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                    Thursday 6 July 2017

            At the Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino:

                   Team Recognition Ceremony Rewards Associate Excellence

            PALM  BEACH  -  At  the  re-  are  encouraged  to  rec-   front  of  the  house  depart-
            cent  Team  Members’  rec-   ommend  each  other  for  ments       Kimberley    Akins
            ognition thirty-five of the re-  the  Team  Member  of  the  (Front  Office);  from  House-
            sort’s best employees were  month recognition, and by  keeping Melania Wolff tied
            recognized  for  excellence  doing  so,  they  make  their  with  Idalisa  Joaquin  from
            in the month of May.         observations public.         the  Uniform  Room;  from
            Nominees  hailed  from  dif-  They  also  submit  a  small  the  Kitchen  &  Stewarding
            ferent  departments,  and  summary of the efforts they  Anselmo  Webb,  and  from
            the  winners  received  cer-  witnessed,  and  share  the  Food & Beverage Rosendo
                                                                      A number of supervisors ex-
                                                                      ceeded all expectations in   Team Members on hand at  Leyba,  declared  a  multi-
                                                                      May,  among  them  Grace     the  award  ceremony  en-    tasker  and  a  hands-on  su-
                                                                      Geerman  from  the  Rooms    joyed the extra-mile stories  pervisor, makes sure her F&B
                                                                      department,     Jacqueline                                supplies  never  run  down,
                                                                                                                                and  willingly  works  on  her
                                                                                                                                off day; Sheila Stamper is a
                                                                                                                                great example to her peers,
                                                                                                                                and can be relied on to de-
                                                                                                                                liver  accurate  work,  in  the
                                                                                                                                spirit  of  cooperation,  and
                                                                                                                                team  play;  Melania  Wolf,
                                                                                                                                a “one of a kind,” does her
                                                                                                                                work with passion and ded-
                                                                                                                                ication,  engaging  with  all
                                                                                                                                guests,  making  them  feel
            tificates  attesting  to  their  going-the-extra-mile  stories                                                      at home away from home,
            accomplishments,  paired  with their colleagues.                                                                    and  Margarita  Maduro,
            with  enthusiastic  rounds  of  Among  winners  for  the                                                            whose  professionalism  and
            applause from their peers.   Month  of  May,  from  Engi-                                                           kind  demeanor,  topped
            The  nomination  process  neering, Harkin Henry; from                                                               by a big smile, make her a
                                                                      Leyba  from  Food  &  Bever-  and anecdotes recounted,  standout among staffers.
                                                                      age,  Margarita  Maduro      as  certificates  were  hand-  Pictured  here,  the  award
                                                                      from HR and Administration   ed out to winners.           recognition ceremony, em-
                                                                      and Benito Croes from the    Some  of  the  stories  were  ceed by members of man-
                                                                      Kitchen.                     especially poignant. Jacky  agementq
                                                                      From  among  managers,
                                                                      four were honored with the
                                                                      coveted  Manager  of  the
                                                                      Month recognition, among
                                                                      them    Nunette   Maduro,
                                                                      Sales & Marketing, and Bibi
                                                                      Ohab, Housekeeping. They
                                                                      were  joined  by  Angelique
                                                                      Croes,  HR  and  Administra-
                                                                      tion  and  Lij  Heron,  Food
                                                                      &  Beverage,  to  received
                                                                      public  praise  for  their  en-
            at  the  Hilton  Aruba  Carib-  the back of the house de-  deavors.  They  were  each
            bean  Resort  &  Casino  is  partments  Sheila  Stamper  singled out and praised for
            quite unique as employees  (Reservations);  from  the  their specific contributions.
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