P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

              Xi says BRICS nations should stand up against protectionism

            XIAMEN, China (AP) — Chi-    with other members of the
            nese  President  Xi  Jinping   international community to
            on  Sunday  called  for  the   find solutions, he said.
            world to reject protection-  China  has  long  been  ac-
            ism even as American and     cused of putting up unfair
            European pressure mounts     barriers  to  foreign  com-
            on Beijing to lower market   panies.  However,  Xi  has
            barriers,  speaking  at  the   become  a  leader  who
            start of a Chinese-led sum-  speaks out in favor of glo-
            mit of five large emerging   balization  at  a  time  when
            economies now overshad-      protectionist   sentiments
            owed  by  North  Korea’s     are  on  the  rise  in  Western
            sixth  nuclear  test.  Lament-  countries.  In  January,  Xi
            ing  that  “protectionism    became  the  first  Chinese
            and    an   inward-looking   president  to  attend  the
            mentality  are  on  the  rise,”   World  Economic  Forum  in
            Xi said that “only openness   Davos,  Switzerland,  where
            delivers  progress  and  only   he  cast  his  country  as  a
            inclusiveness  sustains  such   champion of free trade in
            progress.” Xi was speaking   contrast to the protection-
            to business representatives   ist rhetoric of U.S. President
            of the BRICS nations — Bra-  Donald Trump. Yet, foreign
            zil, Russia, India, China and   companies  complain  Bei-  Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks during the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum
                                                                      at the Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center in Xiamen in southeastern China’s
            South  Africa  —  a  day  be-  jing  is  reducing  access  to   Fujian Province, Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017.
            fore  he  opens  a  summit   its markets for electric cars,                                                     (AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein, Pool)
            with  the  leaders  of  these   computer security technol-
            major  emerging  markets     ogy  and  other  promising   been  on  buying  sprees  plaints  it  is  exporting  steel,  low   prices,   threatening
            in  the  southeastern  Chi-  fields, at the same time as   abroad.  Beijing  also  faces  aluminum, solar panels and  thousands  of  jobs  in  other
            nese  city  of  Xiamen.  This   Chinese  companies  have   U.S.  and  European  com-   other  goods  at  improperly  countries.q
            will be the ninth summit of
            the BRICS grouping, which          Kenya opposition leader refuses to share power
            came  together  about  a
            decade  ago  to  push  for
            an alternative world order   By TOM ODULA                 elected members of coun-     found  the  electoral  com-  Chief  Justice  David  Mag-
            that wasn’t dominated by     Associated Press             ty assemblies from his Jubi-  mission  had  performed  ir-  ara  and  the  judiciary  are
            Western nations. Xi said the   NAIROBI,  Kenya  (AP)  —  lee Party on Saturday.        regularities  and  illegalities  “crooks” and alleged they
            BRICS  nations  had  led  the   Kenya’s  opposition  leader  Odinga,  72,  was  named  in adding up the presiden-   are  on  the  payroll  of  do-
            way  in  increasing  the  say   Raila  Odinga  said  Sunday  Prime Minister and Kenyat-  tial vote.                 nors.  Kenyatta  said  he  will
            of  emerging  economies      he  will  not  share  power,  ta his deputy in a coalition  Odinga  said  the  electoral  fix  the  judiciary  once  he
            and developing countries.    speaking  days  after  the  government in 2008 Febru-     commission  as  currently  wins  the  coming  elections
            “The  law  of  the  jungle   Supreme  Court’s  decision  ary  following  the  disputed  constituted  should  not  be  because  it  ruled  against
            where  the  strong  prey  on   to  annul  President  Uhuru  presidential   election   of  permitted  to  conduct  the  him.
            the weak and the zero-sum    Kenyatta’s re-election and  Dec 27, 2007.                 fresh election saying it was  The move to nullify Kenya’s
            game  are  rejected,”  he    order  a  fresh  presidential  More  than  1,000  people  complicit in electoral fraud.  election was unprecedent-
            told  the  audience,  which   election in 60 days.        died  and  600,000  were  Kenyatta,                       ed  on  the  African  conti-
            included Brazilian President   Odinga,  speaking  at  a  evicted from their homes in  however, has said the elec-   nent. It gave new hope to
            Michel  Temer  and  South    church  service  in  Nairobi  post-election violence that  toral  commission  should  opposition  leader  Odinga,
            African  President  Jacob    Sunday,                      erupted from that election.  not be interfered with and  who had alleged the elec-
            Zuma.  “We  should  not  ig-    said  his  party  cannot  ac-  The Supreme Court nullified  warned  the  court  against  tronic  results  of  the  Aug.  8
            nore problems arising from   cept  to  share  power  with  Kenyatta’s win announced  taking  action  on  the  In-   balloting  were  manipulat-
            economic  globalization  or   “thieves.”                  by  the  electoral  commis-  dependent  Electoral  and  ed.
            just complain about them,”   President  Uhuru  Kenyatta  sion  on  Aug  11.  The  court  Boundaries   Commission.  He  had  lost  by  about  1.4
            he  said.  Rather,  BRICS  na-  similarly  ruled  out  sharing  voted 4-2 to nullify Kenyat-  Since  the  Supreme  Court  million votes out of roughly
            tions should work together   power  when  addressing  ta’s  election  saying  they  ruling  Kenyatta  has  said  15 million ballots cast.q
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