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                Thursday 8 december 2022
            US Jews fear collision with expected Israeli government

            Continued from Front         with  Barack  Obama  over  lines of much of the fighting
                                         peacemaking      and   the  with Palestinians in east Je-
            More centrist organizations,  Iranian  nuclear  issue  and  rusalem and the occupied
            such  as  the  Anti-Defama-  his  close  ties  with  Donald  West  Bank.  Ben-Gvir  has
            tion  League,  which  fights  Trump put him at odds with  labeled  Arab  lawmakers
            antisemitism   and    other  many in the American Jew-    “terrorists”  and  called  for
            forms  of  hatred,  and  the  ish community.              deporting  them.  He  wants
            Jewish Federations of North  Opinion  polls  show  that  to impose the death penal-
            America,    an    umbrella  roughly  three-quarters  of  ty  on  Palestinian  attackers
            group  that  supports  hun-  American  Jews  lean  to-    and grant soldiers immunity
            dreds  of  Jewish  communi-  ward  the  Democratic  Par-  from prosecution.
            ties, have also spoken out.  ty.  They  tend  to  be  more  Netanyahu    also    has
            Though  these  groups,  like  critical  of  the  Israeli  gov-  agreed to appoint the law-
            J  Street  and  the  Reform  ernment  and  more  sym-     maker Avi Maoz as a dep-
            movement,      support   a  pathetic  to  the  Palestin-  uty  minister  overseeing  a
            two-state  solution  with  the  ians  than  their  Republican  new authority in charge of   Israeli far-right lawmaker and the head of "Jewish Power" party,
            Palestinians,  their  recent  counterparts, with these di-  “Jewish  identity”  and  giv-  Itamar Ben-Gvir, gestures after first exit poll results for the Israeli
            statements  have  focused  visions  even  wider  among  ing him responsibilities over   Parliamentary election at his party's headquarters in Jerusalem,
            on Israel’s democratic ide-  younger Jews in their 20s.   Israel’s educational system.  Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022.
            als.  The  Anti-Defamation  These  trends  appear  set  Maoz  is  known  for  his  out-                                        Associated Press
            League said that including  to  go  into  hyper-drive  as  spoken  anti-LGBTQ  posi-   which have less rigid views  decide policy,” he said.
            the three far-right lawmak-  Netanyahu prepares to re-    tions  and  disparaging  re-  on Jewish identity.         Halie Soifer, chief executive
            ers  in  a  government  “runs  turn to power after a year  marks  about  the  Reform  Bezalel  Smotrich,  a  set-   of  the  Jewish  Democratic
            counter to Israel’s founding  and  a  half  as  opposition  movement and other non-    tler leader with a history of  Council  of  America,  said
            principles.” The Federations  leader, this time flanked by  Orthodox Jews.             anti-gay  and  anti-Palestin-  it  is  premature  to  judge  a
            called  for  “inclusive  and  some of the country’s most  He  wants  a  ban  on  Pride  ian  comments,  has  been  government that hasn’t yet
            pluralistic” policies.       extremist politicians.       parades,  has  compared  granted  widespread  au-         taken  office.  But  she  ac-
            For  decades,  American  After winning elections last  gays  to  pedophiles  and  thority over settlement con-      knowledged  the  concerns
            Jews  have  played  a  key  month, Netanyahu and his  wants to allow some forms  struction  and  Palestinian  about  issues  like  LGBTQ
            role in promoting close ties  allies  are  still  forming  their  of  conversion  therapy,  a  civilian life in the occupied  rights, Palestinian rights and
            between the U.S. and Isra-   coalition.  But  he  already  discredited  practice  that  West Bank.                  respect  for  democracy  –
            el. They have raised millions  has  reached  a  number  of  tries  to  change  the  sexual  Netanyahu has been gen-  particularly  with  memories
            of dollars for Israeli causes,  deals  that  are  setting  off  orientation or gender iden-  erous  toward  his  allies  be-  of the Trump administration
            spoken  out  in  Israel’s  de-  alarm bells overseas.     tity of LGBTQ children.      cause  they  support  major  still fresh.
            fense  and  strengthened  Itamar Ben-Gvir, a lawmak-      Maoz  hopes  to  change  legal  reforms  that  could  “Many  of  those  concerns
            strong  bipartisan  support  er  known  for  his  anti-Arab  Israel’s  “Law  of  Return,”  freeze or dismiss his corrup-  are based on our own ex-
            for Israel in Washington.    vitriol   and   provocative  which  allows  anyone  with  tion  trial.  Critics  say  such  perience  with  an  adminis-
            But  this  longstanding  rela-  stunts,  has  been  offered  a  single  Jewish  grandpar-  moves  will  imperil  Israel’s  tration that didn’t share our
            tionship  has  come  under  the  job  of  national  secu-  ent  to  immigrate  to  Israel,  democratic foundations.  values,” said Soifer.
            strain in recent years — es-  rity  minister,  a  powerful  and replace it with a much  Speaking  on  NBC’s  “Meet  Whether U.S. policy will be
            pecially  during  Netanya-   position that will put him in  stricter definition of who is a  the   Press,”   Netanyahu  affected is unclear. The Bi-
            hu’s 2009-2021 rule.         charge  of  Israel’s  national  Jew. He also opposes non-  tried  to  play  down  such  den administration has said
            Netanyahu’s       hard-line  police  force.  This  includes  Orthodox  conversions  to  concerns  as  he  vowed  to  it  will  wait  to  see  policies,
            policies  toward  the  Pal-  the   paramilitary   border  Judaism.  This  is  an  affront  safeguard democracy and  not  personalities,  of  the
            estinians,  his  public  spats  police,  a  unit  on  the  front  to  liberal  Jewish  groups,  LGBTQ  rights.  “I  ultimately  new government.q

