P. 30
Thursday 2 augusT 2018
Amid cancer treatment, Irrfan Khan finds new a perspective
By LINDSEY BAHR much more productive
Associated Press and much more healthy
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Actor and I just want people to
Irrfan Khan is a Bollywood believe that nature is much
star and Hollywood cha- more trustworthy and one
meleon, who has bounced must trust that. The prob-
between the two with ease lem with me initially was
for decades, working with everyone was speculating
everyone from Mira Nair whether I would be out of
to Wes Anderson and Ang this disease or not. Because
Lee and stealing scenes in it's not in my hand. That's
both Oscar-winners ("Slum- nature that will do whatev-
dog Millionaire") and block- er it has to do. What is in my
busters ("Jurassic World") hand, I could take care of
alike. But all that's been put that. And it offers so much
on hold as he undergoes that you feel thankful. The
treatment in London for a way it is opening your win-
neuroendocrine tumor, a dows to look at life. I would
rare form of cancer. have never reached that
Although Khan's life now is state even if I had done
very different from only a meditation for 30 years, I
few months ago, he still has wouldn't have reached it.
films that he worked on as But this sudden jolt has put
recently last year coming me into a platform where
out, including "Puzzle," a I could look at things in a
poignant character drama completely different man-
expanding to 11 cities this In this Jan. 22, 2018 file photo, actor Irrfan Khan poses for a portrait to promote the film "Puzzle" ner. And for that I am really
weekend. during the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah. thankful. It sounds strange,
The indie film from Oscar- Associated Press but they should trust nature
nominated producer Marc immensely proud of, and been hospitalized the night you want it to last. So it had rather than feel sad, and
Turtletaub ("Little Miss Sun- eager to talk about, but, prior and asks if might be all that. And the simplicity trust that whatever the out-
shine") is about a stifled sub- he also knows very keenly possible to call him back in of writing was fantastic. It come, it will be for good
urban housewife, played how unpredictable his life 10 minutes. Of course, I say. was a complex situation, and it will be for the best.
by Kelly Macdonald, who has become. This happens again, when but I love that the way it AP: What is your day to day
forms a bond with a more When I call him for our in- Khan's doctors come in to comes out of the charac- like now? Are you reading
cosmopolitan man, (Khan), terview, he answers politely talk to him and he politely ters' mouths is very simple. scripts or planning to work
over a shared fondness for and informs me that he's asks if we might pick it up So I fell in love it with it and I at all?
puzzles. It's one that Khan's KHAN: No, I'm completely
tomorrow. shifted my schedule in India
Below are excerpts from and said, "I'm going to do out of reading scripts. This
has become a surreal ex-
our conversations. They it." It worked out and I really
have been edited for clar- loved it. perience. My days are un-
predictable. I used to think
ity and brevity. AP: How are you doing in
AP: 'Puzzle' is quite lovely, general? my life would be like that,
but I could never prac-
but also a small character KHAN: I've seen life from a
drama — a bit of a depar- completely different angle. tice unpredictability and
spontaneity. That has hap-
ture from the bigger Holly- You sit down and you see
wood films you've become the other side and that's pened now. I don't plan. I
go for breakfast and then
known for fascinating. I'm engaged
KHAN: I was looking for on a journey. I don't have a plan. I take
things as they come. That
something for a long time AP: There's been a lot of
in American cinema, Holly- speculation in the media has been really helping me
a lot. I don't make plans.
wood cinema. I have been about your condition and
reaching for this, for a per- you've made pleas on I'm just spontaneous. And
I'm loving this experience.
sonal experience where social media not to trust
I could invest myself and the reports. But what do There was something miss-
ing in my life. I was feeling
I could have more meat you want people to know
that I could get apart from about what you're going a little manipulated by my-
self, by my own mind. There
myself completely and get through?
into something which is un- KHAN: There are challeng- was a kind of disharmony
in myself. It was bothering
known. This character had es which life throws at you.
complexity and a strange But I have started believing me. And I think this is what I
was missing, this spontane-
unpredictability where he in the way this condition
himself doesn't know where has tested me, really, re- ity. I know because we live
in a world that is packed
things are moving and is in ally tested me in all aspects
a limbo state. There are so — physical, emotional and with plans, it sounds unre-
alistic. How could you live
many interesting angles to spiritual. It has put me in a
this person. I was looking for rapture state. Initially I was your life like that? But life
is so mysterious and has so
something more personal shaken. I didn't know. I
and to redefine my involve- was very, very vulnerable. much to offer, we don't re-
ally try things. And I'm trying
ment in a story, where my But slowly, there is another
soul could entangle with way to look at things that is and I'm loving it. I'm in a re-
this story. You want residue, much more powerful and ally fortunate state.q