P. 14

               Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

                                         Chihuahua’s  Fiesta  &  Grill  loca’.  There  are  Mexican
               Continued from Page 13    Aruba                        sombrero’s,  games  with
                                         Topping of the day with a  shots and of course food &
               In  the  inspiring  environ-  margarita  and  fajita  is  not  drinks.  It  was  definitely  not
             ment  of  San  Nicolas  we   bad at all. On the contrary,  ‘just another day in the of-
             spent  the  afternoon  at   as the staff of Chihuahua’s  fice’, more than that a Fri-
             creative  center  Cosecha.   make dining here a ‘fiesta  day to smile about! q
             Manager  Joanne  Derksz
             and colleagues welcomed
             us warmly with mimosas to
             cheers for this happy day,
             but while sipping our bub-
             bles there was work to do.
             Each  team  was  assigned
             to paint a canvas with the
             company’s logo and some
             true artists came out of the
             box.  It  was  fun,  relaxing
             and  the  ambience  was
             just great.
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