P. 12

               Monday 4 SepteMber 2017

               Venezuela bars opposition activist from traveling to Europe

            CARACAS,        Venezuela                                                              Such a large sum of cash is  ing  investigated  for,  some
            (AP)  —  A  prominent  anti-                                                           rare in Venezuela, more so  government       supporters
            government  activist  was                                                              because  like  many  goods  have  accused  her  of  us-
            barred  from  leaving  Ven-                                                            in the country currency bills  ing  the  funds  to  finance
            ezuela  on  Saturday  for                                                              are  in  short  supply.  Most  “terrorism”  —  a  term  they
            planned  meetings  with                                                                people  have  trouble  with-  frequently  use  to  describe
            European leaders, dealing                                                              drawing  even  the  equiva-  violent  protests  that  have
            a setback to opposition at-                                                            lent  of  the  monthly  mini-  rocked  Venezuela  —  al-
            tempts to rally international                                                          mum wage — 250,000 bo-       though they have present-
            pressure on President Nico-                                                            livars or around $15 at the  ed no evidence.
            las Maduro.                                                                            black  market  rate  —  from  Tarek  William  Saab,  whom
            Lilian Tintori posted a pho-                                                           banks,  the  reason  why  the pro-government consti-
            to  on  Twitter  of  herself  at                                                       even taxi drivers and news-  tutional  assembly  appoint-
            Caracas’ international air-                                                            paper  kiosks  now  accept  ed to replace Venezuela’s
            port  holding  a  document                                                             payment in plastic or elec-  outspoken  chief  prosecu-
            signed  by  immigration  of-                                                           tronic transfers.            tor  after  she  was  ousted
            ficials  ordering  the  seizure                                                        Tintori   denounced    the  recently, said Thursday that
            of  her  passport  as  she                                                             probe  as  politically  moti-  her  case  was  under  inves-
            was  preparing  to  board                                                              vated,  pointing  out  in  a  tigation but without provid-
            an  afternoon  flight.  Tintori                                                        video  that it’s  not a  crime  ing  details.  Saab’s  office
            said  she  had  a  meeting                                                             to have cash in one’s pos-   said  it  was  also  investigat-
            planned  for  Monday  in                                                               session.  She  said  the  mon-  ing  two  executives  at  lo-
            Paris with French President                                                            ey,  found  in  her  car  as  it  cal  Banco  Occidental  de
            Emmanuel Macron.                                                                       was parked at her mother-    Descuento  in  connection
            No  explanation  for  the                                                              in-law’s home, was to pay  with the case for allegedly
            travel  ban  was  given,  but                                                          for   family   emergencies  diverting  funds  from  the
            the move came a day af-                                                                including  the  hospitaliza-  bank to benefit themselves
            ter she was ordered to ap-                                                             tion  of  her  100-year-old  and third parties.
            pear before a judge Tues-    Lilian  Tintori,  wife  of  jailed  opposition  leader  Leopoldo  Lopez,   grandmother.  Tintori  said  Tintori suggested that other
            day  to  answer  questions   holds a copy of the Venezuelan constitution during a meeting   she kept such a large sum  members  of  Venezuela’s
            about a large sum of cash    with foreign journalists in Caracas, Venezuela, Tuesday, Aug. 29,   in  cash  because  of  spiral-  opposition  would  take  her
            found in her vehicle.                                       (AP Photo/Ricardo Mazalan)  ing triple-digit inflation that  place at the meetings. Ju-
            Tintori,  the  wife  of  the  na-                                                      has pulverized the value of  lio  Borges,  the  opposition
            tion’s  most-prominent  de-  why  the  dictatorship  is  stir-  was being investigated af-  Venezuela’s  currency  and  head  of  congress,  said  on
            tained  activist,  Leopoldo   ring  the  pot  against  me,”  ter  authorities  discovered   because  no  local  bank  Twitter  Saturday  that  in
            Lopez,  said  she  was  also   Tintori tweeted. “They want  in her car some 200 million   would open an account or  the  “coming  days”  he  will
            scheduled  to  meet  with    to  keep  me  from  talking  bolivars,  around  $60,000   give a credit card to such  meet  with  Macron,  Ger-
            the  leaders  of  Germany,   about  the  humanitarian  at  the  nation’s  weakest      an  outspoken  critic  of  the  man’s  Angela  Merkel,  the
            Spain and the United King-   crisis  we  are  living  in  Ven-  official  exchange  rate  or   government.          United  Kingdom’s  Theresa
            dom.                         ezuela.”  On  Friday,  Tintori  $10,000 at the widely used   While  it’s  not  clear  what  May  and  Spain’s  Mariano
            “The  evidence  is  clear    received  notice  that  she  black market rate.           possible crime Tintori is be-  Rajoy. q
               Crime, violence dog Mexico as president addresses nation

            By MARK STEVENSON            and  infrastructure  projects  Donald  Trump’s  tough  line  Pena Nieto defended free  “Mexico  has  not  faced
            Associated Press             but  acknowledged  the  on  Mexico  and  migration,  market  reforms  passed  on  such  a  decisive  and  de-
            MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexi-     bloodshed  that’s  on  pace  and on Saturday he vowed  his  watch  and  also  took  a  terminative  crossroads  in
            can President Enrique Pena  to be the country’s worst in  that  “we  will  not  accept  jab  at  the  candidate  who  years,” he said, adding that
            Nieto  said  Saturday  that  many years.                  anything that goes against  leads  in  polls  to  succeed  the  country  must  choose
            security is his government’s  “Recovering  public  safety  our dignity as a nation.”   him in June 2018 presiden-   whether to continue down
            top  priority,  amid  growing  is  the  highest  demand  of  He also sent his regards to  tial  elections:  leftist  Andres  the path of trade and eco-
            violence  and  that  is  mar-  the  public  and  the  high-  the children of migrants —  Manuel  Lopez  Obrador,  nomic liberalization “or sur-
            ring  his  fifth  year  in  office  est  priority  for  the  govern-  mostly  Mexicans  —  who  who  has  espoused  more  render to a model from the
            and  despite  figures  show-  ment,” he said, adding that  were  brought  to  the  Unit-  statist,  nationalist  positions  past that has failed.”
            ing  significant  drops  in  “all three levels of govern-  ed  States  as  minors  and  such as building more gov-  Pena  Nieto  defended  his
            crime-fighting results.      ment must strengthen their  were  granted  temporary  ernment  refineries  to  re-     government’s    anti-crime
            In  his  annual  state-of-the-  efforts. We still have a lot to  permission  to  stay  under  place U.S. imports of gaso-  efforts  saying  authorities
            union  address,  Pena  Nieto  do.” Pena Nieto has spent  an    Obama-era      execu-   line.  “There  are  visible  risks  have  “neutralized  107  of
            said  there  has  been  prog-  much  of  the  last  year  re-  tive  order  that  Trump  may  of going backward,” Pena  the  122  most  dangerous
            ress  in  education  reform  sponding  to  U.S.  President  change or rescind.         Nieto said.                  criminals in Mexico.”q
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