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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Thursday 8 december 2022
            FBI: Polygamous leader had 20 wives, many of them minors

            By FELICIA FONSECA                                                                     child sex trafficking and po-  same tactic that has been
            Associated Press                                                                       lygamy, but none of his cur-  used in the past or whether
            FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. (AP) — The                                                            rent charges relate to those  there’s  more  to  the  story,
            leader  of  a  small  polyga-                                                          allegations. Polygamy is ille-  only time will tell,” he said.
            mous group near the Arizo-                                                             gal in Arizona but was de-   The office of Bateman’s at-
            na-Utah border had taken                                                               criminalized in Utah in 2020.  torney in the federal case,
            at  least  20  wives,  most  of                                                        Arizona   Department    of  Adam Zickerman, declined
            them minors, and punished                                                              Child  Services  spokesper-  to comment Tuesday.
            followers who did not treat                                                            son  Darren  DaRonco  and  Bateman lived in Colorado
            him  as  a  prophet,  newly                                                            FBI   spokesperson   Kevin  City among a patchwork of
            filed  federal  court  docu-                                                           Smith  declined  to  com-    devout members of the po-
            ments allege.                                                                          ment on the case Tuesday.  lygamous  FLDS,  ex-church
            Samuel Bateman was a for-                                                              Bistline’s  attorney  didn’t  members  and  those  who
            mer member of the Funda-                                                               respond  to  a  request  for  don’t  practice  the  beliefs.
            mentalist  Church  of  Jesus                                                           comment,  and  Barlow’s  Polygamy  is  a  legacy  of
            Christ  of  Latter-Day  Saints,                                                        attorney declined to com-    the  early  teachings  of  The
            or  FLDS,  until  he  left  to                                                         ment. Johnson didn’t have  Church  of  Jesus  Christ  of
            start his own small offshoot                                                           a publicly listed attorney.  Latter-day  Saints,  but  the
            group.  He  was  supported                                                             The FBI affidavit filed in the  mainstream  church  aban-
            financially  by  male  follow-                                                         women’s case largely cen-    doned the practice in 1890
            ers who also gave up their                                                             ters on Bateman, who pro-    and now strictly prohibits it.
            own wives and children to                                                              claimed  himself  a  prophet  Bateman often traveled to
            be  Bateman’s  wives,  ac-                                                             in  2019.  Bateman  says  he  Nebraska  where  some  of
            cording to an FBI affidavit.                                                           was  told  by  former  FLDS  his other followers lived and
            The  document  filed  Friday                                                           leader  Warren  Jeffs  to  in-  internationally  to  Canada
            provides  new  insight  into                                                           voke the “Spirit of God on  and  Mexico  for  confer-
            what  investigators  have  This undated photo provided by the Coconino County Sheriff’s   these people.” The affidavit  ences. When Bateman was
            found  in  a  case  that  first   Office  shows  Samuel  Bateman,  who  faces  state  child  abuse   details  explicit  sexual  acts  arrested earlier this year, he
            became  public  in  August,   charges, and federal charges of tampering with evidence.   that  Bateman  and  his  fol-  instructed  his  followers  to
            when  authorities  said  they                                        Associated Press   lowers  engaged  in  to  fulfill  obtain passports and to de-
            pulled over Bateman on a  evidence.  He pleaded not  in Spokane, Washington.           “Godly duties.”              lete messages sent through
            highway  and  discovered  guilty in September.            Bateman  was  arrested  in  Jeffs  is  serving  a  life  sen-  an  encrypted  system,  au-
            he was driving three young  Bistline  and  Barlow  are  August     when    someone  tence in a Texas prison for  thorities said.
            girls in an enclosed trailer.  scheduled  to  appear  in  spotted small fingers in the  child  sex  abuse  related  to  He demanded that his fol-
            The  latest  filing  accom-  federal magistrate court in  gap of a trailer he was haul-  underage marriages.        lowers   confess   publicly
            panied  charges  of  kid-    Flagstaff  on  Wednesday.  ing  through  Flagstaff.  He  Criminal  defense  attorney  for  any  indiscretions,  and
            napping  and  impeding  a  Johnson is awaiting extradi-   posted  bond  but  was  ar-  Michael  Piccarreta,  who  shared  those  confessions
            foreseeable    prosecution  tion from Washington state.   rested again and charged  represented Jeffs on Arizo-     widely,  according  to  the
            against three of Bateman’s  The women are accused of  with  obstructing  justice  in  na  charges  that  were  dis-  FBI affidavit.
            wives  Naomi Bistline, Don-  seizing  eight  of  Bateman’s  a federal investigation into  missed,  said  the  state  has  He  claimed  the  punish-
            nae  Barlow  and  Moretta  children from Arizona state  whether children were be-      a  history  of  trying  to  take  ments,  which  ranged  from
            Rose  Johnson.  Bateman  is  custody  and  fleeing  with  ing transported across state  a  stand  against  polygamy  a time out to public sham-
            already  facing  state  and  them.  The  children  were  lines for sexual activity.    by  charging  relatively  mi-  ing  and  sexual  activity,
            federal  charges  of  child  found  last  week  hundreds  Court  records  allege  that  nor offenses to build bigger  came from the Lord, the af-
            abuse and tampering with  of  miles  (kilometers)  away  Bateman,  46,  engaged  in  cases.  “Whether  this  is  the  fidavit states. q

            Border Patrol agent dies in ATV accident during Texas patrol

            MISSION,  Texas  (AP)  —  A  agent died at a hospital.    were  injured  after  a  Jeep
            U.S.  Customs  and  Border  “The  death  of  an  Agent  being  pursued  by  Border
            Patrol agent died Wednes-    who  died  while  securing  Patrol  agents  crashed  into
            day after an all-terrain ve-  our nation’s border is a tre-  the back of a tractor-trailer
            hicle  accident  while  pa-  mendous loss for our orga-   on  the  interstate  near  the
            trolling along the border in  nization and our nation, our  Texas  border  city  of  Enci-
            south  Texas,  according  to  prayers  are  with  his  family  nal.  In  January,  Texas  De-
            the agency.                  and  co-workers  during  this  partment  of  Public  Safety
            The  accident  happened  difficult time,” said U.S. Bor-  Special  Agent  Anthony
            about  1  a.m.  near  Mis-   der Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz in  Salas  died  after  being  in-
            sion,  Texas,  along  the  bor-  the statement.           volved  in  a  single  vehicle
            der  with  Mexico,  Customs  The agency did not release  traffic accident near Eagle
            and Border Patrol said in a  the  identity  of  the  agent  Pass while working with U.S.
            statement.  The  agent  was  and declined further com-    Border  Patrol  to  transport
            tracking a group of people  ment.                         six people who had illegally
            who  had  crossed  the  bor-  The  Texas-Mexico  border  immigrated  to  the  U.S.Last
            der illegally.               has  seen  multiple  deadly  year,  an  Austin  man  was
            Fellow  agents  found  the  accidents  in  recent  years  charged  in  the  deaths
            man     unresponsive,   be-  stemming  from  immigra-     of  eight  migrants  after  a
            gan  life-saving  efforts  and  tion-related pursuits.    deadly crash near the bor-   An ATV vehicle is removed from the scene where a border patrol
                                                                                                   agent was killed on Wednesday Dec. 7, 2022 in Mission, Texas.
            called  for  an  ambulance,  In June, four migrants died  der city of Del Rio following                                         Associated Press
            the  statement  said.  The  and  three  other  people  a police chase.q
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