Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20220112
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                                                                                         world news Diaranson 12 Januari 2022

                          Ortega sworn in for 4th straight term as Nicaragua’s leader

            (AP)  —  Nicaragua  Presi-   his government with foreign
            dent  Daniel  Ortega  was  backing.                       “Ortega’s  corrupt  security
            sworn in for a fourth con-                                and  judicial  system  arrested
            secutive term Monday fol-    Earlier  Monday,  the  U.S.  these  individuals  for  prac-
            lowing  elections  consid-   Treasury Department slapped  ticing  independent  journal-
            ered  rigged  and  on  a  day  sanctions  on  more  Nicara-  ism,  working  for  civil  soci-
            marked by sanctions from  guan officials.                 ety  organizations,  seeking
            the  United  States  and                                  to compete in elections, and
            European  Union  against  The  Treasury  Department  publicly expressing an opin-
            members  of  his  govern-    announced it will freeze the  ion  contrary  to  government
            ment.                        U.S.  assets  of  the  defense  orthodoxy,  among  other  ac-
                                         minister and five other offi-  tivities considered normal in
            Alongside him was first lady  cials in the army, telecom and  a free society,” the State De-
            Rosario Murillo, sworn in for  mining sectors. As with doz-  partment wrote.
            her  second  term  as  his  vice  ens  of  Nicaraguan  officials
            president.                   already under sanctions, U.S.  “President  Ortega  will  in-
                                         citizens  will  be  prohibited  augurate  himself  for  a  new
            “We  are  going  to  continue  from  having  dealings  with  presidential  term  today,  but
            fighting to defend the people  them.                      the  pre-determined  election
            so they have health care, edu-                            he  staged  on  November  7  disapproval.                 ernments  in  the  dilemma
            cation and housing,” the for-  “Since   April   2018,   the  does not provide him with a                            of deciding whether to send
            mer  Sandinista  commander  Ortega-Murillo  regime  has  new  democratic  mandate,”  The Ortega regime has been  representatives  to  the  inau-
            said  in  the  capital’s  Revo-  cracked  down  on  political  according  to  the  statement.  hit by rounds of condemna-  guration ceremony.
            lution  Plaza  filled  with  the  opposition  and  public  dem-  “Only free and fair elections  tion  and  sanctions  since  the
            waving flags of his party.   onstrations,  leading  to  more  can do that.”            vote.                        The  Mexican  government,
                                         than 300 deaths, 2,000 inju-                                                           for example, flip-flopped re-
            Ortega, 76, and Murillo, 70,  ries,  and  the  imprisonment  Ortega  was  elected  to  a  Nicaragua’s  government  an-  peatedly  Sunday  and  Mon-
            oversaw the jailing of opposi-  of  hundreds  of  political  and  fourth  consecutive  term  in  nounced in November it will  day on whether it would send
            tion leaders, including seven  civil  society  actors,”  accord-  Nov.  7  elections  that  were  withdraw  from  the  Organi-  anybody.
            potential  challengers  for  the  ing  to  a  Treasury  Depart-  broadly  criticized  as  a  farce  zation of American States, af-
            presidency,  months  before  ment statement. “More than  after seven likely challengers  ter the regional body accused  On  Sunday,  Mexico  said  it
            the   November     election.  100,000  Nicaraguans  have  to  Ortega  were  arrested  and  Ortega’s  government  of  acts  would send a mid-level for-
            They  have  remained  defiant  since fled the country.”   jailed in the months prior to  of repression and rigging the  eign  relations  official,  then
            under foreign pressure.                                   the  vote.  His  inauguration  election.                  said  it  wouldn’t.  President
                                         The  State  Department  said  ceremony was expected to be                              Andrés  Manuel  López  Ob-
            On Monday evening, Ortega  Nicaragua “continues to hold  held later Monday.            The OAS General Assembly  rador  said  Monday  that  he
            called for the lifting of sanc-  170  political  prisoners,  with                      voted  to  condemn  the  elec-  wasn’t  sure,  then  corrected
            tions  against  Venezuela  and  many of those detained suf-  With all government institu-  tions,  saying  they  “were  not  and  said  he  would  send  the
            Cuba — both of whose lead-   fering from a lack of adequate  tions  firmly  within  Ortega’s  free, fair or transparent, and  charge d’affaires at the Mexi-
            ers attended the event — and  food  and  proper  medical  grasp and the opposition ex-  lack democratic legitimacy.”  can Embassy in Managua.
            said U.S. President “has more  care.”                     iled,  jailed  or  in  hiding,  the
            than  700  political  prisoners”                          75-year-old  leader  eroded  Twenty-five countries in the  The list of those expected to
            in  reference  to  those  jailed  The State Department is also  what  hope  remained  the  Americas  voted  in  favor  of  attend  included  representa-
            in relation to the storming of  imposing visa restrictions on  country could soon return to  the  resolution,  while  seven  tives from China, North Ko-
            the U.S. capitol a year ago.  116 individuals linked to the  a  democratic  path.  Instead,  —  including  Mexico  —  ab-  rea,  Iran,  Russia  and  Syria.
                                         Ortega  regime,  “including  he appeared poised to test the  stained. Only Nicaragua vot-  Venezuela  President  Nicolas
            Ortega  maintains  that  huge  mayors, prosecutors, univer-  international   community’s  ed against it.            Maduro and Cuba President
            street  protests  against  his  sity administrators, as well as  resolve and continue thumb-                        Miguel  Díaz-Canel  also  at-
            government  in  April  2018  police,  prison,  and  military  ing his nose at their targeted  Ortega’s  defiant  stance  has  tended.
            were an attempt to overthrow  officials.”                 sanctions  and  statements  of  placed  Latin  American  gov-

