Page 39 - min.vos dec 2,2015
P. 39


LOCALWednesday 2 December

Linda and Kimberly of Tennessee Had Major Fun at Fishes & More

                                                                                         Linda and Kimberly chose        ed across from the Occi-
                                                                                         the surf and turf and the       dental Resort on the hi-rise
                                                                                         lobster and turf and were       strip, so in walking distance
                                                                                         not sorry for one bit: the      of the large hotels.
                                                                                         food was delicious, the ser-    We hope that Linda and
                                                                                         vice wonderful and the live     Kimberly will be visiting the
                                                                                         music outstanding. At the       island in the future now that
                                                                                         Arawak Garden one finds         they have got a good taste
                                                                                         several great restaurants,      of it. So come back soon,
                                                                                         small shops and nightly live    girls, and have a great Holi-
                                                                                         music; the Garden is locat-     day Season at home.q


                                                                                          Help The Caribbean To Stay Alive!

PALM BEACH - They are on Rycher and Kimberly Kirk es & More Restaurant in                --How you can help during       US$10.7 billion dollars due
Aruba for the first time on from Tennessee. Through the Arawak Garden, so the            the United Nations COP21        to: Increased Hurricane
a girls’ trip in the sun, Linda Facebook they found Fish- two decided to give it a try.  Climate Change Confer-          Damages, Loss of Tourism
                                                                                         ence                            Revenue and Infrastruc-
                                                                                         in Paris from now till De-      ture Damages.
                                                                                         cember 11, 2015.                Join us in promoting
                                                                                                                         awareness of this massive
                                                                                         ORANJESTAD - Negotia-           problem and help the Ca-
                                                                                         tors for governments of all     ribbean to get climate jus-
                                                                                         nations of the world are        tice.
                                                                                         meeting in Paris this De-       HOW CAN I HELP SPREAD
                                                                                         cember. They will decide        THE WORD?
                                                                                         how to mitigate the rise in     --Forward this email to col-
                                                                                         global temperature, and         leagues and policymakers.
                                                                                         by how many degrees.            --Follow and share this ini-
                                                                                         Some nations are willing        tiative’s posts and tweets
                                                                                         to let the meter go up by       on Facebook and Twitter.
                                                                                         2°C or more above pre-          --Watch and share these
                                                                                         industrial levels. Such a rise  videos on your social
                                                                                         would be disastrous for the     channels: ‘5 Things You

                                                                                         Caribbean and other Small       Should Know About Cli-
                                                                                         Island Developing States.       mate Change,’ and ‘Stay
                                                                                         For a fair chance to stay       Alive 1.5.’
                                                                                         alive, we want the world to     CHANGE YOUR PROFILE
                                                                                         agree on a 1.5°C max rise.      PICTURE
                                                                                         Significant research has        Change your profile pic-
                                                                                         been conducted dem-             ture on Facebook to the
                                                                                         onstrating trend lines and      image featured with this
                                                                                         the forecasted impact of        article (www.caribbean-
                                                                                         climate change and rising
                                                                                         sea levels.                     Show the world the Carib-
                                                                                         A two degree rise by 2025       bean is united to fight for its
                                                                                         could cost the Caribbean        survival! q
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