P. 18

                   Thursday 2 augusT 2018
            3-time major champ Wawrinka out in 1st round at Washington

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  Wawrinka  got  broken  in
             AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                   the  first  game  Tuesday  by
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Stan                                                                                           dumping  a  forehand  into
            Wawrinka's  surgically  re-                                                                                         the net; that turned out to
            paired left knee is just fine.                                                                                      be the match's only break.
            What's missing now for the                                                                                          Wawrinka  then  was  two
            three-time major champion                                                                                           points from losing at 5-3 in
            as he goes through a rough                                                                                          the  second-set  tiebreaker.
            season is the self-belief that                                                                                      But  a  series  of  miscues  by
            comes with success.                                                                                                 Young, including a double-
            Wawrinka's latest quick exit                                                                                        fault at 5-4, sent them to a
            came Tuesday night at the                                                                                           third  set.  This  time,  Young
            Citi  Open,  a  6-4,  6-7  (5),                                                                                     held on, and he'll face 2014
            7-6  (3)  loss  against  234th-                                                                                     U.S. Open runner-up Kei Ni-
            ranked  qualifier  Donald                                                                                           shikori on Wednesday.
            Young of the U.S. in the first                                                                                      "Fought  a  lot  of  nerves
            round  of  the  hard-court                                                                                          there,  but  I'm  happy  the
            tournament.                                                                                                         end result was a 'W,'" Young
            "I was missing a lot. Not feel-  Stan Wawrinka, of Switzerland, returns to Donald Young, of the United States, during the first round   said.  "Closing  matches  is
            ing  the  way  I  wanted.  I'm   of the Citi Open tennis tournament Tuesday, July 31, 2018, in Washington.          kind  of  like  a  skill  you  get
            looking for confidence, for                                                                        Associated Press  from winning and I haven't
            sure,"  said  Wawrinka,  who                                                                                        done that — but I was able
            has been ranked No. 3 but  ing is so low that he need-    at  the  same  time,  really  have to accept (it)."       to do that."
            is  merely  198th  at  the  mo-  ed a wild-card entry just to  far. The positive right now is  He and Young, who came  No.  1  seed  and  defend-
            ment on account of a 6-11  get  into  qualifying  for  his  that  physically,  I'm  feeling  into  the  day  with  just  a  ing  champion  Alexander
            record  in  2018  after  two  next event, in Toronto.     good. Tennis-wise, I'm prac-  2-10 record this year, were  Zverev  took  the  first  set
            knee  operations  last  year.  The only other time Wawrin-  ticing well. I can put (in) a  supposed  to  play  Mon-  against  Malek  Jaziri  6-2  in
            "It's  tough  to  not  win  a  lot  ka  entered  the  U.S.  Open  lot  of  work  on  the  court,"  day  night.  But  because  of  the  main  stadium's  final
            of matches. Then you start  tuneup  in  Washington,  in  said  Wawrinka,  who  has  rain  delays  and  a  lengthy  match when play was sus-
            to  think  too  much  on  the  2010, he also lost his open-  won  the  U.S.  Open,  Aus-  match  before  theirs,  they  pended for the night after
            court."                      er.                          tralian  Open  and  French  only made it onto the court  1  a.m.  because  of  rain.
            This  was  Wawrinka's  first  Right  now,  his  issue  is  the  Open once apiece. "I know  to warm up at 1 a.m., and  They'll resume Wednesday.
            match since bowing out of  doubt can creep up at key  and I'm sure I will get where  then  a  downpour  arrived,  "This is always a place that
            Wimbledon  in  the  second  points in a match.            I want to be. It's just tough.  so  the  contest  was  post-  I've wanted to win and I've
            round in early July; his rank-  "I  feel  I'm  really  close  but,  It's a long process and you  poned.             always struggled here. q
             SERENA                                                                               when  the  ball  hit  the  low-  ace  for  ad  then  Williams
             Continued from Previous Page                                                         est part of the net.         got  it  back  to  deuce  be-
             She  had  never  won  only                                                           Williams  had  moments  of  fore Konta held for 5-1.
