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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 4 SepteMber 2017
            Philadelphia fetes Benjamin Franklin Parkway as it turns 100

                                                                      project  in  1908  and  archi-  After it was completed, The  He’s  created  about  900
                                                                      tects  Paul  Cret,  Clarence  New York Times called the  colorful  lanterns  in  whim-
                                                                      Zantzinger   and   Horace  parkway  an  example  of  sical  shapes  like  emojis,
                                                                      Trumbauer  produced  the  “civic magnificence.”           hamburgers and aliens that
                                                                      original  plan  for  what  was  The  celebration  gets  start-  will adorn 27 pedicabs. The
                                                                      then  called  the  Fairmount  ed Sept. 8 with a “cultural  public  can  get  free  night-
                                                                      Parkway.  After  delays  and  crawl”  featuring  100  free  time rides around the park-
                                                                      politics stalled it for nearly a  activities  including  muse-  way  on  these  pedicabs,
                                                                      decade, France-born land-    um  admission  deals,  guid-  transforming  the  parkway
                                                                      scape  architect  Jacques  ed  tours,  crafts  and  com-  with  the  glowing,  moving
                                                                      Greber  was  assigned  to  munity art projects.           clusters of color.
                                                                      revise  the  original  plan  Artist  Cai  Guo-Qiang  has  Other    events    include
                                                                      in  1917.  More  than  1,300  been commissioned to turn  plantings,  concerts,  and
                                                                      homes  and  other  prop-     the parkway into a dream-    more  activities  will  be  an-
                                                                      erties  were  destroyed  to  scape from Sept. 15 to Oct.  nounced as the year goes
            In  this  Feb.  22,  2007  photo,  Ralph  Archbold,  left,  portrays   make way for the parkway.  8  with  his  “Fireflies”  work.  on.q
            Benjamin  Franklin  as  he  tosses  a  time  capsule  into  a  hole
            beside  the  Benjamin  Franklin
            Parkway  in  Philadelphia.  The
            city has a full roster of yearlong
            celebrations  planned  for  the
            parkway,  starting  Sept.  8,
            2017, and continuing through
            November  2018,  when  the
            Parkway officially turns 100.
                  (AP Photo/Matt Rourke)

            By KRISTEN DE GROOT
            Associated Press
            PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Phila-
            delphia’s  grand  cultural
            boulevard,  the  Benjamin
            Franklin  Parkway,  is  gear-
            ing up for its 100th birthday.
            The  mile-long  artery  con-
            nects  the  city’s  business
            district  with  sprawling  Fair-
            mount  Park,  and  is  a  cor-
            ridor  of  world-renowned
            museums,  imposing  mon-
            uments    and     splashing
            fountains.  The  city  has  a
            full  roster  of  yearlong  cel-
            ebrations  planned  for  the
            parkway,  starting  Sept.  8
            and  continuing  through
            November 2018, when the
            Parkway officially turns 100.
            Some things to know about
            one of the nation’s earliest
            showcases  of  urban  re-
            As early as the 1850s, civic
            organizations,   politicians
            and  prominent  Philadel-
            phians  wanted  to  create
            a  boulevard  to  link  the
            heavily  industrial  city  with
            bucolic  Fairmount  Park.  It
            was part of the “City Beau-
            tiful”  movement  sweeping
            the  nation  at  the  time,  a
            response to overcrowded,
            tenement-filled  neighbor-
            hoods. The idea was to use
            urban  planning  to  create
            monuments  and  boule-
            vards,  beautifying  the  city
            and creating vistas to cul-
            tural landmarks, in the spirit
            of  the  Champs  Elysees  in
            Philadelphia  voters  ap-
            proved  a  loan  for  the
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