P. 23

                                                                                                       SPORTS Thursday 2 augusT 2018
            Long history at Firestone, 1 man who's seen it all

            By DOUG FERGUSON                                                                                                    don't know anybody here.
            AKRON,     Ohio   (AP)   —                                                                                          Would  you  like  to  have  a
            Deemed  to  be  too  young                                                                                          few  beers?'"  Lazoran  said.
            and too small for work, Paul                                                                                        "To  this  day,  he  still  knows
            Lazoran  turned  to  walk                                                                                           my name and he's a great
            away  when  the  Firestone                                                                                          friend."
            Country  Club  pro  told  him                                                                                       The  South  Course  was  ex-
            he  could  sit  in  a  corner  of                                                                                   panded  for  its  first  major,
            the  golf  shop  and  clean                                                                                         the  1960  PGA  Champion-
            clubs for $2 a day.                                                                                                 ship,  when  Robert  Trent
            That was 1951. Lazoran was                                                                                          Jones added some 50 bun-
            9. And he never left.                                                                                               kers,  two  ponds  and  500-
            He  was  there  in  1954  to                                                                                        plus  yards,  along  with  re-
            watch Tommy Bolt win the                                                                                            ducing par to 70 for cham-
            Rubber City Open, the first                                                                                         pionship golf.
            tournament  at  Firestone.                                                                                          But  it's  always  hosted  the
            He  was  the  caddie  for  Ar-                                                                                      world's  best,  even  before
            nold Palmer, his hero, in the                                                                                       it  became  a  World  Golf
            1964  World  Series  of  Golf,                                                                                      Championship where play-
            and for Gary Player the fol-                                                                                        ers  now  compete  for  $10
            lowing  year  when  Player                                                                                          million in prize money, with
            won  the  four-man  exhi-                                                                                           $1.7  million  going  to  the
            bition  and  paid  Lazoran   Paul Lazoran poses for a photo inside the golf locker room at the Firestone County Club in Akron,   winner. And to think Player
            $2,500, enough for a down    Ohio on Aug. 4, 2010.                                                                  earned $50,000 for his 1965
            payment on a house.                                                                                Associated Press  victory.
            He  drank  beers  into  the                                                                                         "Tiger  probably  has  taken
            night with Nick Price when  cause  the  clubhouse  area  his  14th  major  in  1975  at  "I've  been  there  for  67  $11 or $12 million from Fire-
            the  26-year-old  from  Zim-  was   not   out-of-bounds,  Firestone — the Rubber City  years,  and  the  area  has  stone," Lazoran said with a
            babwe  won  his  first  title  in  Woods  received  a  free  Open,  the  American  Golf  always supported golf," he  laugh.
            America.                     drop, made bogey to end  Classic, the CBS Golf Clas-      said.                        Sharp memory. Woods has
            Tiger Woods?                 the  second  round  and  sic and the World Series of  His  favorite  memory  was  earned $11,060,525 in his 16
            Lazoran  was  there  for  all  went on to win in a playoff.  Golf,  which  preceded  the  working for Player because  appearances  at  Firestone.
            eight of his victories at Fires-  Woods  returns  to  Firestone  World Golf Championship.  they  won,  and  for  Palmer  This will be the last one, and
            tone, and one stands out in  one last time. This is the final  It  has  plenty  of  history.  because he was the King.  it was a big deal for Woods
            particular.                  edition  of  the  Bridgestone  Lazoran has lived every bit  "He  was  my  idol,"  Lazoran  to  get  back.  He  tied  for
            "I  could  hear  the  ball  go-  Invitational  because  the  of it.                    said. "I was a nervous wreck  sixth at the British Open, al-
            ing over the roof," Lazoran,  World  Golf  Championship  He  went  from  cleaning  on the first tee. I could feel  lowing him to move to No.
            now  76,  said  Tuesday  as  will  have  a  new  sponsor  clubs to selling sandwiches  my hands shaking. I'm cad-   50 in the world.
            he  geared  up  for  his  89th  (FedEx)  on  a  different  golf  at  the  halfway  house  to  dying for the King. And he  Woods hasn't won this year,
            event  at  the  90-year-old  course  (TPC  Southwind)  in  working  as  a  caddie.  He  looked  over  at  me  and  though it shouldn't be a sur-
            club  in  northeast  Ohio.  "It  Memphis,  Tennessee,  next  was an assistant pro under  said,  'I'm  nervous  enough  prise if he does. He had the
            crossed over the roof down  year.                         Bobby Nichols and worked  for the two of us. Just relax.'"  lead for a short time in the
            to  where  we  keep  all  the  It will not be the end of golf  in the locker room for three  Firestone  often  served  as  final  round  at  Carnoustie.
            trash.  One  of  the  cooks  at Firestone.                decades.  He  retired  from  an  introduction  for  inter-  He missed a playoff by one
            there  thought  he  found  a  Filling  the  void  will  be  the  full-time  work  in  2010,  but  national stars to an Ameri-  shot at the Valspar Cham-
            golf ball."                  Senior  Players  Champion-   Lazoran  still  drops  in  for  a  can  audience,  whether  it  pionship in March.
            That was Josh Stuber, who  ship, which gives one of the  few hours each day during  was  Jose  Maria  Olazabal  His  last  victory  was  five
            was  delivering  a  batch  of  five majors on the PGA Tour  the  tournament  to  work  in  in 1990 when he won by 12  years ago this week at the
            crunchy  cream  pies  when  Champions a sense of sta-     the golf shop.               shots,  or  Price  winning  by  Bridgestone Invitational.
            he stumbled across the golf  bility, if not nostalgia.    He  feels  no  sense  of  de-  four shots over Nicklaus.  Lazoran  wouldn't  be  sur-
            ball.  Apparently  not  notic-  There is deep history at Fire-  spair that Firestone is losing  "Nick  Price,  when  he  won  prised to see him win again
            ing  "TIGER"  in  small,  block  stone, which has hosted the  the world's best players, re-  the tournament, he looked  this  week,  because  he's
            letters,  he  stuffed  it  in  his  PGA  Championship  three  placed by the world's best  over  at  me  and  said,  'I'm  seen  just  about  everything
            pocket  and  drove  off.  Be-  times — Jack Nicklaus won  players 50 and older.        from  Zimbabwe  and  I  else at Firestone.q

