get  into  Grand  the first set.”
            The 30-year-old Russian fin-  Sharapova’s exit leaves Ve-  Muguruza  beat  Williams  in  Slam events.               Sevastova  will  face  un-
            ished  with  51  unforced  er-  nus Williams as the only past  the Wimbledon final in July;  The  French  Open  denied  seeded  American  Sloane
            rors,  compared  to  14  for  U.S. Open champion in the  Kvitova  owns  two  trophies  her  a  wild-card  invitation,  Stephens,  who  reached
            Sevastova.                   women’s field . The 37-year-  from the All England Club.  then she planned to try to  her first quarterfinal in New
            “It’s  been  a  really  great  old  Williams,  who  won  the  Sharapova  hadn’t  played  qualify  for  Wimbledon  be-  York  by  eliminating  No.  30
            ride,” Sharapova said.       title in 2000 and 2001, got to  in  a  major  tournament  fore pulling out because of  Julia  Goerges  6-3,  3-6,  6-1.
            “Ultimately, I can take a lot  the quarterfinals by beating  since  the  Australian  Open  an injured left leg.     Stephens  has  won  12  of
            from this week,” she contin-  Carla  Suarez  Navarro  6-3,  in January 2016, when she  But  she  was  able  to  enter  her past 14 matches, a re-
            ued.                         3-6,  6-1.  Next  for  Williams  tested positive for the newly  the  U.S.  Open  thanks  to  markable run for someone
            “It’s  great  to  get  that  ma-  will be a showdown against  banned  drug  meldonium.  a  wild  card  from  the  U.S.  who was off the tour for 11
            jor out of the way. It was an  No. 3 Garbine Muguruza or  She served a 15-month ban  Tennis  Association,  which  months  because  of  foot
            incredible  opportunity.  I’m  No.  13  Petra  Kvitova,  who  for  that,  returning  to  the  then  proceeded  to  put  its  surgery in January.q
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