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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 8 december 2022
            Suspected German coup plot spawns dozens of


            By FRANK JORDANS
            Associated Press
            BERLIN (AP) — German po-
            lice seized dozens of peo-
            ple  including  a  self-styled
            prince,  a  retired  para-
            trooper and a former judge
            on  Wednesday,  accusing
            the  suspects  of  discussing
            the  violent  overthrow  of
            the  government  but  leav-
            ing unclear how concrete
            the plans were.
            A  German  official  and  a
            lawmaker said that investi-
            gators may have detected
            real  plotting,  drunken  fan-
            tasizing,  or  both.  Regard-
            less,  Germany  takes  any
            right-wing  threat  seriously
            and  thousands  of  police
            officers  carried  out  pre-
            dawn raids across much of
            the country.                 Masked police officers lead Heinrich XIII Prince Reuss, center, to a police vehicle during a raid
            “We’re  talking  about  a    against so-called ‘Reich citizens’ in Frankfurt, Germany, Wednesday, Dec. 7, 2022.
            group    that,   according                                                                         Associated Press
            to  what  we  know  so  far,
            planned  to  violently  abol-  The  Reich  Citizens  scene  curity services due to its ties  in the Austrian town of Kitz-
            ish  our  democratic  state   has  been  under  observa-  with extremists.             buehel and another in Italy.
            of  law  and  an  armed  at-  tion by Germany’s domes-    AfD’s co-leaders, Tino Chru-  The   latter   suspect,   a
            tack,” on the German par-    tic   intelligence   agency  palla and Alice Weidel said  64-year-old German citizen
            liament  building,  govern-  since   2016.    Authorities  they  had  only  learned  of  who is a former officer in the
            ment  spokesman  Steffen     estimate  that  the  loose-  the  alleged  coup  plans  German army special forc-
            Hebestreit said.             knit  movement  has  about  through  the  media,  and  es, is accused of being part
            Sara  Nanni,  a  lawmak-     21,000 adherents.            condemned them.              of  a  criminal  organization
            er  with  the  Green  party,   Prosecutors  said  the  sus-  “We  have  full  confidence  that aimed to “subvert the
            part  of  the  German  gov-  pects also believe Germa-    in  the  authorities  involved  German democratic order
            ernment,  suggested  the     ny  is  ruled  by  a  so-called  and  demand  a  swift  and  by  any  means  -  including
            group may not have been      “deep state.”                comprehensive  investiga-    criminal  -  and  replace  it
            capable.                     One  of  the  alleged  ring-  tion,”  they  said  in  a  state-  with  another  unidentified
            “More  details  keep  com-   leaders  arrested  Wednes-   ment.                        form  of  state,”  police  said
            ing  to  light  that  raise   day  is  Heinrich  XIII  Prince  Chief  federal  prosecutor  in a statement, adding that
            doubts    about   whether    Reuss, a 71-year-old mem-    Peter Frank said some 3,000  extradition   proceedings
            these  people  were  even    ber  of  the  House  of  Reuss  officers  were  involved  in  were underway.
            clever enough to plan and    who  continues  to  use  the  the raids conducted at 150  “Of course, there are many
            carry  out  such  a  coup,”   title despite Germany abol-  sites in 11 of Germany’s 16  people  who  grandstand
            Nanni said in a post on the   ishing  any  formal  role  for  states.                  and tell confused tales sto-
            social  network  Mastodon.   royalty  more  than  a  cen-  Officers  detained  22  Ger-  ries after drinking alcohol,”
            “The fact is: no matter how   tury ago.                   man citizens on suspicion of  German  Justice  Minister
            crude  their  ideas  are  and   Federal  prosecutors  said  “membership  in  a  terrorist  Marco Buschmann said. “In
            how  hopeless  their  plans,   Reuss,  whom  the  group  organization,”  prosecutors  this  case,  however,  there
            even  the  attempt  is  dan-  planned  to  install  as  Ger-  said.  Three  other  people,  were such strong suspicions
            gerous!”                     many’s  new  leader,  had  including a Russian citizen,  that  the  group  wanted  to
            Federal  prosecutors  said   contacted  Russian  officials  were  held  on  suspicion  of  take  violent  action  that
            the  group  is  alleged  to   with  the  aim  of  imposing  supporting  the  organiza-  the  investigating  judge  at
            have  believed  in  a  “con-  a  new  order  in  the  coun-  tion,  they  said.  Another  27  the Federal Supreme Court
            glomerate  of  conspiracy    try once the German gov-     people were under investi-   ordered  the  investigative
            theories  consisting  of  nar-  ernment  was  overthrown.  gation.                     measures to be taken.”
            ratives  from  the  so-called   There  is  no  indication  that  One of those arrested was  Some of the group’s mem-
            Reich  Citizens  as  well  as   the  Russians  responded  a  soldier  serving  on  the  bers had made “concrete
            QAnon ideology.              positively.                  support staff for Germany’s  preparations” to storm Ger-
            “  Adherents  of  the  Reich   Police  also  detained  Birgit  special  forces  unit  KSK  in  many’s  federal  parliament
            Citizens  movement  reject   Malsack-Winkemann,       a  the  southwestern  town  of  with a small armed group,
            Germany’s  postwar  con-     judge and former lawmak-     Calw. The unit has received  according to prosecutors.
            stitution  and  have  called   er with the far-right Alterna-  scrutiny  over  what  officials  Wednesday’s raids showed
            for bringing down the gov-   tive for Germany party.      called  some  soldiers’  far-  that “we know how to de-
            ernment, while QAnon is a    Alternative  for  Germany,  right beliefs.                fend ourselves with full force
            global  conspiracy  theory   which is known by its acro-  Along  with  detentions  in  against the enemies of de-
            with  roots  in  the  United   nym  AfD,  has  increasingly  Germany, prosecutors said  mocracy,”  Interior  Minister
            States.                      come under scrutiny by se-   one  person  was  detained  Nancy Faeser said.q
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