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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 2 augusT 2018

            Student charged in elaborate

            digital money theft scheme

            By CHRISTOPHER WEBER and  tity  theft  and  computer  and impersonated a victim
            ALANNA DURKIN RICHER         hacking,  court  documents  in  order  to  get  a  new  SIM
            LOS ANGELES (AP) — A Mas-    show.  He's  held  on  $1  mil-  card, which gave him con-
            sachusetts  college  student  lion bail.                  trol  of  the  victim's  phone.
            who  was  named  his  high  The  Santa  Clara  County,  He  obtained  access  to
            school's  valedictorian  for  California,  public  defend-  the  victim's  "financial  and
            his savvy tech skills hacked  er's  office,  which  is  rep-  personal  identifying  infor-
            into unsuspecting investors'  resenting  Ortiz,  declined  mation, tax returns, private
            personal cellphones, email  comment.                      passwords"  and  siphoned
            and social media accounts  A  number  listed  for  his  $10,000  from  a  cryptocur-   In this May 31, 2016 photo, Joel Ortiz, center, poses for a photo
                                                                                                   with Mayor Marty Walsh, left, and public schools Superintendent
            to steal at least $2 million in  home in Boston was discon-  rency  account,  according   Tommy  Chang,  right,  during  a  luncheon  for  public  schools
            digital currency like Bitcoin,  nected.                   to police report.            valedictorians in Boston.
            according  to  documents  The  elaborate  scheme  in-     In  several  instances  Ortiz
            provided    by   California  volved  taking  over  victims'  allegedly   impersonated  victim's wife and sending a  of the state.
            prosecutors Wednesday.       phones, allowing him to re-  victims over text messages  text  to  the  victim's  daugh-  Ortiz enrolled at the Univer-
            Joel  Ortiz  was  taken  into  set  passwords  and  access  and convinced friends and  ter  that  said  "TELL  YOUR  sity  of  Massachusetts  Bos-
            custody  July  12  at  Los  An-  online accounts containing  family  members  to  "loan"  DAD  TO  GIVE  US  BITCOIN,"  ton and studies information
            geles  International  Airport  electronic assets in the form  him  digital  funds,  court  the documents said.      technology,  said  school
            ahead of a flight to Boston,  of Bitcoin, Coinbase, Bittrex  documents said.           Court  documents  identify  spokesman         DeWayne
            according  to  prosecutors.  and  Binance,  the  criminal  At one point Ortiz allegedly  more  than  20  victims  who  Lehman.
            The 20-year-old faces more  complaint said.               stole $10,000 from a Califor-  live in California, and pros-  Boston   Public   Schools
            than  two  dozen  charges  In one case Ortiz allegedly  nia resident, and then tried  ecutors  say  they  know  of  spokesman  Daniel  O'Brien
            including grand theft, iden-  walked  into  an  AT&T  store  to  get  more,  calling  the  additional  victims  outside  declined to comment.q

            Dad recalls finding girl with fingers severed by escalator

            By LINDSAY WHITEHURST        keep  the  escalator  prop-  monetary damages.            dle and ring fingers severed
            SANDY,  Utah  (AP)  —  A  erly maintained. It says sev-   The  store,  Kroger-owned  midway  down.  Adalene  is
            4-year-old  Utah  girl  whose  eral  "comb  teeth"  of  the  Smith's   Marketplace,  too  young  to  say  exactly
            fingers  were  severed  in  escalator's steps were miss-  declined    to   comment  how  it  happened,  so  law-
            the  steps  of  a  grocery  ing, creating a hole where  Wednesday,       citing   the  yers  are  also  trying  to  ob-
            store  escalator  last  year  is  the  girl  could  stick  her  fin-  ongoing  litigation.  The  es-  tain  store  surveillance  vid-
            learning  to  color  pictures  gers inside.               calator's    manufacturer,  eo.
            again, but she could face  "I  don't  want  nobody  to  Schindler  Elevator  Corp.,  Employees  had  to  retrieve
            more surgeries as her small  feel what I felt, or kid to go  has denied wrongdoing.    the  fingers  from  escala-
            hands grow, her father said  through  what  my  daugh-    Moreno was on his way to  tor components under the
            Wednesday.                   ter  went  through,"  More-  his  construction  job  when  floor,  and  Moreno  rushed
            For  Ramon  Moreno,  it's  no  said.  The  lawsuit  filed  he  got  the  call  from  the  the  girl  to  an  ambulance.
            hard to forget the terrifying  against  the  supermarket  girl's mother, Silvia Zamora,  Surgeons tried to re-attach
            day  he  held  his  daughter  and  the  escalator  manu-  his former partner, on Sept.  the  fingers,  but  they  were
            Adalene  in  one  arm  and  facturer  claims  state  in-  20,  2017.  She  had  been  too  small  and  mangled,     Adalene Moreno waves during
            two of her fingers in a buck-  spectors  had  warned  the  buying when she heard the  Moreno said.                  an interview Wednesday, Aug.
            et in the other.             store  about  the  broken  girl scream.                   “She from went being hap-    1, 2018, in Sandy, Utah.
            "It's a sick feeling. Scary," he  pieces  two  years  before,  She  rushed  from  the  sec-  py, singing, dancing, all the      Associated Press
            said in an interview.        and  safety  switches  did  ond-floor  self-check  regis-  time every day, to just kind
            The family filed a lawsuit last  not stop the escalator from  ter to the nearby escalator  lying there with a blank look  who loves her Barbie dolls,
            week  claiming  Adalene  functioning  after  the  girl's  and  found  then-3-year-old  on her face,” Moreno said.   building  forts  out  of  blan-
            lost her fingers because the  fingers  got  caught.  The  Adalene  at  the  bottom,  Today,  Adalene  is  a  bub-   kets and playing with her six
            Salt Lake City store failed to  lawsuit  seeks  unspecified  covered in blood, her mid-  bly child with long dark hair  older brothers and sisters.q
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