P. 12

                   Thursday 2 augusT 2018

            Argentine doctors protest legal abortion ahead of key vote

            By ALMUDENA CALATRAVA                                                                                               Austral  University  Hospital,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    which is linked to the con-
            BUENOS  AIRES,  Argentina                                                                                           servative  Catholic  Opus
            (AP) — A campaign to ex-                                                                                            Dei  movement.  "We  see
            pand legal abortions in the                                                                                         ever  more  doctors  joining"
            homeland  of  Pope  Francis                                                                                         the protests.
            is  bitterly  dividing  Argen-                                                                                      Argentina now allows abor-
            tines  —  and  increasingly                                                                                         tion only in cases of rape or
            even  the  profession  that                                                                                         risks  to  a  woman's  health.
            would  be  asked  to  carry                                                                                         But advocates say doctors
            them out.                                                                                                           and judges often continue
            Hundreds    of   physicians                                                                                         to block legal abortions. Il-
            have  staged  anti-abortion                                                                                         legal abortions can lead to
            protests  as  an  abortion                                                                                          four  years  in  prison  for  the
            rights  bill  moves  toward                                                                                         woman and doctor alike.
            a  vote  in  the  Senate  next                                                                                      The measure only narrowly
            week. Some have demon-                                                                                              passed in the Chamber of
            strated while carrying fetus-                                                                                       Deputies  on  June  14  after
            shaped  dolls  and  waving                                                                                          a  long  campaign  by  hun-
            signs saying: "I'm a doctor,                                                                                        dreds  of  feminist  and  hu-
            not  a  murderer."  At  one                                                                                         man  rights  groups.  Its  ad-
            recent  protest,  they  laid                                                                                        vance  appears  to  have
            white medical coats on the                                                                                          galvanized opponents, reli-
            ground  outside  the  presi-  In this July 15, 2018 photo, a medical doctor holds a small plastic doll shaped like a fetus while   gious and otherwise, to mo-
            dential palace.              chanting: "I'm a doctor, not a murderer," during protest against efforts to legalize abortion, in   bilize public protests ahead
            While  the  Doctors  for  Life   Buenos Aires, Argentina.                                          Associated Press  of a Senate vote tentative-
            activist group claims about                                                                                         ly  set  for  Aug.  8.  President
            1,000  members  —  only  a   which  has  already  passed  lation. The academy issued  birth  control  specialists  is-  Mauricio  Macri  has  said
            small fraction of the coun-  the  lower  house  of  Con-  a  statement  that  human  sued a strong statement in     he  will  sign  the  measure  if
            try's  physicians  —  its  pro-  gress.  They  said  it  would  life  begins  at  conception  favor of the proposed law.   it passes, despite opposing
            tests are feeding a debate   help reduce deaths among  and  "to  destroy  a  human  Officials  at  about  300  pri-  abortion.
            in the profession as a whole   the  estimated  400,000  to  embryo  means  impeding  vate hospitals and medical     Pope  Francis  this  year  de-
            about  the  move  to  legal-  500,000  women  who  now  the  birth  of  a  human  be-  facilities  have  denounced   nounced  abortion  as  the
            ize elective abortions in the   receive  clandestine  abor-  ing."                     it.                          "white  glove"  equivalent
            first 14 weeks of pregnancy.  tions each year.            "Nothing  good  can  come  "The defense of life is at the   of  the  Nazi-era  eugenics
            Leaders  of  the  prestigious   But  the  equally  august  when   society   chooses  very foundation of our insti-  program  and  urged  fami-
            Argentina  Medical  Soci-    Academy of Medicine ve-      death as a solution," it said.  tution,"  said  Ernesto  Beruti,   lies "to accept the children
            ety have endorsed the bill,   hemently  rejects  the  legis-  An  association  of  medical  chief  of  obstetrics  at  the   that God gives them."q

            Survivor says Mexico plane hit burst of hail before crash

            By CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN                                                                                              eliminated the possibility of
            Associated Press                                                                                                    using wing exits, so Herrera
            DURANGO, Mexico (AP) —                                                                                              said  he  moved  toward  a
            A U.S. passenger aboard a                                                                                           back exit and started help-
            flight that crashed on take-                                                                                        ing other people leave the
            off in northern Mexico said                                                                                         craft.  Many  walked  to  the
            Wednesday  that  a  strong                                                                                          end of the runway to wait
            burst of wind and hail hit the                                                                                      for emergency vehicles.
            Aeromexico jetliner, appar-                                                                                         Durango  state  Gov.  Jose
            ently  knocking  it  back  to                                                                                       Aispuro  said  all  99  passen-
            ground,  where  there  were                                                                                         gers  and  four  crewmem-
            only moments to evacuate                                                                                            bers made it off the plane,
            before it burned.                                                                                                   but  the  pilot  was  severely
            Alberto Herrera, a 35-year-                                                                                         injured.
            old  webpage  engineer                                                                                              About 49 people were hos-
            from  Chicago,  described                                                                                           pitalized with injuries. Some
            the    terrifying   moments                                                                                         people  had  burns  on  a
            when  the  plane  briefly                                                                                           quarter of their bodies, said
            became  airborne  before                                                                                            Durango  state  Health  Min-
            smacking  belly-down  onto                                                                                          istry  spokesman  Fernando
            a field beyond the edge of                                                                                          Ros.
            the runway.                                                                                                         Aispuro  said  all  were  ex-
            "You  start  gaining  speed                                                                                         pected to live.
            and  as  soon  as  you  start   In this photo, Red Cross workers and rescue workers carry an injured person on a stretcher,   An Illinois priest was on the
            taking off all of the sudden   as airline workers walk away from the site where an Aeromexico airliner crashed in Durango,   plane. The Roman Catholic
            the  plane  starts  struggling   Mexico, Tuesday, July 31, 2018.                                   Associated Press  Archdiocese  of  Chicago
            and it's getting hit with hail,"   baby.                  got  to  us,"  he  recounted  seriously,  seriously  moving   said the Rev. Esequiel San-
            said Herrera, who was visit-  "The  higher  up  we  went  from  his  hotel  room.  "Then  around and then hitting the   chez suffered some injuries,
            ing the city of Durango for   into  the  storm  the  heavier  all  of  a  sudden  the  plane  ground."              but was alert and resting.q
            the  baptism  of  his  cousin's   the hail got and more wind  starts  rocking  and  it  starts  The  fire  around  the  wings
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