P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 2 augusT 2018

            Betty White's 80-year career celebrated in PBS special

            By BETH HARRIS               ing his career by featuring
            Associated Press             him  on  her  own  daily  talk
            BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) —  show in the mid-1950s. The
            Betty  White  sees  no  point  show received letters com-
            in slowing down at age 96,  plaining  about  Duncan's
            as long as her phone keeps  presence  as  a  black  per-
            ringing with offers to work.  former.
            The  actress  known  for  White  also  served  as  pro-
            her  roles  in  "The  Mary  Ty-  ducer  and  her  response
            ler  Moore  Show"  and  "The  to  the  protests  was  to  use
            Golden  Girls"  is  marking  Duncan every chance she
            her 80th year in show busi-  could. He later went on to
            ness with a PBS special that  "The Lawrence Welk Show,"
            looks at her life and career.  becoming  the  first  black
            Moore,    Georgia    Engel  regular  on  a  TV  variety
            and  Gavin  MacLeod  are  show.
            among  those  sharing  in-   "She  was  probably  one
            sights  in  "Betty  White:  First  of  the  nicest,  grandest,
            Lady  of  Television,"  which  greatest  people  I've  had
            debuts Aug. 21.              the chance to meet in my
            The  special  shows  White  life," said Duncan, now 84.
            at  work,  at  home  and  in-  "Whenever she walked into
            teracting  with  friends.  She  a room, it lit up."       Dancer Arthur Duncan and actress Georgia Engel take part in a panel discussion on the PBS
                                                                      special "Betty White: First Lady of Television" during the 2018 Television Critics Association
            is  the  lone  living  star  from  The bald MacLeod, who is   Summer Press Tour in Beverly Hills.
            "The Golden Girls."          87,  recalled  the  interplay                                                                      Associated Press
            White didn't join Engel and  between     his   character
            MacLeod  at  a  TV  critics  Murray and White's portray-
            meeting on Tuesday.          al of man-hungry Sue Ann
            "Betty wanted to be here in  Nivens on Moore's show.
            the  worst  way,"  said  Steve  "If  I  had  hair,  I  don't  think
            Boettcher,  the  special's  it would have worked," he
            co-director  and  producer.  said,  laughing  about  the
            "She  sends  her  best  and  comedic  opportunities  his
            she's doing great."          physical  appearance  af-
            Tap dancer Arthur Duncan  forded White.q
            credits  White  with  launch-
             Snider doesn't need

             yesterday because

             today is his

             By WAYNE PARRY
             Associated Press
             Dee Snider "For the Love of
             Metal" (Napalm)
             Dee Snider, the Long Island
             mouth  that  roared  on  all-
             time rock classics including
             "We're Not Gonna Take It"
             and  "I  Wanna  Rock,"  al-
             ready did the solo thing in
             the early '90s while Twisted   This  cover  image  released
             Sister was on hiatus.       by  Napalm  Records  shows
             But  apparently  there  was   "For  the  Love  of  Metal,"  the
             something  deeper,  dark-   latest release by Dee Snider.
             er  and  heavier  brewing              Associated Press
             within Snider that even he   on  growls,  guttural  snarls
             might not have known was    and  bowel-rattling  bass
             there. (And this from a man   and  guitar  riffs.It's  difficult
             who wrote a horror movie    to imagine that a guy old
             about a killer who sews vic-  enough  to  collect  Social
             tims' mouths shut.)         Security can melt your face
             That  darkness  shines  on   deep into his fifth decade
             "For  the  Love  of  Metal,"  a   in the heavy metal biz. But
             project  that  came  about   he  does.  And  Snider  gar-
             when  Hatebreed's  Jamey    nishes these tracks with just
             Jasta  dared  Snider  to    enough attitude to appeal
             make a modern metal al-     to his '80s
             bum.  The  result  is  heavy
                                         fans.  q
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