Page 2 - Aruba Today
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UP FRONTTuesday 8 March 2016
US drone strikes hit Somalia training camp AP investigation alleges American
company bungled Ebola response
LOLITA C. BALDOR annually in the future, al- Davis said they could have
JOSH LEDERMAN though it will ultimately be been the targets of al- RAPHAEL SATTER
Associated Press up to Obama’s successor Shabab’s planned attack. MARIA CHENG
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. to decide whether to con- The camp, located about Associated Press
airstrikes bombarded an tinue the practice. 120 miles (195 kilometers) WASHINGTON (AP) — A U.S. company assigned a cru-
al-Shabab training camp The report will include both north of Mogadishu, was cial role in the efforts to battle Ebola in Sierra Leone
in Somalia Saturday, kill- combatants and civilians destroyed, Davis said, add- made a series of costly mistakes during the 2014 out-
ing more than 150 militant the U.S. believes have died ing that the U.S. believes break, an Associated Press investigation has found.
fighters who were prepar- in strikes. It won’t cover there were no civilian casu- Staffers with the San Francisco-based company Meta-
biota Inc. not only misread the epidemic, they contrib-
Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Lisa Monaco speaks in uted to botched lab results, undermined partners and
Stanford, Calif. U.S. airstrikes bombarded an al-Shabab training camp in Somalia Saturday, killing put people at risk of the terrifying virus, according to
more than 150 militant fighters who were preparing to launch a large-scale attack, likely against leaked documents and interviews with international
African or U.S. personnel, the Pentagon said Monday, March 7, 2016. health responders.
The company had been tapped by the World Health
(AP Photo/Jeff Chiu) Organization and the Sierra Leonean government to
help fight Ebola. But internal emails from WHO and
ing to launch a large-scale major warzones like Iraq, alties. He said the U.S. esti- other international health agencies obtained by AP
Syria and Afghanistan, but mated that as many as 200 show that senior scientists were alarmed at a spate of
attack, likely against Afri- will focus on strikes against fighters had been at the problems in a lab shared by Metabiota and Tulane Uni-
extremist targets in other camp, including a number versity.
can or U.S. personnel, the regions such as Pakistan, of trainers. “This is a situation that WHO can no longer endorse,”
Libya, Yemen, Somalia and The al-Qaida-linked al- WHO outbreak expert Dr. Eric Bertherat wrote in a July
Pentagon said Monday. other locations in North Af- Shabab has been linked 17, 2014, email to colleagues.
rica. to a number of attacks, Bertherat relayed reports of “total confusion” in the
Multiple drones and “We know that not only is including the detonation government lab split between Metabiota and Tulane
greater transparency the of a bomb aboard a com- at the Kenema hospital in Sierra Leone, noting there
manned aircraft launched right thing to do, it is the mercial passenger jet last was “no tracking of the samples” and “absolutely no
best way to maintain the month that forced the control on what is being done.” He said the flubbed
missiles and bombs on the legitimacy of our counter- plane to make an emer- results were particularly dangerous given suspicion
terrorism actions and the gency landing in Mogadi- among the local population that international workers
site, called Raso Camp, broad support of our allies,” shu. were spreading Ebola deliberately.
Monaco said at the Coun- While sketchy details often Lawrence Gostin, director of WHO’s Collaborating
which the U.S. had been cil on Foreign Relations. emerge about individual Center on Public Health Law and Human Rights at
The Pentagon on Mon- drone strikes, the full scope Georgetown University, said it was inexcusable that a
watching for several weeks, day provided some details of the U.S. drone program company without the required expertise to respond to
about the Somalia strike, — conducted by both the an outbreak was given such fundamental responsibili-
said Navy Capt. Jeff Davis, which happened during Defense Department and ties.
the early evening there. the CIA — has long been “It was a comedy of errors,” he said, adding that WHO
a Pentagon spokesman. Davis said it appeared that shrouded from view. And was ultimately to blame for allowing the situation to un-
the training was about to the new report is not likely ravel.
News of the attack comes come to an end, to answer all of the ques- “WHO knew that this company was bungling the re-
and the operational phase tions. sponse and they did nothing,” Gostin said. “In any oth-
as the White House an- of a suspected attack was The U.S. doesn’t publicly er context, that would be called a cover-up.”
about to start. Military forc- disclose all the places its WHO officials did not return messages seeking com-
nounced Monday that es from the U.S. and the Afri- drones operate, so the re- ment on the AP story.
can Union Mission in Soma- port isn’t expected to de- Metabiota’s chief executive officer and founder, Na-
it will disclose how many lia (AMISOM) are routinely tail specific countries where than Wolfe, said there was no evidence that his com-
working in the country, and people died.q pany was responsible for the lab blunders.
people have been killed by He added that the reported squabbles were over-
blown and that any predictions made by his employ-
American drones and oth- ees who were on loan to the Sierra Leonean govern-
ment didn’t reflect the company’s position. Metabiota
er counterterrorism strikes doesn’t specialize in outbreak response, he said, but
volunteered its staff and resources to Sierra Leone at a
since 2009, cost to his company of about $500,000.
“We are incredibly proud about everything they did,”
when President Barack he said at an interview in his office Thursday. “These
are individuals who took substantial personal risk and
Obama took office. worked incredibly long hours.”
Documents show that Metabiota and Tulane blamed
Lisa Monaco, Obama’s each other for the mistakes.
But Metabiota was criticized elsewhere too. The firm’s
counterterrorism and employees were “systematically obstructing any at-
tempt to improve the existing surveillance system,”
homeland security advis- WHO Ebola coordinator Philippe Barboza said in an
August 8, 2014, email. Another WHO employee, Mikiko
er, said the report will be Senga, photographed a Metabiota presentation that
described the outbreak in Kenema as “stabilizing.”
released “in the coming “They are sending wrong messages,” she said. “The
outbreak is clearly not stabilizing.” q
weeks,” casting it as part
of a commitment to trans-
parency for U.S. actions
overseas. Monaco said the
figures would be disclosed