P. 24

                   Thursday 2 augusT 2018
            A robotic hand can juggle a cube _ with lots of training

            By RYAN NAKASHIMA                                                                      every simulated movement  ables so the software learns
            AP Technology Writer                                                                   that brought the cube clos-  to  operate  in  a  way  that
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                er to the goal gave Dactyl  is  adaptable.  That  helped
            How  long  does  it  take  a                                                           a  small  reward.  Dropping  narrow  the  gap  between
            robotic  hand  to  learn  to                                                           the cube caused it to feel  real-world  results  and  sim-
            juggle a cube?                                                                         a penalty 20 times as big.   ulated  ones,  which  were
            About  100  years,  give  or                                                           The  process  is  called  rein-  much better.
            take.                                                                                  forcement  learning.  The  The  variations  helped  the
            That's  how  much  virtual                                                             robot software repeats the  hand  succeed  putting  the
            computing  time  it  took  re-                                                         attempts millions of times in  right  letter  face  up  more
            searchers  at  OpenAI,  the                                                            a  simulated  environment,  than a dozen times in a row
            non-profit  artificial  intelli-                                                       trying over and over to get  before dropping the cube.
            gence lab funded by Elon                                                               the  highest  reward.  Ope-  In simulation, the hand typi-
            Musk  and  others,  to  train                                                          nAI used roughly the same  cally  succeeded  50  times
            its  disembodied  hand.  The                                                           algorithm  it  used  to  beat  in a row before the test was
            team  paid  Google  $3,500                                                             human  players  in  a  video  stopped.
            to run its software on thou-                                                           game, "Dota 2."              OpenAI's  goal  is  to  devel-
            sands  of  computers  simul-  This undated photo provided by OpenAI shows a robotic    In  real  life,  a  team  of  re-  op  artificial  general  intel-
                                         hand holding a cube at the company's research lab in San
            taneously,  crunching  the   Francisco.                                                searchers  worked  about  a  ligence,  or  machines  that
            actual  time  to  48  hours.                                          Associated Press  year to get the mechanical  think  and  learn  like  hu-
            After  training  the  robot  in                                                        hand to this point.          mans, in a way that is safe
            a  virtual  environment,  the  Ken Goldberg, a University  its  hand  is  simpler  and  the  Why?                   for  people  and  widely  dis-
            team put it to a test in the  of  California,  Berkeley  ro-  objects  it  manipulates  are  For one, the hand in a simu-  tributed.
            real world.                  botics  professor  who  isn't  more complex.              lated  environment  doesn't  Musk  has  warned  that  if
            The  hand,  called  Dac-     affiliated  with  the  project,  "The key is the idea that you  understand   friction.   So  AI  systems  are  developed
            tyl,  learned  to  move  itself,  said   OpenAI's   achieve-  can  make  so  much  prog-  even though its real fingers  only  by  for-profit  compa-
            the  team  of  two  dozen  ment is a big deal because  ress  in  simulation,"  he  said.  are  rubbery,  Dactyl  lacks  nies  or  powerful  govern-
            researchers  disclosed  this  it demonstrates how robots  "This is a plausible path for-  human    understanding  ments, they could one day
            week. Its job is simply to ad-  trained in a virtual environ-  ward, when doing physical  about the best grips.     exceed human smarts and
            just the cube so that one of  ment  can  operate  in  the  experiments is very hard."  Researchers  injected  their  be  more  dangerous  than
            its letters — "O," ''P," ''E," ''N,"  real  world.  His  lab  is  trying  Dactyl's  real-world  fingers  simulated   environment  nuclear  war  with  North
            ''A" or "I'' — faces upward to  something similar with a ro-  are tracked by infrared dots  with  changes  to  gravity,  Korea.q
            match a random selection.    bot called Dex-Net, though  and  cameras.  In  training,  hand angle and other vari-

                                                                      Human rights group: Employee

                                                                      targeted with Israeli spyware

                                                                      in a series of digital break-  es, led to the termination of  Any  possible  use  of  Israeli
                                                                      in  attempts,  including  a  contracts.                   technology  to  police  dis-
                                                                      campaign  to  compromise  Amnesty's  findings  were  sent in the Arab world could
                                                                      proponents  of  a  soda  tax  corroborated  by  internet  raise  uncomfortable  ques-
                                                                      in Mexico and an effort to  watchdog      Citizen   Lab,  tions  both  for  Israel,  which
                                                                      hack into the phone of an  which  has  been  tracking  still sees itself as a bastion of
                                                                      Arab dissident that prompt-  NSO spyware for two years  democracy  in  the  region,
                                                                      ed  an  update  to  Apple's  and  is  based  at  the  Uni-  and  for  countries  with  no
                                                                      operating system.            versity  of  Toronto's  Munk  formal  diplomatic  ties  to
                                                                      Joshua  Franco,  Amnesty's  School of Global Affairs.     the Jewish state.
                                                                      head  of  technology  and  In  its  own  report  being  re-  For Amnesty's Franco, it was
                                                                      human rights, said the latest  leased Wednesday, Citizen  a  sign  of  an  out-of-control
            In this Aug. 25, 2016, file photo, the logo of the Israeli NSO   hacking  attempt  was  em-  Lab said it so far had count-  trade  in  high-tech  surveil-
            Group company is displayed on a building where they had
            offices until few months ago in Herzliya, Israel.         blematic  of  the  increased  ed some 175 targets of NSO  lance tools.
                                                     Associated Press  digital risk faced by activists  spyware worldwide, includ-  "This  is  a  huge  market
                                                                      worldwide.                   ing 150 people in Panama  that's  completely  opaque
            By RAPHAEL SATTER            nesty outlined how it thinks  "This  is  the  new  normal  for  identified as part of a mas-  and  under-regulated,"  he
             AP Cybersecurity Writer     a hacker tried to break into  human  rights  defenders,"  sive  domestic  espionage  said.q
            LONDON  (AP)  —  An  Am-     an unidentified staff mem-   Franco said.                 scandal swirling around the
            nesty International employ-  ber's  smartphone  in  early  NSO said in a written state-  country's former president.
            ee has been targeted with  June  by  baiting  the  em-    ment  that  its  product  was  The  Amnesty  International
            Israeli-made    surveillance  ployee  with  a  WhatsApp  "intended to be used exclu-   report said the organization
            software, the human rights  message about a protest in  sively  for  the  investigation  identified a second human
            group  said  Wednesday,  front of the Saudi Embassy  and  prevention  of  crime  rights activist, in Saudi Ara-
            adding to a growing num-     in Washington.               and terrorism" and that al-  bia, who was targeted in a
            ber  of  examples  of  Israeli  The  London-based  human  legations  of  wrongdoing  similar way to its staffer. Citi-
            technology  being  used  to  rights  organization  said  it  would  be  investigated.  In  zen Lab said it found traces
            spy  on  human  rights  work-  traced  the  malicious  link  response to a series of writ-  of similar hacking attempts
            ers  and  opposition  figures  in  the  message  to  a  net-  ten  questions,  the  compa-  tied to Qatar or Saudi, hint-
            in the Middle East and be-   work of sites tied to the NSO  ny  said  past  allegations  of  ing at the use of the Israeli
            yond.                        Group,  an  Israeli  surveil-  customer misuse had, in an  spyware  elsewhere  in  the
            In  a  20-page  report,  Am-  lance company implicated  undisclosed number of cas-     Gulf.
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