                                                                      Report: Classified items found at Trump

                                                                      storage unit in Fla.

                                                                      ing anonymous sources, re-   That's  on  top  of  37  docu-  ments   remained   there,
                                                                      ported that the items were  ments  bearing  classifica-   even  though  Trump  rep-
                                                                      discovered  by  an  outside  tion  markings  that  Trump  resentatives  had  certified
                                                                      team brought in by Trump's  lawyers  retrieved  from  the  that  all  classified  docu-
                                                                      representatives  to  search  home  during  a  June  visit,  ments  requested  in  a  Jus-
                                                                      his other properties for any  as  well  as  15  boxes  con-  tice Department subpoena
                                                                      additional  classified  ma-  taining about 184 classified  had been located and re-
                                                                      terials.  The  nature  of  the  documents  recovered  in  turned.
                                                                      classified materials was not  January by the National Ar-  After a federal judge pres-
                                                                      immediately clear, but the  chives and Records Admin-     sured  the  Trump  team  to
                                                                      storage  unit  in  which  they  istration.                demonstrate  its  full  com-
             Former  President  Donald  Trump  announces  a  third  run  for   were found had been used  The possibility that the Jus-  pliance  with  the  subpoe-
             president as he speaks at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., Nov.   to hold items from an office  tice  Department  had  not  na,  the  newspaper  said,
             15, 2022.
                                                     Associated Press   in northern Virginia used by  yet recovered all classified  it  hired  an  outside  firm  to
                                                                      Trump  staffers  after  he  left  materials  has  existed  for  search properties including
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Law-       West  Palm  Beach,  Florida,  office, the newspaper said.  months.                     Trump's golf club in Bedmin-
            yers  for  former  President  and  have  provided  them  The  FBI  recovered  roughly  The  FBI's  August  search  ster, New Jersey, as well as
            Donald  Trump  found  at  to  the  FBI,  according  to  a  100 documents marked as  of  the  home  came  after  Trump Tower in New York.
            least  two  items  marked  as  published  report  Wednes-  classified  during  an  Aug.  investigators   developed  A   Justice   Department
            classified  during  a  recent  day.                       8  search  of  Trump's  Palm  evidence  indicating  that  spokesman  declined  to
            search of a storage unit in  The  Washington  Post,  cit-  Beach estate, Mar-a-Lago.  additional  sensitive  docu-  comment. q
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