Page 19 - HOH
P. 19
Tuesday 28 July 2020
Experimental COVID-19 vaccine is put to its biggest test
By LAURAN NEERGAARD, of Americans this week.
MICHAEL HILL and JOCELYN In Europe, rising infections in
NOVECK Spain and other countries
Associated Press caused alarm only weeks
The biggest test yet of an after nations reopened
experimental COVID-19 their borders in hopes of
vaccine got underway reviving tourism. Over the
Monday with the first of weekend, Britain imposed a
some 30,000 Americans 14-day quarantine on trav-
rolling up their sleeves to re- elers arriving from Spain,
ceive shots created by the Norway ordered a 10-day
U.S. government as part of quarantine for people re-
the all-out global race to turning from the entire Ibe-
stop the outbreak. rian peninsula, and France
The glimmer of hope came urged its citizens not to visit
even as Google, in one of Spain's Catalonia region.
the gloomiest assessments Scientists set speed records
of the coronavirus's stay- getting a made-from-
ing power from a major scratch vaccine into mas-
employer, decreed that sive testing just months after
most of its 200,000 employ- the coronavirus emerged.
ees and contractors should But they stressed that the
work from home through public shouldn't fear that
next June — a decision anyone is cutting corners.
that could influence other Nurse Kathe Olmstead, right, gives volunteer Melissa Harting, of Harpersville, N.Y., an injection as "This is a significant mile-
big companies. the world's biggest study of a possible COVID-19 vaccine, developed by the National Institutes of stone," NIH Director Francis
Final-stage testing of the Health and Moderna Inc., gets underway Monday, July 27, 2020, in Binghamton, N.Y. Collins said after the very
Associated Press
vaccine, developed by the first test injection was given,
National Institutes of Health sults trickle in, and there is more setbacks in efforts to off as the Miami Marlins at 6:45 a.m. in Savannah,
and Moderna Inc., began no guarantee the vaccine contain the coronavirus. coped with an outbreak — Georgia. "Yes, we're go-
with volunteers at numer- will ultimately work against In Washington, the Trump the Marlins' home opener ing fast, but no, we are not
ous sites around the U.S. the scourge that has killed administration disclosed against the Baltimore Ori- going to compromise" on
given either a real dose or about 650,000 people that national security ad- oles, and the New York proving whether the vac-
a dummy without being around the world, including viser Robert O'Brien has the Yankees' game in Phila- cine is safe and effective.
told which. almost 150,000 in the U.S. virus — the highest-ranking delphia, where the Marlins "We are focusing on speed
"I'm excited to be part of "We've been sitting on the U.S. official to test positive used the clubhouse over because every day mat-
something like this. This is sidelines passively attempt- so far. The White House said the weekend. ters," added Stephane
huge," said Melissa Hart- ing to wear our masks and he has mild symptoms and As for relief from the eco- Bancel, CEO of Massachu-
ing, a 36-year-old nurse social distance and not go "has been self-isolating and nomic damage done by setts-based Moderna.
who received an injec- out when it's not necessary. working from a secure lo- the virus, Republicans on After volunteers get two
tion in Binghamton, New This is the first step of be- cation off site." Capitol Hill planned to roll doses a month apart, sci-
York. Especially with family coming active against this," The move to restart the out a $1 trillion package entists will closely track
members in front-line jobs researcher Dr. Frank Eder national pastime ran into that could include a new which group experiences
that could expose them to said at the trial site in Bing- trouble just five days into round of $1,200 stimulus more infections as they
the virus, she added, "do- hamton. "There's really no the long-delayed season: checks but reduce the ex- go about their daily rou-
ing our part to eradicate other way to get past this." Two major league base- tra $600 a week in federal tines, especially in areas
it is very important to me." As if to underline how high ball games scheduled for unemployment benefits where the virus is spreading
It will be months before re- the stakes are, there were Monday night were called that are expiring for millions unchecked.q
Sen. Rand Paul's attacker receives longer prison sentence
neighbor was resentenced eral judge ordered Bouch- Paul sued Boucher over
Monday to an extra seven er to serve eight months the attack, and a jury last
months behind bars and six in prison followed by six year awarded the Repub-
months in home detention months of home confine- lican lawmaker more than
for tackling and injuring the ment for the assault. $580,000 in damages and
Kentucky lawmaker over a He was given credit for the medical expenses.
lawn care dispute. 30 days he's already served Paul had testified during
Rene Boucher originally behind bars. that trial that he feared for
was given a 30-day sen- Paul, a former presidential his life as he struggled to
tence after pleading guilty candidate, suffered mul- breathe after Boucher, an
to assaulting a member of tiple broken ribs and later anesthesiologist by trade,
Congress. Federal prosecu- underwent lung and hernia slammed into him in their
tors argued the sentence surgeries that he linked to upscale Bowling Green
was too lenient, describ- the attack. neighborhood in late 2017.
ing the 2017 attack out- "Dr. Boucher is going to ac- Boucher testified that he
side Paul's home in Bowl- cept his punishment and he attacked Paul after watch-
In this Jan. 28, 2019, file photo, Rene Boucher, right, and his at- ing Green, Kentucky, as has sincerely apologized to ing the senator form a brush
torney Matt Baker listen to questions during jury selection in a "vicious and unprovoked." the Pauls again today," said pile near their property line.
civil trial in Warren Circuit Court in Bowling Green, Ky. They sought at least 21 Boucher's attorney, Matt Boucher has since sold his
Associated Press months for Boucher. Baker. "He wants to put this home, his attorney said.q
BOWLING GREEN, Ky. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Rand Paul's former On Monday, another fed- behind him."