             one game — she won her                                                               brilliant shot-making to win  Williams,  a  23-time  Grand
             serve  for  the  initial  game                                                       long  rallies,  then  would  Slam  champion,  returned
             Tuesday then not another.                                                            put  a  drop  shot  into  the  to  the  Bay  Area  event  for
             She got two games at the                                                             net and sigh in disappoint-  what is the former Stanford
             2014  WTA  finals  in  Singa-                                                        ment.                        WTA  stop  that  moved  to
             pore,  falling  6-0,  6-2  to  Si-                                                   The good shots were to be  San  Jose  State  University
             mona Halep.                                                                          celebrated.                  for the first time.
             "I know I can play a zillion                                                         She  pumped  her  left  arm  Big sister Venus is also play-
             times  better  so  that  kind                                                        and yelled "yes!" after win-  ing here this week.
             of helps out, too. I have so                                                         ning  the  first  point  of  the  From here, Serena Williams
             many  things  on  my  mind                                                           second  game  in  the  sec-  goes  to  Montreal  next
             I  don't  have  time  to  be                                                         ond. Williams then outlast-  week  as  she  received  a
             shocked about a loss that                                                            ed  Konta  for  a  long  third  wild  card  into  the  Rogers
             clearly  wasn't  at  my  best   Serena Williams, of the United States, reacts after missing a shot   point  but  was  unable  to  Cup.
                                         from Johanna Konta, of Britain, during the Mubadala Silicon Val-
             right  now,"  Williams  said.   ley Classic tennis tournament in San Jose, Calif., Tuesday, July   hold serve.    Following  her  loss  in  the
             "When I was out there, was   31, 2018. Konta won 6-1, 6-0.                           "It's difficult, I guess. It's not  Wimbledon  final  to  An-
             fighting.  That's  the  only                                         Associated Press  I  guess,  for  sure,"  she  said  gelique  Kerber,  Williams
             thing  I  can  say,  I  wasn't                                                       of trying to find that consis-  said  she  had  proven  to
             just like giving it away and  first  WTA  title  two  years  The sixth-seeded Williams is  tency again.           herself  that  she  could  still
             I  was  moving  a  lot  better.  ago  at  Stanford,  got  on  a  three-time  champion  in  Williams,  wearing  a  long-  compete  to  win  Grand
             So I'm just trying to take the  a  roll  with  a  quick  first  set  the Bay Area. This marked  sleeved  red  dress  and  Slams.
             positives out of it."        and didn't take a chance  the  fifth  tournament  for  headband  and  cheered  Her  next  Grand  Slam  title
             While Williams was encour-   in letting Williams get back  the  36-year-old  Williams  by the pro-Williams crowd,  would  tie  her  with  Marga-
             aged  by  her  court  cover-  in  it.  Konta  closed  the  first  since  giving  birth  to  her  lost  her  second  service  ret Court for the most with
             age, she hardly looked like  game  of  the  second  with  daughter,  Alexis  Olympia,  game in the initial set and  24.  She  already  has  the
             herself  on  a  cool  summer  consecutive  aces  under  last  September.  It's  her  Konta then held for 3-1 as  most major trophies in the
             evening. She double-fault-   100 mph.                    first  tournament  since  her  Williams  made  unforced  professional era.
             ed and landed drop shots  "I  think  she  played  well  in  straight-set Wimbledon loss  errors  with  her  timing  not  Williams  was  treated  for
             in  the  net.  Williams  missed  the  second  set,"  Williams  to Angelique Kerber.  quite  consistently  there  frightening  blood  clots  af-
             returns  and  sprayed  her  said. "I wasn't sharp at all in  Williams shrugged in disbe-  on  the  serve  and  ground  ter having her baby. At the
             groundstrokes  long  and  the first set and I think she  lief when things went well,  game.                       All England Club, she wore
             wide.                        got  confident  and  clearly  and when they didn't. She  In the sixth game of the first  special  compression  leg-
             Konta,  who  captured  her  ran away with it."           gestured  with  her  hand  set,  Konta  hit  a  101  mph  gings as a precaution.q
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