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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 augusT 2018

            U.S. bishops: Sex claims

            show U.S. cardinal's

            'moral failure'

            By GILLIAN FLACCUS           vative  Catholic  magazine
            The  president  of  the  U.S.  First Things urged Catholics
            Conference  of  Catholic  to  withhold  donations  to
            Bishops  said  Wednesday  the U.S. church until an in-
            that  sex  abuse  allegations  dependent   investigation
            against  former  Cardinal  determines which U.S. bish-
            Theodore McCarrick dating  ops  knew  about  McCar-
            back decades raise serious  rick's misdeeds — a "nucle-
            questions  about  how  the  ar option" aimed at making
            claims could stay secret for  church  members'  sense  of
            so long as the retired arch-  betrayal  heard.  In  Penn-
            bishop  from  Washington,  sylvania,  a  Roman  Catho-
            D.C.,  rose  in  prestige  and  lic  diocese  on  Wednes-
            power.                       day  identified  71  priests
            Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo  and other members of the
            said the allegations against  church who had been ac-
            his former colleague reveal  cused  of  child  sex  abuse
            a  "grievous  moral  failure"  and said it was holding ac-
            and  urged  anyone  who  countable the bishops who
            has  experienced  sexual  led the church for the past
            abuse at the hands of the  70  years,  announcing  that
            church  to  come  forward.  their names will be stripped
            DiNardo  reminded  bishops  from all church properties.
            in the United States to take  McCarrick,  the  Washing-
            those  reports  seriously  and  ton  archbishop  from  2000
            contact  the  police  when  to  2006,  was  previously
            required.                    one  of  the  highest,  most
            "Both  the  abuses  them-    visible  Catholic  Church  of-
            selves,  and  the  fact  that  ficials  in  the  United  States
            they  have  remained  un-    and  was  heavily  involved    In this March 4, 2015, file photo, Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick speaks during a memorial
            disclosed   for   decades,  in  the  church's  yearslong   service in South Bend, Ind.
            have  caused  great  harm  response  to  allegations  of                                                                        Associated Press
            to  people's  lives  and  rep-  priest  abuse.  Pope  Fran-
            resent  grave  moral  failures  cis  ordered  the  88-year-  him  for  the  next  20  years.
            of judgment on the part of  old  removed  from  public  McCarrick  has  denied  the
            church leaders," he said in  ministry on June 20 after a  initial  accusation  but  has
            a statement.                 church  panel  determined  not responded to the sec-
            "One  way  or  another,  we  that  allegations  he  sexu-  ond one. At the time of Mc-
            are determined to find the  ally  abused  a  teenager  Carrick's June removal, the
            truth  in  this  matter,"  said  in  New  York  more  than  40  New  Jersey  archdioceses
            DiNardo,  who  is  also  the  years  ago  were  "credible  of  Newark  and  Metuchen
            archbishop  of  Galveston-   and substantiated." The for-  revealed that they had re-
            Houston, in Texas.           mer altar boy alleged that  ceived  three  complaints
            The  statement  comes  as  McCarrick,  then  a  priest,  from  adults  alleging  mis-
            church  officials  deal  with  fondled him during prepa-  conduct  and  harassment
            abuse  issues  anew,  more  rations  for  Christmas  Mass  by  McCarrick  and  had
            than  a  decade  after  the  at St. Patrick's Cathedral in  settled  two  of  them.  Pope
            biggest mass clergy abuse  1971 and 1972. Since then,  Francis then accepted Mc-
            settlements  in  U.S.  history  another   man   identified  Carrick's resignation on July
            and  the  release  of  tens  of  only  as  James  has  come  28, effectively stripping him
            thousands  of  documents  forward,  saying  that  Mc-     of his cardinal's title, and or-
            that  were  long  sealed  in  Carrick first exposed himself  dered him to live a lifetime
            priest personnel files.      to him when he was 11 and  of  penance  and  prayer
            In  an  open  letter  Tuesday,  then engaged in a sexually  pending the outcome of a
            a contributor to the conser-  abusive  relationship  with  canonical trial.q
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