P. 8

                   Thursday 2 augusT 2018
            Leaked chats show alleged Russian spy seeking hacking tools

            By RAPHAEL SATTER                                                                                                   boys that understand com-
            MATTHEW BODNER                                                                                                      puters  and  everything  the
            MOSCOW (AP) — Six years                                                                                             old spies at the GRU don't
            ago,  a  Russian-speaking                                                                                           understand,"  Felgenhauer
            cybersecurity   researcher                                                                                          said.    "You  find  a  good
            received  an  unsolicited                                                                                           hacker, you recruit him and
            email from Kate S. Milton.                                                                                          give him some training and
            Milton  claimed  to  work  for                                                                                      a  rank  —  a  lieutenant  or
            the  Moscow-based  anti-                                                                                            something — and then he
            virus  firm  Kaspersky.  In  an                                                                                     will do the same stuff."
            exchange  that  began  in                                                                                           ___
            halting  English  and  quickly                                                                                      The  leak  of  Milton's  con-
            switched to Russian, Milton                                                                                         versations  shows  how  the
            said she was impressed by                                                                                           glare of publicity is reveal-
            the  researcher's  work  on                                                                                         ing  elements  of  the  hack-
            exploits  —  the  digital  lock                                                                                     ers'  methods  —  and  per-
            picks  used  by  hackers  to                                                                                        haps even hints about their
            break  into  vulnerable  sys-                                                                                       private lives.
            tems — and wanted to be                                                                                             It's  possible,  for  example,
            copied in on any new ones                                                                                           that  Yermakov  and  many
            that  the  researcher  came                                                                                         of his colleagues commute
            across.                                                                                                             to work through the arched
            "You almost always have all   In this file photo taken on Saturday, July 14, 2018, a man walks past the building of the Russian   entrance  to  Komsomolsky
            the  top-end  exploits,"  Mil-  military intelligence service in Moscow, Russia.                                    20-22,  a  military  base  in
            ton said, after compliment-                                                                        Associated Press  the  heart  of  Moscow  that
            ing the researcher about a                                                                                          serves  as  home  to  the  al-
            post to her website, where  The  researcher  and  Milton  can provide information or  It  isn't  clear  whether  Yer-  leged  hackers'  Unit  26165.
            she  often  dissected  mali-  engaged  in  a  handful  of  have contacts with people  makov was working for the  Photos  shot  from  inside
            cious software.              conversations     between  who  have  new  exploits.  I  GRU when he first masquer-    show it's a well-kept facility,
            "So  that  our  contact  isn't  April 2011 and March 2012.  am willing to pay for them."  aded as Kate S. Milton. Mil-  with  a  czarist-era  facade,
            one-sided, I'd offer you my  But  even  their  sparse  ex-  In  particular,  Milton  said  ton's Twitter silence — start-  manicured  lawns,  flower
            help  analyzing  malicious  changes, along with a few  she wanted information on  ing in 2011 — and the ref-        beds and shady trees in a
            viruses,  and  as  I  get  new  digital  breadcrumbs  left  a recently disclosed vulner-  erence  to  a  "new  project"  central courtyard.
