P. 15
LOCAL Thursday 2 augusT 2018
Aruba’s loyal & friendly visitors.
PALM BEACH — Recently, Ms. Darline S. de
Cuba of Aruba Tourism Authority had the great
pleasure to honor Loyal and Friendly visitors of
Aruba as Ambassadors. The symbolic honor-
ary title is presented on behalf of the Minister
of Tourism, Transportation, as a token of ap-
preciation to the guests who visit Aruba be-
tween 10-20 and more consecutive years.
The honorees were:
Mr. Nat & Mrs. Karen Greenfield from Munde-
lein Illinois and Mr. Darryl M. & Mrs. Joan Inman
from Brooklyn New York and whom brought
with them their niece Jasmine Cierra banks
who graduated recently. For Jasmine it was
her first visit to Aruba.
Ms. Darline de Cuba representing the Aruba
Tourism Authority together with Ms. Jenny
Boekhoudt member of Marriott Surf Club be-
stowed the certificates to the Ambassadors
and handed over some presents to the honor-
ees and thanked them for choosing Aruba as
their vacation destination and as their home
away from home for so many years.
The honorees stated that the reason for con-
tinuously coming to Aruba was the warm in-
viting sun, the gracious treatment from every-
one, the Sea & the lovely weather. q