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                                                                                         world news Diamars 15 Februari 2022
                                  Trudeau to use emergency powers to quell protests

            (AP)  —  Prime  Minister                                                               mor, a machete, a large quan-  Act  would  allow  the  federal
            Justin Trudeau has decid-                                                              tity of ammunition and high-  government  to  declare  the
            ed  to  invoke  emergency                                                              capacity magazines.          Ottawa  protest  illegal  and
            powers  to  quell  the  pro-                                                                                        clear it out by such means as
            tests  by  demonstrators                                                               Alberta  Premier  Jason  Ken-  towing vehicles, Wark said. It
            who  have  paralyzed  Ot-                                                              ney  also  said  protesters  in  would  also  enable  the  gov-
            tawa  and  blocked  border                                                             a  tractor  and  a  heavy-duty  ernment to make greater use
            crossings in anger over the                                                            truck  tried  to  ram  a  police  of the Mounties, the federal
            country’s  COVID-19  re-                                                               vehicle at Coutts on Sunday  police agency.
            strictions, a senior govern-                                                           night and fled.
            ment official said Monday.                                                                                          An  earlier  version  of  the
                                                                                                   “This  is  extremely  concern-  Emergencies   Act,   called
            The  prime  minister  met                                                              ing,”  he  said.  “There  is,  at  the  War  Measures  Act,  was
            virtually  with  the  leaders                                                          least in that case, a small cell  used just once during peace-
            of  Canada’s  provinces  and                                                           of people who wanted to take  time,  by  Trudeau’s  late  fa-
            planned to address the nation                                                          this in a very dangerous and  ther,  Prime  Minister  Pierre
            late in the afternoon.       Members  of  the  self-styled  “This is the biggest, greatest,   dark direction.”      Trudeau, to deal with a mili-
                                         Freedom  Convoy  have  also  most severe test Trudeau has                              tant  Quebec  independence
            The senior government offi-  blockaded   various   U.S.-  faced,”  said  Wesley  Wark,  a   But  Kenney  said  he  told  movement in 1970.
            cial who confirmed Trudeau’s   Canadian  border  crossings,  University of Ottawa profes-  Trudeau  it  would  not  be  a
            decision   said   emergency   though the busiest and most  sor and national security ex-  good idea to enact emergency  Invoking  emergency  powers
            powers  would  be  invoked   important — the Ambassador  pert.                         measures in his province.  “I  would  be  “a  signal  to  both
            for all of Canada. The official   Bridge  connecting  Windsor,  In  other  developments,  the   am concerned that there is a  Canadians across the country
            was not authorized to discuss   Ontario,  to  Detroit  —  was  Royal  Canadian  Mounted   certain kind of person, if the  and  also  an  important  sig-
            the matter publicly and spoke   reopened  on  Sunday  after  Police  said  they  arrested  11   federal government proceeds  nal  to  allies  like  the  United
            on condition of anonymity.   police arrested the last of the  people at the blockaded bor-  with this, who will be further  States and around the world
                                         demonstrators and broke the  der crossing at Coutts, Alber-  inflamed,” he said.       who are wondering what the
            For  more  than  two  weeks,   nearly  week-long  siege  that  ta,  opposite  Montana,  after                       hell has Canada been up to,”
            hundreds  and  sometimes     had  disrupted  auto  produc-  learning  of  a  cache  of  guns   Over the past weeks, authori-  Wark said.
            thousands  of  protesters  in   tion in both countries.   and ammunition.              ties  have  hesitated  to  move
            trucks  and  other  vehicles                                                           against the protesters around  The  demonstrations  have
            have  clogged  the  streets  of   In  recent  days,  the  prime  Police  said  a  small  group   the  country.  Local  officials  inspired  similar  convoys  in
            Ottawa,  the  capital,  railing   minister rejected calls to use  within  the  protest  was  said   cited  a  lack  of  police  man-  France,  New  Zealand  and
            against  vaccine  mandates   the military but said “all op-  to have a “willingness to use   power and fears of violence,  the  Netherlands.  U.S.  au-
            for  truckers  and  other  CO-  tions are on the table” to end  force  against  the  police  if   while  provincial  and  federal  thorities have said that truck
            VID-19 precautions and con-  the  protests,  including  in-  any  attempts  were  made  to   authorities  disagreed  over  convoys may be in the works
            demning  Trudeau’s  Liberal   voking the Emergencies Act,  disrupt  the  blockade.”  Au-  who  had  responsibility  for  in th
            government.                  which gives the government  thorities seized 13 long guns,   quelling the unrest.
                                         broad powers.                handguns,  sets  of  body  ar-  Invoking  the  Emergencies