            samples  I'll  share,"  Milton  behind  by  Yermakov  and  ability  codenamed  CVE-    in 2012 might hint at a new  The  AP  and  others  have
            continued.  "What  do  you  his colleagues, offer insight  2012-0002 - a critical Micro-  job.  In  any  case,  Yerma-  tried  to  trace  the  men's
            think?"                      into  the  men  behind  the  soft  flaw  that  could  allow  kov  wasn't  working  for  the  digital  lives,  finding  refer-
            The  researcher  —  who  keyboards at Russia's Main  hackers  to  remotely  com-       anti-virus  firm  Kaspersky  —  ences  to  some  of  those
            works  as  a  security  engi-  Intelligence Directorate, or  promise  some  Windows  not then and not ever, the  indicted by the FBI in aca-
            neer and runs the malware-   GRU.                         computers.    Milton   had  company  said  in  a  state-  demic papers on comput-
            sharing  site  on  the  side  —  ___                      heard  that  someone  had  ment.                          ing  and  mathematics  ,  on
            always  had  a  pretty  good  It isn't unusual for messages  already  cobbled  together  "We don't know why he al-  Russian  cybersecurity  con-
            idea  that  Milton  wasn't  like Milton's to come in out  a working exploit.           legedly  presented  himself  ference  attendee  lists  or
            who she said she was. Last  of  the  blue,  especially  in  "I'd like to get it," she said.  as an employee," the state-  — in the case of Cpt. Niko-
            month,  she  got  confirma-  the  relatively  small  world  The  researcher  demurred.  ment said.                  lay  Kozachek,  nicknamed
            tion via an FBI indictment.  of  independent  malware  The  trade  in  exploits  —  for  Messages sent by the AP to  "kazak"  —  written  into  the
            The  indictment  ,  made  analysts.                       use  by  spies,  cops,  surveil-  Kate  S.  Milton's  Gmail  ac-  malicious  code  created
            public on July 13, lifted the  "There  was  nothing  par-  lance  companies  or  crimi-  count were not returned.   by  Fancy  Bear,  the  nick-
            lid  on  the  Russian  hacking  ticularly  unusual  in  her  ap-  nals — can be a seedy one.  The  exchanges  between  name  long  applied  to  the
            operation  that  targeted  proach,"  the  researcher  "I  usually  steer  clear  from  Milton (Yermakov) and the  hacking squad before their
            the  2016  U.S.  presidential  said. "I had very similar inter-  any  wannabe  buyers  and  researcher  could  be  read  identities were allegedly re-
            election.  It  identified  "Kate  actions  with  amateur  and  sellers," she told the AP.  in different ways.       vealed by the FBI.
            S.  Milton"  as  an  alias  for  professional   researchers  She politely declined - and  They  might  show  that  the  One  of  Kozachek's  other
            military  intelligence  officer  from different countries."  never  heard  from  Milton  GRU was trying to cultivate  nicknames also appears on
            Ivan  Yermakov,  one  of  12  The  pair  corresponded  for  again.                     people  in  the  information  a website that allowed us-
            Russian  spies  accused  of  a  while.  Milton  shared  a  ___                         security community with an  ers to mine tokens for new
            breaking  into  the  Demo-   piece of malicious code at  Milton's  Twitter  account  —  eye toward getting the lat-  weapons to use in the first-
            cratic National Committee  one point and sent over a  whose  profile  photo  fea-      est exploits as soon as possi-  person shooter videogame
            and  publishing  its  emails  hacking-related  YouTube  tures  "Lost"  star  Evangeline  ble, said Cosimo Mortola, a  "Counter  Strike:  Global  Of-
            in an attempt to influence  video at another, but con-    Lilly — is long dormant. The  threat  intelligence  analyst  fensive"  —  providing  a  fla-
            the 2016 election.           tact fizzled out after a few  last few messages carry ur-  at  the  cybersecurity  com-  vor  of  the  hackers'  extra-
            The  researcher,  who  gave  months.                      gent,  awkwardly  worded  pany FireEye.                   curricular interests.
            her  exchanges  with  Milton  Then,  the  following  year,  appeals  for  exploits  or  tips  It's  also  possible  that  Yer-  The  AP  has  also  uncov-
            to The Associated Press on  Milton got back in touch.     about vulnerabilities.       makov  might  have  initially  ered  several  social  media
            condition  of  anonymity,  "It's  been  all  work,  work,  "Help me find detailed de-  worked as an independent  profiles  tied  to  another  of
            said she wasn't pleased to  work,"  Milton  said  by  way  scription   CVE-2011-0978,"  hacker,  hustling  for  spy  Yermakov's  indicted  col-
            learn she had been corre-    of apology, before quickly  one  message  reads,  refer-  tools before being hired by  leagues  —  Lt.  Aleksey  Lu-
            sponding  with  an  alleged  getting  to  the  point.  She  ring to a bug in PHP, a cod-  Russian military intelligence  kashev, allegedly the man
            Russian spy. But she wasn't  needed new lock picks.       ing  language  often  used  —  a  theory  that  makes  behind       the   successful
            particularly surprised either.  "I know that you can help,"  for websites. "Need a work  sense  to  defense  and  for-  phishing  of  the  email  ac-
            "This  area  of  research  is  a  she  wrote.  "I'm  working  on  exploit," the message con-  eign  policy  analyst  Pavel  count  belonging  to  Hillary
            magnet for suspicious peo-   a  new  project  and  I  re-  tinues, ending with a smiley  Felgenhauer.               Clinton's  campaign  chair-
            ple," she said.              ally  need  contacts  that  face.                         "For cyber, you have to hire  man, John Podesta.q
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