P. 21
SPORTS Thursday 2 augusT 2018
Nationals set team
scoring record, rout
Reyes, Mets 25-4
By The Associated Press — the SNY network played
WASHINGTON (AP) — In the theme from "Master-
the highest-scoring game piece Theatre" in the back-
in franchise history, Daniel ground.
Murphy hit two early home Steven Matz (5-9) got only
runs and the Washington two outs and allowed sev-
Nationals kept pouring it on en runs in the shortest start
against emergency reliever of his career.
Jose Reyes and the New PIRATES 5, CUBS 4
York Mets in a 25-4 rout PITTSBURGH (AP) — Greg-
Tuesday night. ory Polanco hit his team-
Trea Turner, who apolo- leading 19th home run,
gized before the game to Francisco Cervelli added
his teammates for homo- his 10th of the season and
phobic and racially insen- Pittsburgh finished off a
sitive tweets he sent sev- frantic trade deadline day
eral years ago, had four of with a victory.
Washington's 26 hits. Pitch- Hours after trading for Tex- New York Mets shortstop Jose Reyes pitches in relief during the eighth inning of the team's
er Tanner Roark (5-12) hit a as closer Keone Kela and baseball game against the Washington Nationals at Nationals Park, Tuesday, July 31, 2018, in
three-run double during a Tampa Bay starter Chris Ar- Washington. Associated Press
seven-run first inning. cher to give their postsea- attack that included three ered for the Giants, who DIAMONDBACKS 6, RANG-
The Nationals set the team son hopes a jolt, the Pirates home runs, won his major swept the two-game series ERS 0
scoring mark dating to their won for the 16th time in 20 league debut. and won their third straight PHOENIX (AP) — Zack God-
days as the Montreal Ex- games by getting to Jon Kurt Suzuki hit a three-run game. ley matched a career high
pos in 1969. It was the Mets' Lester (12-4) in the middle double in Atlanta's five-run Evan Longoria tripled lead- with 10 strikeouts, leading
most-lopsided loss in their innings and holding on late. fourth. ing off the 10th against Phil Arizona past Texas to move
57-season history, worse Polanco's solo homer in Ronald Acuna Jr. drove in Maton (0-2) and scored on back atop the NL West.
than a 26-7 pounding by the eighth gave Pittsburgh two runs with three hits, in- Crawford's single to right. Arizona (60-49) overtook
Philadelphia in 1985. a two-run cushion. The Pi- cluding a leadoff homer Tony Watson (4-4) pitched the Dodgers (59-49) for first
Reyes made the first pitch- rates needed it after closer in the first. Nick Markakis a perfect ninth for the win, place when Los Angeles
ing appearance of his ca- Felipe Vazquez gave up a added a two-run homer and Will Smith pitched the fell 1-0 to Milwaukee. That
reer, and the 35-year-old single to pinch-hitter David and Johan Camargo also 10th for his sixth save. came hours after the Dia-
infielder got tagged for Bote leading off the top of homered. ROCKIES 6, CARDINALS 3 mondbacks added reliev-
home runs by Matt Adams the ninth and Addison Rus- Allard (1-0), a 2015 first- ST. LOUIS (AP) — Charlie ers Brad Ziegler and Jake
and Mark Reynolds in a six- sell followed with a shot to round draft pick, allowed Blackmon and Carlos Gon- Diekman via trades just
run eighth. Throwing a fast- the gap in right-center that five runs, four earned, on zalez each went deep, ahead of the non-waiver
ball in the mid-80s mph and scored Bote. nine hits and two walks in Jon Gray pitched into the deadline.
a curve in the upper 40s, Russell sped to third on five-plus innings. eighth inning and Colora- Diekman was acquired
Reyes gave up five hits and the play and was initially Luke Jackson pitched three do beat St. Louis. from the Rangers and was
walked two. ruled safe, but the call was perfect innings with four Gray (9-7) struck out five driven from one clubhouse
Reyes also plunked Ryan overturned upon review. strikeouts. over 7 1/3 innings, helping to another by Arizona's bull-
Zimmerman with a soft Vazquez retired the next Dan Straily (4-5) allowed Colorado finish the month pen cart.
toss. After getting hit in the two batters to pick up his eight runs, five earned, on 17-6. Gray allowed three Godley (12-6) allowed two
leg, Zimmerman playfully 24th save in 28 opportuni- 11 hits in 3 2/3 innings. runs, two earned, with four hits. He struck out the lead-
faked a charge toward the ties. GIANTS 3, PADRES 2, 10 IN- hits and two walks. Wade off batter in each of his sev-
mound, drawing a laugh Jameson Taillon (8-8) al- NINGS Davis got his 31st save in 35 en innings.
from Reyes, who wore one lowed three runs on seven SAN DIEGO (AP) — Bran- opportunities with a 1-2-3 Nick Ahmed hit a two-run
of ace Jacob deGrom's hits in 6 2/3 innings of work, don Crawford singled in ninth inning. double as part of a three-
gloves on the mound. his lone mistake an off- the go-ahead run with two Chasen Shreve, making his run fourth inning to give
The game got so out of speed pitch to Javy Baez in outs in the 10th inning and first appearance for St. Lou- Godley more than enough
hand, Mets television an- the fourth that Baez turned San Francisco got seven is since coming over in a support.
nouncers Keith Hernandez, into a three-run homer that strong innings from rookie July 28 trade with the Yan- Rangers starter Bartolo Co-
Ron Darling and Gary Co- tied the game. right-hander Dereck Rodri- kees, gave up a double to lon (5-10) was knocked
hen took turns reading ver- BRAVES 11, MARLINS 6 guez to give San Diego its Gerardo Parra. around for five runs and
batim from the team's me- ATLANTA (AP) — Kolby Al- seventh straight loss. Jack Flaherty (4-6) pitched seven hits in five innings. q
dia guide in the late innings lard, supported by a 19-hit Andrew McCutchen hom- 5 1/3 innings.