            Milan, Turin, Cortina to launch joint bid for 2026 Olympics

            MILAN  (AP)  —  Italy  will  Sala,  however,  has  criti-  tina would have the same  athlon, freestyle and Nordic  Italy was forced to suspend
            launch  a  three-city  bid  to  cized the decision and says  number  of  competitions,  skiing  would  be  staged  in  Rome's  bid  for  the  2024
            host the 2026 Winter Olym-   that  while  his  city  would  with the sliding sports (bob-  the Valtellina region, which  Summer Olympics because
            pics in Milan, Turin and Cor-  still be willing to host Olym-  sleigh,  skeleton  and  luge)  is between Milan and Cor-  of staunch opposition from
            tina.                        pic events, it will not be in-  and Alpine skiing, while the  tina.  Other  possible  candi-  the city's mayor.
            The  Italian  Olympic  Com-  volved  in  the  governance  Nordic  combined  and  ski  dates for the 2026 Olympics  It  was  the  second  time  in
            mittee   announced      the  of the bid.                  jumping  would  be  held  in  are:  Stockholm;  Erzurum,  four years a Rome bid was
            move on Wednesday, hav-      According to CONI's 'Olym-   nearby Val di Fiemme.        Turkey;  Calgary,  Canada;  withdrawn  or  suspended.
            ing decided a joint bid was  pic   Masterplan',   Milan  Speed  skating  and  men's  and Sapporo, Japan.            In  2012,  then-premier  Ma-
            more cost effective. It was  will  host  four  events:  curl-  ice  hockey  would  take  International   Olympic  rio  Monti  scrapped  the
            unanimously  voted  for  by  ing,  women's  ice  hockey,  place  in  Turin,  with  slalom  Committee  members  will  city's bid for the 2020 Olym-
            the CONI board.              short  track  speed  skating  Alpine  skiing  in  nearby  Se-  pick the host in Milan in Oc-  pics  because  of  financial
            Milan   Mayor    Giuseppe  and  figure  skating.  Cor-    striere.  Snowboarding,  bi-  tober 2019. Two years ago,  concerns.q
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