P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

                                                  A Perfect Holiday

            DRUIF BEACH - Holiday sea-   ing to live music of DJ and  chic way. The group offers
            son is knocking on the door  the  band  Tsunami,  you  more opportunities like the
            and for that reason Divi Re-  got  to  get  the  picture.  As  restaurant Windows on Aru-
            sorts organized The Perfect  they  say:  perfect  events  ba, Fusion,
            Holiday Event.               don’t just happen, they are    Pure  Ocean  and  they
                                         planned.                     have an in house Wedding
            While enjoying the culinary   This event took place in the  Planner. For more informa-
            offerings  of  the  chefs,  sip-  Alhambra  Ballroom  and  tion  go  to  www.diviresorts.
            ping  the  tasty  cocktails  of  was decorated in the spirit  com.q
            the  bartenders  and  listen-  of Christmas in an elegant,
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