P. 9
WORLD NEWS Thursday 2 augusT 2018
Thieves steal Swedish royal jewels, escape by speedboat
By JAN M. OLSEN orb dating to 1611 that "The two men hurriedly
BARRY HATTON were made for King Karl IX's jumped on board and it
COPENHAGEN, Denmark funeral, as well as a jewel- sped off," Rowell said, add-
(AP) — Thieves carrying out encrusted crown dating ing that they "appeared
a daring daytime robbery to 1625 that was used in non-Nordic." He didn't
smashed a security case Queen Kristina's funeral. elaborate.
at a cathedral in Sweden The items were on display However, police spokes-
and stole gold and jewel- at an exhibition, and visitors man Stefan Dangardt said
encrusted crowns from the were inside the cathedral "witnesses' testimonies var-
early 1600s before hopping when they were taken. ied quite a bit" and it was
on bicycles and escaping "The alarm went off when also possible the thieves es-
via a nearby lake, police the burglars smashed the caped on jet skis.
said. security glass and stole the The men used two stolen
The two men pulled off the artifacts," Catharina Frojd, black bicycles equipped
heist at Strangnas Cathe- a spokeswoman for the This image made available on Wednesday Aug. 1, 2018 by the with baskets and a child's
dral at noon Tuesday and 14th century cathedral, Swedish Police, shows a collection of Swedish Crown jewels. seat to race to the lake,
vanished aboard a speed- told The Associated Press. Associated Press Dangardt added.
boat or jet skis into the vast Strangnas Cathedral said On Wednesday, divers
patchwork of lakes around on its website that the sto- Police sent out a helicop- Tom Rowell, a visitor who were looking for clues in
the city, located 60 kilome- len pieces were kept "in ter and boat to hunt for was eating lunch outside and along the shores of
ters (37 miles) west of the accordance with the pre- the thieves but found noth- the Lutheran church, said Lake Malaren, Sweden's
Swedish capital of Stock- vailing safety regulations ing. Authorities said no one he saw two men running third-largest freshwater
holm, police said. in locked and alarmed dis- was hurt in the robbery but from the cathedral toward lake. Police said the thieves
The stolen artifacts includ- plays." It gave no further didn't provide further de- a small nearby jetty where could have fled further on
ed a gold crown and an details. tails. a motorboat was moored. jet skis.q
Fines for sex harassment on streets approved in France
By SYLVIE CORBET The revision followed re- fensive. Junior minister for
PARIS (AP) — French law- cent cases that provoked gender equality Marlene
makers gave final pas- public outrage. In both Schiappa said she is con-
sage Wednesday to a bill cases, French courts ruled vinced the measure will act
that expands the criminal men who had sex with as a "deterrent."
definition of child rape and 11-year-old girls could not A video of a man striking a
outlaws sex harassment on be prosecuted for rape be- woman after she respond-
the street, measures the cause authorities could not ed to obscene sounds he
government described prove there was coercion. made as she passed by
as a signal of deep social The bill also extends the him in Paris went viral in
change. statute of limitations for sex France this week. The Paris
The legislation approved crimes, allowing prosecu- prosecutor has opened an
in the lower house of the tion for 30 years instead of investigation, but the man
French parliament classifies 20 after a purported victim seen in the CCTV video has
relations between an adult turns 18 years old. not been arrested.
and a child under age 15 The new law also allows for The bill also steps up sanc- In this Oct. 29, 2017 file photo, a woman holds a banner that
as rape resulting from an fines of 90-750 euros ($105- tions for cyberstalking and reads: 'Rape Culture' during a demonstration in Lyon, central
"abuse of vulnerability," if $876) for gender-based outlaws taking pictures or France.
the victim lacked the abil- harassment on streets and videos under someone's Associated Press
ity to consent. It would be public transportation. It clothes without consent.
up to a judge to determine bans sexual or sexist com- The practice, known as euros ($ 17,533.) islation in the wake of the
whether or not a child was ments and behavior that "upskirting," will be punish- President Emmanuel Ma- #MeToo movement and
capable of giving sexual is degrading, humiliating, able by up to one year in cron's government pushed said they would take effect
consent. intimidating hostile or of- prison and a fine of 15,000 for the changes in the leg- in September.q