                        UN to finalize science report on how warming hits home hard

            (AP) — Scientists and gov-   in  their  day-to-day  lives...  ed the U.N. to declare “code
            ernments met Monday to  they want to know: so what?  red,  ”  outlined  the  physical
            finalize  a  major  U.N.  re-  What does it mean for their  science  of  climate  change
            port on how global warm-     lives,  their  aspirations,  their  while  a  third  report  coming
            ing disrupts people’s lives,  jobs, their families, the places  out  in  March  will  be  more
            their natural environment  where they live.”              about  what  can  be  done  to
            and the Earth itself. Don’t                               curb  and  adapt  to  global
            expect a flowery valentine  The report features seven re-  warming.
            to  the  planet:  instead  an  gional  chapters  “about  how
            activist group predicted “a  physical  changes  in  the  cli-  Without  getting  into  specif-
            nightmare  painted  in  the  mate  change  people’s  lives,”  ics, report co-chair Hans-Ot-
            dry language of science.”    she said. And she said it will  to  Poertner  said  the  science
                                         have  a  strong  emphasis  on  is  clear  that  there  are  limits   mate change.      Germany’s  science  minister,
            The  United  Nations’  Inter-  cities.                    —  including  temperature                                 Bettina Stark-Watzinger, said
            governmental  Panel  on  Cli-                             limits  —  to  what  key  eco-  Poertner  warned  of  “tipping  getting  governments  to  sign
            mate Change, a collection of  Even without seeing the final  systems, species and humans   points” and a risk of mass ex-  off on the summary is key to
            hundreds of the world’s top  report, activists call it a warn-  can withstand. And in some   tinction like the one that did  concerted political action.
            scientists,  issues  three  huge  ing sign for the planet.  places, warming is near those   away with Earth’s dinosaurs.
            reports on climate change ev-                             limits and in a few cases, such                           “We  need  to  take  everyone
            ery  five  to  seven  years.  The  Scientists  won’t  yet  say  spe-  as much of the world’s coral   Speaking  at  the  opening  of  with us,” she told The Asso-
            latest  update,  which  won’t  cifically  what’s  in the  report  reefs, have even passed them.  the  meeting,  which  is  being  ciated Press. “That’s why we
            be  finished  until  the  end  of  because  its  critical  summary                     held largely online with only  need to translate the findings
            February,  will  explain  how  is still subject to intense ne-  The  report  will  also  address   a small physical gathering in  and  discuss  them  interna-
            climate  change  already  af-  gotiation between the authors  ways  to  adapt  to  an  ever   Berlin, the head of the U.N.  tionally.”
            fects humans and the planet,  and  governments  over  next  warming  world,  including   weather  agency  said  that  it
            what to expect in the future,  two  weeks,  with  consensus  how some technological fixes   was  important  to  consider  Roberts, the panel’s co-chair,
            and the risks and benefits of  needed for the final version.  may have unwanted side ef-  the impact that talk of climate  made  clear  that  the  message
            adapting to a warmer world.  Drafts  that  have  circulated  fects.                    apocalypse  could  have  on  to policymakers is likely to be
                                         publicly  will  be  changed,                              people’s mental well-being.  stark.
            “We’re  concerned  that  the  sometimes  dramatically,  be-  Environmentalists argue that
            physical  climate  around  us  fore it is publicly released on  the  extreme  weather  already   These  reports  —  which  “You  need  not  just  incre-
            is  changing,”  said  panel  co-  Feb. 28.                seen in parts of the world in   earned  the  science  panel  a  mental change,” she said at a
            chair Debra Roberts, a South                              recent  years  shows  how  ur-  Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 —  United  Nations  Foundation
            African  environmental  sci-  Last  August,  the  first  of  the  gent it is for governments to   are  used  when  governments  briefing last week. “You need
            entist.  “But  for  most  people  three reports, which prompt-  address the rising cost of cli-  meet every year to negotiate  systemic change.”
                                                                                                   how to curb climate change.
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