P. 24

Monday 4 SepteMber 2017 BUSINESS

                 Survey: US August factory activity at 6-plus year high

                                                                                                   month,”    Timothy   Fiore,  also  among  the  “Big  Six,”
                                                                                                   chair  of  ISM’s  manufactur-  account for 7 percent. Tex-
                                                                                                   ing business survey commit-  as represents more than 10
                                                                                                   tee, said in a telephone in-  percent  of  U.S.  manufac-
                                                                                                   terview. He noted that the  turing  production.  Chemi-
                                                                                                   growth  was  mostly  driven  cal products refining in the
                                                                                                   by  the  top  manufacturing  state  accounts  for  20  per-
                                                                                                   sectors.                     cent  of  the  U.S.  total,  and
                                                                                                   It’s early to predict the im-  oil  and  gas  represents  30
                                                                                                   pact  on  the  oil,  gas  and  percent.
                                                                                                   chemical industries and on  U.S.  factories  have  largely
                                                                                                   the  broader  economy  of  recovered from a slump in
                                                                                                   Hurricane Harvey. But Fiore  late  2015  and  early  2016
                                                                                                   said  a  snap  survey  of  ISM  caused  by  cutbacks  in
                                                                                                   members  showed  there  the  energy  industry  and  a
                                                                                                   likely  will  be  a  significant  strong dollar, which makes
                                                                                                   hit  to  the  petroleum  and  U.S. goods more expensive
                                                                                                   chemical  products  sectors  in  foreign  markets.  Manu-
                                                                                                   and  “lots  of  supply  chain  facturing   employment
                                                                                                   disruptions.”                began  a  sustained  turn-
                                                                                                   Refining capacity, raw ma-   around  in  December  and
                                                                                                   terials and the ability to de-  enjoyed  four  additional
            In this May 25, 2017 photo, apprentice Ryan Buzzy, right, works with Skip Johnson, a trainer for the   liver products all have been  months of job gains, only to
            Stihl Inc. apprenticeship program, on a metalworking lathe in their training area at the Stihl Inc.   drastically affected by the  have  factories  shed  1,000
            manufacturing facility in Virginia Beach, Va. The Institute for Supply Management, a trade group
            of purchasing managers, issued its index of manufacturing activity for August this weekend.   storm  that  lashed  Houston  workers in May.
                                                                          (AP Photo/John Minchillo)  and nearby areas and shut  New  government  data  is-
                                                                                                   down  oil  refineries,  plastics  sued  Friday  showed  that
                                                                                                   plants  and  the  Houston  manufacturing was one of
             By MARCY GORDON             agement  said  Friday  that  nomic growth.                port  —  the  second-busiest  the leading sources of U.S.
             AP Business Writer          its  manufacturing  index  Fourteen      of   eighteen    in  the  nation.  There  have  job growth in August, add-
             WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  U.S.  rose  to  58.8  percent  last  manufacturing    industries   been  widespread  reports  ing 36,000.
             factories  expanded  at  a  month  from  56.3  percent  surveyed  by  ISM  posted     of gasoline shortages.       For  August,  the  manufac-
             brisk  pace  in  August,  a  in July. Anything above 50  growth in August, including   The chemical products sec-  turing  production  compo-
             likely sign of strength for the  signals that factory activity  the  machinery,  petroleum   tor is one of the six biggest  nent  of  the  ISM  index  rose
             U.S.  economy  as  new  or-  is increasing.              and  coal  products,  and    manufacturing    industries,  0.4  point  to  a  reading  of
             ders,  production  and  em-  The measure now stands at  computer  and  electronic     accounting for 17 percent  61  in  August.  Employment
             ployment all improved.      its  highest  level  since  April  products sectors.      of  total  activity,  Fiore  not-  climbed  4.7  points  to  59.9
             The Institute for Supply Man-  2011, pointing to solid eco-  August was “a really strong
                                                                                                   ed.  Petroleum  and  coal,  percent. q

                 Video streaming player pioneer Roku seeks $100M in IPO

            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —  government regulators. The  players,  which  are  usually  it may cut the prices on its  of  this  year,  according  to
            Video  streaming  player  pi-  documents  provided  the  connected to large-screen  players and try to increase  the  market  research  firm
            oneer Roku is going public,  first peek at Roku’s finances  televisions.  That’s  because  its revenue from advertising  Park  Associates.  Amazon
            hoping  to  raise  money  to  and  other  previously  con-  multiple  players  can  be-  sales. Pursuing that strategy  Fire TV ranked second with
            expand  into  more  house-   fidential  information.  Like  long to the same account.  may  require  more  money,  a 24 percent market share,
            holds  and  fend  off  com-  many young tech compa-       People  streamed  9.5  bil-  one  of  the  reasons  that  followed by Google’s Chro-
            petitive threats from bigger  nies,  Roku  is  still  unprofit-  lion hours of video on Roku  Roku  is  going  public  now.  mecast at 18 percent and
            technology companies.        able. Last year, it lost nearly  players  last  year,  accord-  The company currently has  Apple TV at 15 percent.
            Roku  listed  a  $100  million  $43 million on $399 million in  ing to its IPO documents.  about $70 million in cash.  Most  of  Roku  is  currently
            fundraising  target  in  a  Fri-  revenue.  Since  its  2002  in-  Roku  generates  most  of  That isn’t much to combat  owned by Anthony Wood,
            day  regulatory  filing.  But  ception, Roku has amassed  its  revenue  from  selling  its  Amazon,  Google  and  Ap-  its  founder  and  CEO,  and
            that figure is likely to change  $244 million in losses.  streaming  players,  but  it’s  ple, Roku’s deep-pocketed  Menlo Ventures, a venture
            after  its  investment  bank-  The  Los  Gatos,  California,  increasingly   bringing   in  rivals in the video-streaming  capital  firm.  Wood,  who
            ers gauge the demand for  company  boasted  15  mil-      money  from  advertising  player market. Even though  previously  invented  one
            its  initial  public  offering  of  lion active users at the end  and commissions from sub-  it’s much smaller, Roku has  of  the  first  digital  video  re-
            stock. Companies typically  of  June,  but  that  number  scriptions  and  other  trans-  emerged as the U.S. market  corders, owns a 28 percent
            complete  their  IPOs  two  doesn’t reflect the total au-  actions made on its devic-  leader in streaming players,  stake  in  Roku  and  Menlo
            to  four  months  after  filing  dience that watches online  es. In an attempt to broad-  with  a  37  percent  share  Ventures has a 35 percent
            then getting approval from  video through its streaming  en its audience, Roku said  during the first three months  stake.q
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