                          Germany faces ‘gigantic’ task meeting energy, climate goals

            (AP)  —  Germany’s  new  try.                             65%.                                                      of legislation this spring and
            climate    minister    said                                                            Renewable  sources  such  as  summer  that  include  revis-
            Tuesday  that  the  country  Robert Habeck, a member of  Pandemic-related effects that  solar  and  wind  power  cur-  ing  subsidies  for  renewable
            faces a “gigantic” task if it  the environmentalist Greens,  allowed Germany to achieve  rently provide about 43% of  energy, requiring solar panels
            wants to achieve its goals  told  reporters  in  Berlin  that  its interim goal of a 40% re-  Germany’s  electricity,  but  on new buildings and adjust-
            for  reducing  greenhouse  Germany is on track to halve  duction by 2020 fell away last  that  share  needs  to  almost  ing the rules on where wind
            gas emissions while ensur-   its  emissions  by  2030  com-  year,  resulting  in  a  renewed  double to 80% by 2030, Ha-  turbines can be erected.
            ing  sufficient  energy  for  pared to 1990 levels — far off  rise in emissions for 2021.  beck  said.  He  noted  that
            its  energy-hungry  indus-   the  government’s  target  of                             electricity consumption over  Habeck  said  he  expects  a
                                                                      One  reason  for  Germany’s  that period is projected to in-  “huge  political  debate”  over
                                                                      rising  emissions  is  the  deci-  crease significantly as people  the  measures,  but  insisted
                                                                      sion to switch off all nuclear  switch from combustion en-  that Germany can’t afford to
                                                                      power  plants  by  the  end  of  gine vehicles to electric cars,  frame it as a tradeoff between
                                                                      this  year,  increasing  reliance  and  heating  homes  with  oil  preserving  the  natural  land-
                                                                      on coal-fired power plants.  to  electricity-powered  heat  scape,  protecting  the  econ-
                                                                                                   pumps.                       omy  or  reducing  emissions.
                                                                      The  government  plans  to                                Last year’s deadly flash floods
                                                                      phase  out  coal  power  “ide-  “You can see the task is big,  in  western  Germany,  which
                                                                      ally”  by  2030  as  well,  filling  gigantic,” Habeck said.  killed  some  200  people  and
                                                                      the  gap  with  less  polluting                           devastated  entire  villages,
                                                                      natural  gas  until  enough  re-  The  new  center-left  gov-  had shown one could happen
                                                                      newable  energy  is  available  ernment  that  took  power  in  without the others, he said.
                                                                      to meet the demands of Eu-   Germany  last  month  plans
                                                                      rope’s biggest economy.      to put forward two packages
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