P. 8
Monday 4 SepteMber 2017
$ 10
Merkel, rival Schulz spar over Turkey in TV election debate
democratic practices at timidly behind her and the
breakneck speed.” headline “Wake up!”
“Whether we slam the door Much of the debate was
shut or Turkey does that is taken up with the issue
something we’ll have to of migrants, with Merkel
see,” she said, adding that saying she stood by her
any move would need to decision to allow hundreds
be coordinated with other of thousands of refugees
European countries. into Germany in 2015
“I don’t plan to break off and insisted the country
diplomatic relations with can’t isolate itself from the
Turkey because we have effects of wars and poverty
to outdo each other a elsewhere in the world.
little bit during the election Schulz largely backed the
campaign to see who is move, saying only that it
tougher,” Merkel said. should have been better
Relations between coordinated with other
Germany and Turkey have European countries.
soured in recent years. The decision to open
Ankara accuses Germany Germany’s borders
of harboring terrorist boosted the nationalist
opposition groups and Alternative for Germany
Berlin has slammed Turkey party, which is expected to
The image provided by German TV channel WDR shows German Chancellor Angela Merkel, left, for a recent crackdown on enter Parliament for the first
of the Christian Democratic party, shaking hand with her challenger Martin Schulz of the Social dissidents and the arrest of time as a result of the Sept.
Democratic party as they attend the only TV debate three weeks before the German parliament several German citizens. 24 vote.
elections in a TV studio in Berlin Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017. The issue was a rare In her pitch to voters,
(WDR/Herby Sachs via AP) moment of tension in what Merkel touted her 12
was otherwise a measured years of experience as
By FRANK JORDANS of the European Union’s customs union and the debate between the leader of Europe’s
Associated Press legislative body, said accession talks,” Schulz Merkel and Schulz. Both biggest economy,
BERLIN (AP) — German he would end talks with said during the 90-minute candidates have run citing Germany’s low
Chancellor Angela Merkel Ankara about joining the debate. lackluster campaigns so unemployment rate and
and her center-left rival, bloc because of Turkish Merkel, who has previously far, prompting yawns from pledging not to raise the
Martin Schulz, locked horns President Recep Tayyip expressed doubts about political commentators, pension age to 70. Merkel
over how to deal with Erdogan’s increasingly Turkey ever joining the with Germany’s respected also stressed that she would
Turkey in their only televised authoritarian policies. EU, refused to commit news weekly Der Spiegel stick to her longtime policy
debate Sunday, three “A point has been reached to the same move, but depicting Merkel on its of choosing international
weeks before the country’s where we need to end the sharply criticized Erdogan’s front page Saturday cooperation over
general election. economic relationship, the rule, saying that “Turkey asleep in a boxing ring, confrontation, including
Schulz, a former president financial relationship, the is departing from all with a tiny Schulz standing with U.S. President Donald
Police: Huge WWII-era bomb defused in Frankfurt “We have serious
FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) evacuate homes within differences with the
— Bomb disposal experts a 1.5-kilometer (nearly a Merkel said, citing among
defused a huge unex- mile) radius of the site in other things Trump’s
ploded World War II-era Germany’s financial capi- response to the far-right
bomb in the German finan- tal. Dozens of ambulances march in Charlottesville,
cial capital Frankfurt that lined up early Sunday to but added that the world
forced the evacuation of pick up anyone unable to needs the U.S. if it is to
more than 60,000 residents, independently leave the tackle conflicts in Iraq
police said Sunday. danger zone. and Afghanistan, climate
Hospital patients and the The high capacity bomb, change and North Korea’s
elderly were among those also dubbed a Blockbust- nuclear weapons program.
affected in what was Ger- er, was one of thousands Telephone polls following
many’s biggest evacua- dropped over Germany by Sunday’s debate put
tion in recent history. the Royal Air Force during Disposers Dieter Schwaetzler, left, and Rene Bennert sit next to Merkel ahead of Schulz,
Construction workers found the final years of World War 1.8 ton WWII bomb right after they defused it, in Frankfurt, Ger- though in Germany the
the 1.8-ton (4,000-pound) II to cripple the Nazi war many, Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017. 70 000 people had to be evacu- chancellor is elected by
British bomb Tuesday. Of- machine and demoralize (AP Photo/Michael Probst) parliament.q
ficials ordered residents to the German population.q