Page 43 - min.vos dec 2,2015
P. 43


SPORTSWednesday 2 December

NBA Capsules 

 Warriors win 19th straight, 106-103 over the Jazz

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) —          But the Thunder lost for the    The Clippers barely out-         The Spurs had one last          game, a 92-81 loss at Dal-
Stephen Curry scored 26        first time since he rejoined    rebounded Portland 55-54,        chance, but Kawhi Leon-         las on Saturday.
points as the Golden State     the lineup.                     the first time in 18 games       ard and Tony Parker each        PISTONS 116, ROCKETS 105
Warriors held on for their     Westbrook also grabbed          this season that they had        missed 3-point attempts in      AUBURN HILLS, Mich. (AP)
NBA-record 19th consecu-       11 rebounds and dished          the advantage in that            the final seconds. Parker’s     — Reggie Jackson had 31
tive win to start the season,  out seven assists.              department — although            try was partially blocked       points, and Andre Drum-
106-103 over the Utah Jazz     CLIPPERS 102, TRAIL BLAZ-       they have finished on even       by Derrick Rose, who fin-       mond added 24 points
on Monday night.               ERS 87                          terms three times                ished with 11 points and six    and 13 rebounds as the Pis-
With the game tied at 101      LOS ANGELES (AP) — Blake        BULLS 92, SPURS 89               assists.                        tons beat the Rockets.
with 51 seconds left, Curry    Griffin scored 23 points and    CHICAGO (AP) — Pau Ga-           CELTICS 105, HEAT 95            The Pistons built a 23-point
hit a 3-pointer from the left  DeAndre Jordan had a            sol had 18 points, 13 re-        MIAMI (AP) — Avery Brad-        lead in the first half before
wing to give the Warriors      season-high 24 rebounds         bounds and three blocked         ley scored 25 points and        the Rockets got back into
the lead. Rodney Hood          along with 18 points as         shots, as the Bulls ended        forced a big turnover when      the game by constantly
scored 14 seconds later to     the Los Angeles Clippers        San Antonio’s five-game          he knocked away a pass          intentionally fouling Drum-
bring the Jazz within one.     beat Portland for their third   winning streak.                  by Dwyane Wade with a           mond — he went 4-for-18
After Curry missed a 3, the    straight victory.               Jimmy Butler scored 14           minute remaining, as Bos-       from the line. Houston was
Jazz had a chance to take                                                                       ton put all five starters in    never able to get within
the lead, but Hood missed      Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green (23) lays the       double figures against Mi-      one possession.
a 3 from the wing with                                                                          ami.                            Rookie Stanley Johnson
5 seconds left. Curry hit      ball up as Utah Jazz forward Derrick Favors (15) defends in the  Jared Sullinger had 17          had 19 points and a ca-
two free throws and Gor-                                                                        points to help the Celtics      reer-high 10 rebounds for
don Hayward’s half-court       first quarter during an NBA basketball game, Monday, Nov. 30,    snap a three-game road          Detroit, while James Hard-
heave at the buzzer fell                                                                        slide. Isaiah Thomas scored     en scored 29 for the Rock-
way short.                     2015, in Salt Lake City.			     Associated Press                 16 while fellow starters Jae    ets.
Klay Thompson added 20                                                                          Crowder and Amir Johnson        KINGS 112, DALLAS 98
points for the Warriors, in-   Griffin, who began the          points and reserve Doug          each added 13 for Boston.       SACRAMENTO, California
cluding four 3-pointers.       day with an NBA-best .548       McDermott had 12 for             Evan Turner also had 13 off     (AP) — DeMarcus Cousins
Hayward led the Jazz with      field goal percentage,          Chicago in the opener of         the bench.                      scored 16 of his 31 points
24 points.                     made eight of 19 shots and      a four-game homestand.           Wade scored 30 for Mi-          in the fourth quarter as the
Derrick Favors gave Utah a     grabbed eight boards.           Joakim Noah contributed          ami, which cut a 14-point       Sacramento Kings beat
99-97 lead on a three-point    Chris Paul had 10 points        eight points, seven assists      deficit to one in the fourth    the struggling Dallas Mav-
play before Curry hit a 3.     and six assists in 24 minutes,  and 11 rebounds in 24 min-       quarter but never led after     ericks.
The Warriors have won 23       leaving in the third quarter    utes off the bench.              halftime. Chris Bosh played     Rajon Rondo had 21 points
straight regular-season        because of a strained rib       Gasol blocked LaMarcus           through an illness to add 21    and Rudy Gay added 20
games dating to last sea-      muscle.                         Aldridge on a drive with         points for the Heat.            for the Kings, who had
son.                           Griffin’s 450 points are the    1:06 left, and then hit one      Miami made it a one-pos-        dropped six straight to Dal-
HAWKS 106, THUNDER 100         most by a Clippers player       of two foul shots on the         session game on five sepa-      las and 21 of the previous
ATLANTA (AP) — Paul Mill-      through the first 18 games      other end for a 90-89 lead.      rate occasions in the final     23 meetings. Sacramento
sap scored 26 points and       of a season since the fran-     After Manu Ginobili missed       14 minutes, and Boston          outscored the Mavericks
Jeff Teague made all the       chise relocated from San        for San Antonio, Butler hit      scored on its ensuing trip      22-13 in the third to take
big shots down the stretch,    Diego to Los Angeles in         two free throws with 10.6        every time. The first three     the lead for good.
sending Atlanta to a vic-      1984-85.                        seconds left.                    of those were all on jump-      Chandler Parsons had 14
tory that ended Oklahoma                                                                        ers by Bradley, two of them     points for the Mavericks.
City’s four-game winning                                                                        being 3-pointers.               Dirk Nowitzki and Zaza Pa-
streak.                                                                                         BUCKS 92, NUGGETS 74            chulia both scored 13.
Russell Westbrook had 34                                                                        MILWAUKEE (AP) — Greg           Dallas, which has dropped
points, including a drive                                                                       Monroe scored 18 points         four of five, missed 28 of
with 2:49 remaining that                                                                        and Milwaukee forced 24         37 attempts from 3-point
gave the Thunder their                                                                          turnovers that led to 35        range.
first lead since scoring the                                                                    points in handing Denver its    Darren Collison added 15
opening basket. West-                                                                           seventh consecutive loss.       points and Omri Casspi
brook knocked down a                                                                            Jabari Parker had 16 points     10 for the Kings. Cousins
jumper to push Oklahoma                                                                         and Michael Carter-Wil-         grabbed nine rebounds
City to a four-point lead.                                                                      liams added 12 points and       and Rondo had five assists.
Teague took control from                                                                        nine assists for the Bucks,     In other NBA games it was
there. He finished with 25                                                                      who won for only the sec-       Boston 105, Miami 95; De-
points, while Al Horford                                                                        ond time in eight games.        troit 116, Houston 105; Chi-
added 21 points and 13 re-                                                                      Danilo Gallinari scored 13      cago 92, San Antonio 89;
bounds.                                                                                         points and Kenneth Faried       Milwaukee 92, Denver 74;
Kevin Durant, selected                                                                          added 11 for the Nug-           Atlanta 106, Oklahoma
Western Conference play-                                                                        gets, who managed just 30       City 100; Golden State 106,
er of the week after com-                                                                       points in the second half       Utah 103; Sacramento 112,
ing back from a left ham-                                                                       after scoring only five in the  Dallas 98; and L.A. Clippers
string injury, had 25 points.                                                                   third quarter of its previous   102, Portland 87q
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