P. 16

                   Thursday 2 augusT 2018

            Birds of Aruba

            Brown Pelican                                                      Burrowing Owl- Shoco
            A  very  large,  dark-bodied                                       The Burrowing Owl is a buffy-
            bird, unmistakable with its long                                   colored, long-legged owl with
            bill  and  gular  pouch.  Watch                                    large, yellow eyes. This diurnal
            for them sitting on pilings and                                    species  can  be  seen  sitting
            zooming  along  the  beach                                         in  open  areas  in  small  family
            in  front  of  your  resort.  You'll                               groups, apparently unphased
            probably  see  them  feeding,                                      by the hot afternoon sun. Bur-
            too,  plunging  into  the  sea                                     rowing  Owls  are  much  loved
            from  the  air,  then  rising  with                                by  the  native  islanders  and
            their  pouch  full  of  sea  water                                 appear  on  Aruba’s  currency
            and,  if  successful,  fish.  Non-                                 and postal stamps. Sadly, their
            breeding  plumage  shows  a                                        populations seem to have de-
            white  neck,  and  immatures                                       clined greatly.
            are all dark with a white belly.

                                                                                                                       Caribbean Parakeet- Prikichi
                                                  Troupial                                                             As recently as 10 year ago, visitors to
                                                  Certainly  one  of  most                                             Aruba could delight at seeing flocks
                                                  striking  of  Aruba's  native                                        of  native,  wild  parakeets  roaming
                                                  birds,  the  Troupial  is  a                                         the countryside, sometimes coming
                                                  large  oriole  with  sharply                                         near some of the resorts that main-
                                                  contrasting  bright  orange                                          tain native vegetation. Unfortunate-
                                                  and  black  pattern,  with                                           ly,  this  bird  has  experience  steep
                                                  bright blue around the eye                                           declines in recent years, apparently
                                                  and at the base of the bill.                                         due  to  introduced  boas.  Although
                                                  The  Troupial’s  loud,  piping                                       efforts  are  underway  to  eradicate
                                                  song  is  thrilling  to  hear.                                       the snake, such a task is proving dif-
                                                  Troupials  make  stops  at                                           ficult.
                                                  some of the resorts to look                                          To  try  and  locate  Brown-throated
                                                  for  food  but  they  often                                          Parakeets,  listen  to  their  loud,  rau-
                                                  typically  don’t  stay  for                                          cous  shrieks.  The  birds  may  appear
                                                  long. Take a trip to the hills                                       green  at  first  glimpse,  but  a  closer
                                                  of  Arikok  National  Park  to                                       view  will  reveal  the  beautiful  bluish
                                                  make sure you don't leave                                            colors in the wings, the yellow under
                                                  the  island  without  a  look                                        the tail, and the yellowish eye ring.
                                                  and  a  listen  to  this  special                                    Birds from Aruba are described as a
                                                  bird.                                                                distinct subspecies and are drabber
                                                                                                                       than  the  subspecies  from  Curaçao
            Blue-tailed Emerald- Blenchi                                                                               and  Bonaire,  which  have  brighter
            One  of  two  hummingbird                                                                                  yellow on the face and throat.
            species that occurs regularly
            on the island, and the most                                        Bananaquits- Barica Geel
            common  and  widespread                                            A lively little bird with blackish back and head,
            of  the  two.  You’ll  undoubt-                                    white  stripe  above  the  eye,  and  bright  yellow
            edly  see  a  few  individuals                                     belly. Bananaquits may remind visitors from the
            of  this  species  around  your                                    eastern U.S. of the familiar and beloved back-
            resort,  frequenting  bloom-                                       yard bird, the chickadee, which is why we fondly
            ing ornamental plantings. A                                        refer to the Bananaquit as the "chickadee of the
            good, close look will reveal a                                     Caribbean.” The locals call them chibichibi (in
            green that is brilliant, almost                                    Dutch, zuiker diefje), and when you hear them,
            metallic. Males are all green                                      you’ll know why. They are common throughout
            with  a  rather  short,  dark                                      the island including around hotels and if possible,
            blue tail that often appears                                       may arrive at your breakfast table to sip juice or sample the jelly or syrup. They
            black.  Females  and  imma-                                        can be drawn to the balcony of your room by setting out fresh fruit or juice in a
            tures have green backs and                                         shallow bowl or dish. The buzzy song, repeated all day, soon becomes familiar
            whitish underparts.                                                and delightful background “noise” on Aruba. q
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