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U.S. NEWSTuesday 8 March 2016

Jurors discuss who is to blame for Erin Andrews nude video 

Sportscaster and television host Erin Andrews walks to the courtroom with attorneys Bruce Broillet,                           lumbus, Ohio, and posted         somebody makes a com-
left, and Scott Carr, center, Monday, March 7, 2016, in Nashville, Tenn. Andrews’ $75 million lawsuit                         them online. The trial focus-    ment in the paper or some-
against the franchise owner and manager of a luxury hotel and a man who admitted to making                                    es on the Nashville Marriott     body sends me a still video
secret nude recordings of her in 2008 was turned over to the jury Monday.                                                     at Vanderbilt and video.         to my Twitter or someone
                                                                                                                              On Friday, Davidson Coun-        screams it at me in the
                                                                                                    (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey)  ty Circuit Court Judge Ham-      stands and I’m right back
                                                                                                                              ilton Gayden found Barrett       to this. I feel so embarrassed
SHEILA BURKE                    Jurors started their delib- people online.                                                    at fault. Now it’s up to jurors  and I am so ashamed.”
                                                                                                                              to decide if the hotel own-      Barrett pleaded guilty to
Associated Press                erations Monday after two Andrews’ parents de-                                                er, West End Hotel Partners,     stalking Andrews, altering
                                                                                                                              and former operator, Wind-       hotel room peepholes and
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — weeks of emotional testi- scribed for jurors the terror                                               sor Capital Group, should        taking nude videos of her.
                                                                                                                              share in some of the blame.      He was sentenced to 2½
The key questions jurors mony. They heard directly they and their daughter felt                                               The hotel is a franchise and     years in prison.
                                                                                                                              Marriott is not part of the      Barrett was a Chicago-
are deliberating in Erin from the Fox Sports report- after learning of the video                                              trial.                           area insurance company
                                                                                                                              Attorneys for the compa-         executive who frequently
Andrews’ $75 million law- er and co-host of the TV but not knowing who took                                                   nies argued that while what      traveled around the coun-
                                                                                                                              happened to Andrews              try when he took the video
suit are whether two ho- show “Dancing with the it, where it was shot and if                                                  was terrible, the convicted      of Andrews at the Nashville
                                                                                                                              stalker should be solely to      hotel in September 2008.
tel companies bear any Stars,” who tearfully testi- someone was still watching                                                blame because he was a           He shot about 4 1/2 minutes
                                                                                                                              determined criminal. The         of nude video of her while
responsibility for a stalker fied that she was humili- their daughter.                                                        attorneys also suggested         she was inside a room that
                                                                                                                              that Andrews’ rise in her ca-    was in an alcove off a main
renting a room next to the ated, shamed and suffers An FBI investigation would                                                reer shows she did not suf-      hallway.
                                                                                                                              fer severe and permanent         Barrett didn’t show up for
sportscaster and taking a from depression as a result later reveal that Michael                                               distress.                        the trial. In his videotaped
                                                                                                                              Andrews said Barrett’s ar-       deposition, he said that he
nude video of her, and if so, of the video, which has David Barrett shot videos in                                            rest and imprisonment did        alone was to blame. He
                                                                                                                              not make the nightmare           said he correctly guessed
how much they should pay. been viewed by millions of hotels in Nashville and Co-                                              go away. She broke down          that she would be at the
                                                                                                                              on the stand repeatedly,         hotel — it was the clos-
                                                                                                                              saying she continues to suf-     est one to the Vanderbilt
                                                                                                                              fer because people are still     football game Andrews
                                                                                                                              watching the videos and          was covering — by calling
                                                                                                                              taunting her about them.         and pretending to be in a
                                                                                                                              “This happens every day of       group with Andrews and
                                                                                                                              my life,” Andrews said tear-     asking for confirmation of
                                                                                                                              fully. “Either I get a tweet or  the reservations.q

Hulk Hogan says he was ‘completely humiliated’ by sex video 

TAMARA LUSH                     that his best friend, radio     around 4:30 p.m., when                                        2012, Hogan said he asked        well-known entertainment
Associated Press                personality Bubba the           Gawker’s attorneys were                                       Bubba Clem if he was be-         figure and an American
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) —     Love Sponge Clem, was in-       cross-examining Hogan.                                        ing filmed.                      icon.
Former pro wrestler Hulk Ho-    volved in making the tape,      During cross-examination,                                     Hogan, whose real name is        The civil trial, which started
gan said Monday he was          he began shaking uncon-         an attorney for Gawker                                        Terry Bollea, chalked up the     Monday in downtown St.
“completely humiliated”         trollably.                      questioned Hogan about                                        inconsistencies to being         Petersburg, pits the rowdy
by the publication of a vid-    Earlier, Hogan testified that   inconsistencies in testimony                                  shell-shocked by the tape        wrestling star against a
eo showing him having sex       he initially thought it was     and media interviews. Ho-                                     and because he routinely         maverick news-gossip web-
with his then-best friend’s     a joke when Clem said his       gan testified that he didn’t                                  put himself in his wrestling     site that’s known for pulling
wife.                           wife wanted to have sex         watch the video when he                                       character.                       no punches with celebrities
Testifying in his privacy law-  with Hogan. He testified        discovered its existence;                                     “I was probably in the Hulk      and other famous figures.
suit against the Gawker         that the Clems had an           during a media interview                                      Hogan mode,” Hogan said.         Both sides agree that in
website, Hogan said he          open marriage.                  he said he did. And Hogan                                     “It gives you artistic ability,  2006, following a messy di-
didn’t authorize the tape       Hogan is suing Gawker for       said he didn’t know he was                                    to be a character.”              vorce, Hogan had sex with
to be made or authorize         $100 million for publishing     being videoed when he                                         Both sides in Hogan’s priva-     the wife of his then-best
Gawker to publish it. Ho-       the sex video.                  had sex with Heather Clem.                                    cy lawsuit have portrayed        friend.q
gan said when he realized       The trial finished for the day  But in media interviews in                                    him as a hero to little kids, a
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