P. 22
Thursday 2 augusT 2018
Ohio State's Meyer put on leave, investigation opened
By RALPH D. RUSSO "I can't say it didn't happen
AP College Football Writer because I wasn't there," he
Ohio State placed football replied. "I was never told
coach Urban Meyer on about anything and noth-
paid administrative leave ing ever came to light. I've
Wednesday while it inves- never had a conversation
tigates claims that his wife about it. I know nothing
knew about allegations of about it. First I heard about
domestic violence against that was last night. No, and
an assistant coach years I asked some people back
before he was fired last at the office to call and say
week. what happened and they
Courtney Smith gave an came back and said they
interview to Stadium and know nothing about it."
provided text messages The Smiths divorced in 2016.
to former ESPN reporter Meyer is one of the most
Brett McMurphy between successful coaches in col-
her and Shelley Meyer in lege football history, with
2015 and with the wives of three national champion-
other Buckeyes coaches. ships and an .851 winning
Courtney Smith also pro- percentage in 16 seasons
vided threatening texts at Bowling Green, Utah,
she said came from her ex- Florida and now Ohio State,
husband, former Ohio State the team he grew up root-
assistant Zach Smith. ing for in Northeast Ohio.
"Shelley said she was go- Meyer won national cham-
ing to have to tell Urban," pionships with Florida in
Courtney Smith told Stadi- 2006 and '08, but his teams
um. "I said: 'That's fine, you also had more than two
should tell Urban.'" dozen players get into
Zach Smith was fired last trouble with the law. He re-
week after an Ohio court signed twice at Florida, cit-
granted a domestic vio- ing health reasons. First in
lence protective order to 2009 season after the Ga-
Courtney Smith. In this April 14, 2018, file photo, Ohio Setate coach Urban Meyer watches the NCAA college tors lost the Southeastern
Hours after Courtney Smith's football team's spring game in Columbus, Ohio. Conference championship
interview was posted on- Associated Press game while trying to re-
line, Ohio State said it was peat as national champs.
conducting an investiga- nation again this season. he and athletic director he could drop off their son. He changed his mind soon
tion into the allegations and Ohio State's first preseason Gene Smith agreed that his Zach Smith pleaded not after and coached an-
Meyer was being placed practice is scheduled for being on leave was best for guilty last month. A hearing other season. The Gators
on leave. Offensive coordi- Friday. The season starts the investigation. has been scheduled for Fri- went 8-5 and this time he
nator Ryan Day will serve as Sept. 1 with a game against "This allows the team to day. stepped down for good.
acting head coach for the Oregon State in Columbus, conduct training camp Zach Smith was also ac- Meyer was out of coaching
Buckeyes, expected to be Ohio. with minimal distraction. I cused of aggravated bat- for a season, but was hired
one of the top teams in the Meyer said in a statement eagerly look forward to the tery on his then-pregnant by Ohio State in November
resolution of this matter." wife in 2009 while he was 2011 to replace coach Jim
TRADE TORNADO direction," assistant gen- Meyer said. a graduate assistant on Tressel, who was fired be-
Continued from Page 19 eral manager John Ricco Meyer is heading into his Meyer's staff at Florida. fore that season for lying to
"Brian's brand here in Min- said. seventh season at Ohio The charge was dropped the NCAA and university of
nesota, I don't know if Diekman definitely was on State, where he is 73-8 with because of insufficient about rules violation com-
you can get much better the go. a national title in 2014 and evidence. Urban Meyer mitted by some of his play-
than that," Twins manager The 31-year-old lefty struck two Big Ten Conference brought Smith, the grand- ers.
Paul Molitor said. "Every- out two while pitching for championships. Shelley son of late Buckeyes coach Since returning to coach-
thing that he's done for Texas on Monday night in Meyer is a registered nurse Earle Bruce, to Ohio State ing, Meyer's program has
the community and the a win at Arizona. The Dia- and is employed as an in- in 2012. Meyer worked for been one of the most dom-
way that he's played the mondbacks reacquired structor at Ohio State. Both Bruce and considers him a inant in college football
game, he's set a great ex- reliever Brad Ziegler from Meyer and his wife could mentor. and his players and coach-
ample for our young guys Miami early Tuesday, then be in violation of Title IX Two police reports filed in es have mostly stayed out
throughout, and you're boosted their bullpen by policy on reporting allega- 2015 in Ohio's Powell Coun- of major trouble.
going to miss a guy like getting Diekman from the tions of domestic violence ty, after the Smiths separat- Meyer did face some criti-
that." Rangers. against university employ- ed in June of that year, ac- cism in 2013 for allowing
The New York Mets had Wanting to make Diek- ees. cused Zach Smith of abuse. running back Carlos Hyde
discussions about their man's move easy, the Zach Smith was charged Charges were never filed. to return to the team af-
talent-rich young pitch- Diamondbacks offered in May with misdemeanor At Big Ten media days, ter he was charged with
ers, who include deGrom, the services of the bullpen criminal trespass. At the Meyer said he knew of the striking a woman in a bar.
Noah Syndergaard and cart used to ferry relievers time of the charge, Zach incident in 2009 and that The case was dropped by
Zack Wheeler. into the game. Smith's attorney said Court- he and Shelley Meyer ad- police when the woman
"We were not going to "They asked and I was like, ney Smith had accused dressed it with the Smiths. chose not to pursue charg-
move those players unless 'Yeah, I don't want to car- him of driving to her apart- He was also asked about es, but Hyde was suspend-
it involved considerable ry all of my stuff,'" Diekman ment after she told him they the 2015 incident alleged ed three games by Ohio
talent coming back in our said.q would meet elsewhere so by Courtney Smith. State.q