Page 7 - Aruba Today
P. 7

                                                                                                                                        Tuesday 8 March 2016

      NY official:              US Financial Front:
  2015 Wall Street
bonuses down 9%                   Fed Vice Chair sees hints of too-low inflation moving up 
  amid profit slide 
                                MARTIN CRUTSINGER               Federal Reserve Vice Chairman Stanley Fischer listens during a meeting of the Board of Governors
MICHAEL HILL                    AP Economics Writer             of the Federal Reserve System at the Federal Reserve in Washington. Fischer said Monday, March
Associated Press                WASHINGTON (AP) — Fed-          7, 2016, that inflation in the U.S. may be starting to tick up from too-low levels, a key condition for
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Av-         eral Reserve Vice Chair-        further interest rate hikes.
erage Wall Street bonuses       man Stanley Fischer said
were down 9 percent last        Monday that inflation in                                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)
year to $146,200 as indus-      the U.S. may be starting to
try profits declined, New       tick up from too-low levels,    ergy prices and a strong         He said the Fed was study-     In her speech and a later
York’s comptroller report-      a key condition for further     dollar, which reduces the        ing negative interest rates,   interview, Brainard said
ed Monday.                      interest rate hikes.            cost of imports. But he ex-      but he doubts that it would    she remained concerned
Industry-wide profits de-       “We may well at present         pects those factors to fade      decide to use them.            about low inflation. She
creased by 10.5 percent,        be seeing the first stirrings   soon, enabling inflation to      “We would prefer not to go     acknowledged the rise
according to the annual         of an increase in the in-       advance toward the Fed’s         there,” Fischer said. “We      in January prices, but she
estimate from state Comp-       flation rate — something        target. “I think when the        don’t see any immediate        said she wants to see more
troller Thomas DiNapoli.        that we would like to hap-      dollar stabilizes and oil sta-   need for that, but we are      data.
The comptroller said rev-       pen,” he said in a speech       bilizes, we will see inflation   certainly watching the situ-   “I want to see a pattern,
enues were weak, espe-          in Washington.                  going very close to 2 per-       ation.”                        some persistence,” she said
cially from trading and un-     However, another Fed of-        cent,” Fischer said in his ap-   Inflation by the Fed’s pre-    on CNBC. bIn his speech,
derwriting. Profits were at     ficial, Lael Brainard, ex-      pearance to receive a life-      ferred measure has been        Fischer expressed deep
their lowest reported level     pressed uncertainty about       time achievement award           running below target for       concerns about the slow-
since 2011.                     whether an improving job        from the National Associa-       more than four years. It       down in U.S. productivity
“This was the third consec-     market would be enough          tion for BusinessEconomics.      had risen just 0.7 percent     over the last two decades
utive year of lower profit,”    to bolster inflation, given     Fischer was also asked           over the 12 months end-        — a trend that has held
DiNapoli told reporters         persistently low oil prices     about the possibility that a     ing in December. In Janu-      down worker pay.
Monday.                         and a strong dollar. Infla-     weak U.S. economy might          ary however, this measure      Fischer said “there are few
“You do have a very vola-       tion has “persistently un-      force the Fed to reverse         of inflation jumped, rising    issues more important for
tile market.”                   derperformed” relative to       course or even introduce         1.3 percent over the past      the future of our economy”
Pre-tax profits for the bro-    the Fed’s target of annual      negative interest rates, like    12 months. Core inflation,     than boosting productivity,
ker/dealer operations of        price gains of 2 percent,       central banks have done in       which excludes food and        the amount of output per
New York Stock Exchange         she said in a separate          Europe and Japan.                energy, rose 1.7 percent.      hour of work. q
member firms declined by        speech Monday.
about $1.7 billion to $14.3     The two Fed officials’ views
billion last year. While the    underscore how the Fed is
first half of the year was      wrestling with a prolonged
strong, the industry report-    period of muted price
ed a loss of $177 million in    gains and its timetable for
the fourth quarter. It was      rate hikes. In December,
the first quarterly loss since  the Fed raised its key rate
2011, according to the          from record lows.
comptroller.                    Policymakers did not raise
One bright spot: employ-        rates at its January meet-
ment in the securities indus-   ing, and officials are ex-
try in New York City grew       pected to leave rates un-
by 2.7 percent in 2015,         changed when they meet
averaging 172,400 jobs for      again on March 15-16.
the year. DiNapoli said that    Many analysts don’t ex-
marks the first time since      pect another rate hike until
the financial crisis that the   June at the earliest.
industry in New York City       During a question and an-
has added jobs for two          swer session, Fischer noted
years in a row. The industry    that prices were being
remains 8 percent smaller       dragged by tumbling en-
than before the financial
crisis.                         US consumer borrowing growth slows in January 
“In terms of employment,
the trends at the end of the    JOSH BOAK                       the smallest annual per-         accounts for 70 percent        year. The private forecaster
year were up,” DiNapoli, a      AP Economics Writer             centage gain since Febru-        of economic activity, is       Macroeconomic Advisers
Democrat, said. “Whether        WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S.          ary 2013. Total borrowing        expected to accelerate         has projected growth of 2
that trend will continue it’s   consumers bumped up             was $3.54 trillion.              in early 2016. Overall eco-    percent, while the Atlanta
too early to tell.”             their borrowing in January      Borrowing in the revolving       nomic growth has been          Fed anticipates growth of
The state comptroller re-       at the slowest rate pace in     category that covers credit      tepid even as hiring has       2.2 percent. In its monthly
leases an annual estimate       nearly three years, as out-     cards slipped $1.1 billion, af-  been healthy. The econo-       credit report, the Fed does
of bonuses paid to securi-      standing revolving debt         ter a strong increase in De-     my expanded at a sluggish      not break down auto loans
ties industry employees in      — such as credit cards —        cember that corresponded         annual rate of 1 percent       and student loans in the
New York City. The state        slipped from December.          with holiday shopping. Bor-      in the October-December        seasonally adjusted data.
and city budgets rely on        The Federal Reserve said        rowing in the category that      period, after improving at     The report excludes bor-
the securities industry and     Monday that borrowing           covers auto and student          a 2 percent clip in the prior  rowing that is backed by
lower profits can affect tax    rose $10.5 billion in January,  loans increased $11.6 bil-       quarter. Economists expect     real estate such as mort-
revenue.q                       an annual increase of just      lion last month.                 growth to rebound in the       gage loans and home eq-
                                3.58 percent. That marks        Consumer spending, which         first three months of this     uity loans.q
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