P. 31

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Thursday 2 augusT 2018

            My Life as a Spy under surveillance in communist Romania

            By ALISON MUTLER                                                                       friends and acquaintances  apologized.
            Associated Press                                                                       to report on her.            "The concept of spying is a
            BUCHAREST,  Romania  (AP)                                                              They  feared  she  would  cultural  concept,"  Verdery
            — Romanian secret police                                                               paint Romania in an unfa-    believes, saying she began
            agents  eavesdropped  on                                                               vorable light or could neg-  to realize why people could
            her,  persuaded  friends  to                                                           atively  impact  Romania's  have  thought  of  her  as  a
            snoop  on  her  and  filmed                                                            most favored nation status  spy: she kept duplicate sets
            her when she was in her un-                                                            with her reports.            of notes that she locked in
            derwear.                                                                               Officers gave Verdery a va-  a  suitcase  and  then  sent
            Some  70  informants  and                                                              riety of code names: "Vera,"  back to the United States in
            spies  kept  tabs  on  Kather-                                                         ''Vanesa" and "Folklorista."  a diplomatic pouch.
            ine  Verdery,  now  an  an-                                                            TRYING TO RECONCILE AND  Verdery  doesn't  name  her
            thropology professor at The                                                            UNDERSTAND                   informers,  but  pages  from
            Graduate  Center  of  the                                                              Furious   and   depressed,  her file that have appeared
            City University of New York,                                                           Verdery set about trying to  in Romanian media reveal
            when  she  visited  commu-                                                             understand and record on  two former ministers among
            nist Romania in the '70s and                                                           paper why she had been a  her informants.
            '80s as a postgraduate do-                                                             target,  unwittingly  inhabit-  THE GHOST OF THE SECURI-
            ing research on an anthro-                                                             ing  a  cloak-and-dagger  TATE
            pology thesis on Romanian                                                              world  of  betrayals  and  in-  Unlike  other  former  com-
            village life.                                                                          visible surveillance.        munist  countries,  Romania
            No other U.S. citizen was so                                                           "The  default  assumption  hasn't reconciled the shad-
            closely  scrutinized  by  the                                                          was  that  I  was  a  spy,"  she  owy  and  corrosive  effect
            Securitate  secret  police  of                                                         told  The  Associated  Press  the  Securitate  had  on  so-
            communist  leader  Nicolae                                                             by  telephone  from  Massa-  ciety  when  informers  kept
            Ceausescu.                   This undated photo provided by Juan Carlos Arévalo shows   chusetts.  "Finding  out  my  tabs on citizens and stifled
            After the collapse of com-   Katherine Verdery, an American anthropologist and professor.   friends were involved work-  dissent  with  informers  infil-
            munism  in  1989,  Verdery                                            Associated Press  ing  with  the  secret  police  trated  into  every  walk  of
            obtained  her  2,781-page                                                              ...  was  an  unwelcome  sur-  life.
            dossier  and  transformed    In  the  Cold  War,  Romania  Verdery  was  initially  "ap-  prise."                   Observers say the old Secu-
            the  material  into  a  344-  considered  U.S.  students  palled,  I  was  absolutely   In  her  mission  to  make  ritate network continues to
            page  book,  "My  Life  as  a   sent to Romania on grants  stunned.  ...  I  couldn't  be-  sense  of  what  had  hap-  function.  "The  Securitate  is
            Spy."                        to be Western agents, and  lieve  my  eyes,  the  level  of   pened to her and gain an  in business, active in politics
            The  book  was  recently     Verdery did nothing to dis-  surveillance  was  so  much   anthropological  perspec-   and in the press; it's as alive
            translated  into  Romanian,   pel  this  assumption  when  greater than anything I had   tive, Verdery embarked on  as  it  was  before,  and  we
            opening  old  wounds,  but   she inadvertently drove her  anticipated or imagined."    the  laborious  and  fraught  haven't  healed  yet,"  said
            also  challenging  Roma-     motorcycle  onto  a  military  Romanian       Securitate   task  of  returning  to  Roma-  Armand  Gosu,  a  political
            nians  to  confront  a  dark   base in the 1970s, although  agents  reported  on  her   nia  where  she  sought  out,  science teacher at the Uni-
            chapter in their history.    the officer in charge of spy-  movements,  sometimes  16   met,  discussed  and  even-  versity of Bucharest.
            AN AMERICAN SPY?             ing on her at that period fi-  hours  a  day.  Hotel  recep-  tually forgave former close  But  the  publication  of  "My
            A young and naive Ameri-     nally concluded she wasn't  tionists reported her where-  friends and colleagues.      Life as a Spy" in Romanian
            can academic by her own      involved  in  espionage  ac-  abouts,  others  broke  into   Some  flatly  denied  keep-  last  month  appears  to  be
            admission,  Verdery  didn't   tivities.                   her  suitcase  to  access  her   ing tabs on her. Others had  having  a  cathartic  affect,
            comprehend      what    her   Discovering  later  that  she  notes,  surreptitiously  filmed   died.  One  woman  turned  although  some  have  criti-
            questions  and  attempts  to   was  erroneously  consid-  and  bugged  the  places     the tables, chiding Verdery  cized her for not being "suf-
            fit  in  looked  like  in  Eastern   ered a U.S. spy, potentially  where she went and asked   for making her become an  ficiently judgmental." q
            Europe.                      with Hungarian sympathies,  — or twisted the arm — of     informer.  Only  one  person

            Art of illusion: Face paint transforms

            Serbian makeup pro

             By DARKO VOJINOVIC          al name Kika.                resembling  neck  tattoos.
             Associated Press            Milosevic  creates  her  vid-  An  outline  colored  in  with
             SMEDEREVO,  Serbia  (AP)  eos, which have gotten mil-    white  becomes  a  mask
             — It took Mirjana Milosevic  lions of views, in a studio in  that  reveals  hollowed-out
             less  than  an  hour  to  trans-  her home in the central Ser-  and sharp teeth.
             form  into  a  zombie.  The  bian  town  of  Smederevo.  A zombie is born.
             Serbian  makeup  artist  also  There, in front of a dressing  Her  signature  skin  illusions
             can turn into a skeleton or  table  and  surrounded  by  take longer, Milosevic says.
             a  genie  and  make  body  mirrors,  she  picks  the  tools  She puts in days of contem-
             parts disappear.            that  will  immerse  her  in  a  plation  and  planning,  fol-
             Milosevic, 36, has attracted  new role.                  lowed  by  hours  and  hours   In this Friday, July 27, 2018 photo, Serbian make-up artist
             fans  around  the  world  for  With   makeup   pencils,  of work, to put a hollow in   Mirjana Milosevic known professionally as 'Kika' paints her
             the illusions she creates on  brushes  and  face  paints,  her  stomach  or  to  appear   face at her studio in Smederevo, Serbia.
             and  with  her  own  body.  Milosevic  slowly  creates  without a head.                                                       Associated Press
             She records the whole pro-  an  image  that  completely  The  artist  says  she  always
             cess  and  posts  videos  on  changes her appearance.  liked to draw, but never on    drew  on  walls,  tables  and  draw before I could walk,"
             YouTube  and  social  net-  Flawless black lines appear  paper.                       her legs and arms.           Milosevic said.q
             works under the profession-  as  contours,  then  symbols  As  a  young  girl,  Milosevic   "My parents say I learned to
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